A Good Day

A moment later, inside the apartment room.

Blake has the gut feeling that today is going to be a very good day, he was enjoying the sunshine that permeates through the broken window and makes the entire bedroom warmer with its embrace.

Currently, he was lying on his stomach on the bed with his top off.

Judging from his happy expression, and his occasional moans, he seems to be in pleasure.

Moreover, the bed seems to be humping up and down in a rhythmic manner, and the sheets are all messed up because of what he was doing. "Mmphh... yeah, right there..." Another moan escaped his mouth.

Sensing striking electricity coursing through his body, he couldn't help himself.

It keeps on going, rubbing the right nerves gently to cause him immense pleasure. Blake couldn't remember when is the last time he was pampered with such pleasurable sensations, he feels at the top of the world.

"Good, keep doing that. I like it..." He blabbered, drowning in glee.

Just as he was trying to enjoy the moment that wouldn't last, a painful sting struck him.

"Oww, oww! Do it properly, woman!" Blake looks back in vexation.

Kneeling on the bed beside him was Salana who is wearing a peeved expression, there was a lotion beside her, and her petite hands were smeared with it. Clearly, she was not having a good time, especially seeing that Blake is having a good time.

Ever since Blake gained the ticket, the power dynamic shifted over to him drastically.

Using his upper hand, he forced Salana to give him a massage.

It's been heaven for Blake today, but it was the complete opposite for Salana, she felt like in literal hell. She has been running left and right without complaining, doing any requests Blake has such as cleaning the entire apartment room or even spooning him his food.

Now he becomes even more daring, asking her to massage him.

Albeit it would've been fine if he asked a message earlier, she was now completely exhausted, her hands and her energy. In order for her to use her hand to interact with Blake's world, she needs immense energy to do that.

Doing the chores are quite draining, and her energy was completely emptied.

"How long are you going to keep this up, asshole!" Salana pinched his back roughly.

Blake didn't react when he got pinched on the back, he was used to the feeling thanks to his college days where girls likes to pinch him as he was fat in those days. However, on top of pinching him, Salana also twisted it in frustration.

Feeling the painful sting, he jumped as his body tensed in response.

Pointing at Salana angrily, Blake then exclaimed as that really hurts, like being bitten by a mouse, "If this is your way of pampering me, then I'm not going to use the stupid ticket. I'll let it rot inside the inventory"

"Ah~ I'm sorry. Don't be angry, I was just joking around" Salana apologized with a sweet tone.

Of course, she used her puppy eyes again, amplifying her gorgeous charm.

Seeing how she reacts, Blake was grinning from ear to ear instead of being influenced by her puppy eyes, trying to be dainty to melt his heart. Realizing that it didn't work, Salana clicked her tongue in displeasure, "Oh, come on! I did everything you asked already!"

"Everything my ass, it's not even half a day you freeloader!" Blake rebutted back.

It was barely half a day, and she was already complaining.

Just as he was about to snort and start a fight again, his phone screen lit up on the desk followed by a high-pitched ringing sound. Instantly, Blake stopped arguing and scurries over to his phone.

Checking the notifications, he blushes, the air of love is thick around him.

It was so thick and radiant, Salana was blinded by the pink lovey energy coming from him.

Salana didn't need to look at the notifications, he could already tell that it was Angel seeing that Blake acted lovey-dovey. Nobody could incite such a reaction from him except for the woman from the park, Angel.

Of course, Salana was irritated, she was biting her finger and glared at him from the back.

'Unacceptable! I'm the one that did everything for him yet he was acting like this to another woman?!' She thought, finding that this kind of situation is not acceptable to her, she needs to give Blake some payback.

Like a smooth slide, Angel's message instantly lighten Blake's mood once again.

"Forget about it. Since I'm in a good mood, I'll forgive you. I'll use the ticket when I logged back into the game" Blake said with his eyes still glued on his phone, waving his hand leisurely, gesturing that he has forgiven Salana.

It was a good thing, and his intention was pure, but his words did the complete opposite.

As opposed to being happy that Blake was going to finally use the ticket, Salana could only roll on the bed in absolute frustration, trying to bite the pillow yet couldn't, 'How is that bitch doing this?! I don't understand!' She felt more defeated by Angel seeing how benevolent she could make Blake act.

'She's capable of making him pity me through a text, a TEXT! Arrgghh-!'

Salana could only scream inside her head, yet she still couldn't alleviate this feeling.

For a moment there, Salana was about to smack Blake's head again but refrain from doing so. Knowing how petty Blake can be, she doesn't want to get him mad again or she would've had to start all over again.

She was dying inside but Blake wasn't paying any intention to her, he was busy.

It's true that she might calm down if she smacked Blake's head again, but she couldn't.

Blake was completely absorbed by the woman inside his phone. Oblivious to him, Salana was in a complete mental breakdown, trapped in a total dilemma of whether she should thank Angel or curse Angel right now.

Pondering for a moment while looking at his phone, Blake then started typing his reply.

Angel asked how's his progress was in getting to her location.

Even though she was not expecting that Blake would ask her to play together, she was anticipating their meeting. But she feared that her place was too far from him considering she was in the Asmel Elf Kingdom.

Like a gentleman, Blake assured her that it was not a problem for him.

Not satisfied with the text he constructs, Blake decided to add some more to make his text more fun to read, "Bicycle emoji, tree emoji, and thumbs up emoji. And now... sent!' he clicked the send button when he was satisfied with his text.

Instantly after that, he started humming, depicting his very good mood.

In a moment, Angel then replied again.

Upon seeing the text, Blake could feel his heart fluttering and his entire body melting like ice cream under the sun, 'Oh, my days... Is it the time for God to be kind to me? After being fired and the news about the Inevitable Apocalypse, it's all worth it for me to be texting such an angelic woman' he thought with a flowery sprout.

Finishing his business, he puts his phone away and gets up.

"Where are you going now? Aren't you going to play the game again?" Salana asked.

Blake didn't even bother looking at her and replied, "I'm going to get my exercise in at the very least, I don't want my real body to be sick or anything. If I'm sick, then playing the game wouldn't be possible for me"

After saying that, he opens his wardrobe and started changing into his exercise outfit.

Despite Salana behind him, he tries to take off his trousers.

But this didn't go well, he got hit by a pillow on the back of his head before he could do that.

Covering her eyes with a flustered expression, Salana quickly gets up and ran out of the room, "I'm still here, you idiot! Why are you opening your trousers? Wait for me to leave, have some decency!" she screamed before slamming the door shut.

"Huh...? I'm wearing boxers though" Blake mused before he thought nothing of it.

A moment later, Blake walks out of his apartment.

In an instant, he could feel the scorching sun in the clear sky directly above his head. It's very hot, and he was already profusely sweating from the heat alone, which clearly indicates how hot the day was.

Habitual, he went to the park to jog a couple of laps around it.

Unlike the night he met with Angel, there are more people in the park right now. However, most of them are older people taking their pets for a walk. Since it's office time, there aren't many young people around.

Realizing this, Blake could only sigh, he remembered now he was unemployed.

"Incase you forgot, don't stay too long under the sun. Since your body has started merging with the Lunaris game world already, you might suffer the side effects. Stop and take cover under shadows a couple of times, it may prolong your tolerance under the sun" Salana reminded from the side.

Now that he was not only a human, he needs to be careful.

Currently, he's in the real world. If he's inside the game and got caught as a Spectral Vampire, then he could move to other places. But if he was caught here, then things might be way more complicated.

Having special forces barging into his apartment room would be the last thing he wanted.

Blake nodded his head and started exercising to keep fit.

About forty minutes later, he takes a seat under a tree and leans on the trunk for a moment.

'Seems like I've gotten stronger, I'm not even out of breath from sprinting for forty minutes straight. Will my body be as strong as my avatar in-game? If so, then I would be freakishly strong in the real world' Blake wander, clenching his hands into fists a couple of times.

Resting for a moment, he decided to take out his phone strapped to his shoulder.

Deciding to watch a video while he rest under the protection of the tree, he suddenly remembered something that Heaven Hand said during their first fight, 'I'll check the Lunaris game forum, maybe I'll find something interesting there. Also, I wonder if there will be complaints in the forum about me'

Blake searched for the Lunaris game forum in his browser and finds it at the very top.

Opening the web forum, a webpage was opened revealing a generic forum.

Numerous discussions can be seen posted on the web forum, and there are different filters for these discussions. Players asking about all walks of the game can be found here, starting from great items, class instructors, the best dungeon, and everything in between.

In a couple of days, the Lunaris game has amassed a massive and active community.

The number of discussions already reached millions, and it keeps on increasing almost by the second. Blake's head feels dizzy when he looks at this, but he quickly navigates to the search bar and types in his own game tag.


Upon clicking enter, he was surprised that there are thousands of discussions appeared.

As expected, most of them are trying to garner any information about him or even hope that he would answer himself as to how he could gain an EX-grade race faster than the other millions of players.

Most of them are even begging, wanting to know the rough estimate of his encounter.

But as he scrolled through the discussions and sort them into new ones, he finds a thread that involves cursing him with a thousand different cursed words by an anonymous. Of course, he suspected that this is one of the players he hunted.

'It's either HeavenHand or that Nadia girl I bet' Blake chuckled, finding the thread funny.

Just as he was navigating through the web forum, he then clicks over to the 'Hot' thread to see the most recent news about the Lunaris game. Clicking the thread at the very top that has been viewed by over a hundred million people, he finds that it was an official announcement from the developer.

'Wait a minute, this news is from an actual news media!' Blake exclaimed inside his head.

Scanning through the content quickly, his eyes couldn't help but started to become wider and wider. It was something that he didn't expect, the announcement was like an explosion to his brain.

Blake scrolls down the thread before his eyes landed on a paragraph that makes him gasp.

"N-No way... is this real?"