I Kinda Don't Want To

Oblivious to what Salana was thinking, Blake tilted his head with a straight face.

HeavenHand walks up after recovering from the attack that feels like being hit by a truck, he can still feel his left arm throbbing from blocking that attack, even though he was using a shield to block it.

But as he got close, his feet suddenly nailed to the ground, and his blood runs cold.

It was at most half a minute that he was taken out of the fight and recovered from the attack he received, yet his eyes bear witness to the sight of WhiteKnight, absolutely annihilated at the moment he was out.

Now, his HP bar was completely bleak, it was clearly knocked to 0.

Slowly, WhiteKnight's body gleamed and shattered into bluish particles and fades away.

After his entire corpse fades away and disappears from sight, HeavenHand shifted his eyes towards Blake before he gasped in surprise. It was only now that he could feel the intimidating aura surrounding Blake.

Blake has a straight expression, yet his aura was akin to a sharp sword stabbing the skin.

Moreover, HeavenHand can see that Blake's game tag started to gleam subtly before it got completely dyed with the color yellow. Earlier, it was only a subtle hint of yellow, but now it has turned completely yellow.

Surely, killing four players has given him that decoration that added to his intimidating aura.

"It seems you're dream of boasting in the web forum would not be coming true, HeavenHand..." Blake said with a tint of mockery in his tone, he has come out on top in the end even against two strong players.

Upon hearing this, HeavenHand gritted his teeth and went into his battle stance.

Even when he fought Blake alongside WhiteKnight earlier, he still has some difficulty in taking him down. It's clear to him that he would have no chance in a one-on-one, yet he refused to go down begging.

Looking at this, Blake smiled as this is what makes beating others fun.

Despite his HP nearing the 50% mark, his Blood Reserve has been depleted, and his MP is about to run out already, Blake still has absolute confidence in himself. Shadow Step and his raw power alone would let him win this fight.

"Raargghh!!" HeavenHand roared as he charged forward, putting up a desperate fight.

But a fight is not won through will alone, and he eventually got killed.

A moment later, Blake made sure to fill his Blood Reserve to full using HeavenHand's blood before killing him. Of course, he also already made sure that there was nobody around him peeking while he was doing that.

Earlier in the fight, he can see the pumping blood of Issaiah and the others.

Clearly, the four of them are curious about his power.

Just when he was about to wrap up, the four left the place to not be spotted by him. But of course, since it's night already, the four of them couldn't flee Blake's senses that are even keener during the night.

With the party of players killed, he left the dungeon.

Salana also sneaked in the fact that this dungeon is a cleared dungeon, the Boss has already been killed so the portal gate to leave the place is always open. If it's an uncleared dungeon, then leaving would only be possible after killing the Boss.

Blake thanked Issaiah and the others with the promise that he would visit their guild.

Of course, Blake didn't mind visiting their guild as the four of them doesn't seem bad individuals, especially Issaiah. After that, he didn't go to an inn to rest but continued his hunt first.

Even though he won against the party of players, it's not over yet.

Now that he has completed half of the Persona Quest, he would need to hunt them for the second time before logging out. It's been a while already since he played the game, and he needs to log out first.

It's true that the game is important, but that doesn't mean he would neglect his real body.

Since he would be playing the game for a lot knowing the importance behind it, he decided that he would need to at the very least move his body through a walk or a jog to avoid having his muscles and joints stiffens.

'Moreover, I need to work... how can I play the game and work at the same time?'

Blake thought about this and instantly feel dejected.

Although he now understands that the game is a matter of life and death, having money is also a matter of life and death. Without money, he wouldn't be able to keep living and play the game, so he needs to think and solve that problem.

Due to the level decrease, the players that he hunted are easier to kill.

Just like what Salana said, the five of them are respawned near the place they are killed.

Out of the five players, three of them are respawned inside Carymount City. Nadia, DollBill04, and the monk guy are the ones that got respawned inside the city, and the three of them got slaughtered for the second time.

It's easy for Blake to take them out, nobody noticed he did that.

Moreover, WhiteKnight and HeavenHand were respawned outside of the city, and the two of them are separated quite far from each other, providing a perfect scenario for Blake to take them out one by one.

"How did you find me that fast?! This is bullshit! You're cheating!" HeavenHand complained.

Considering that Blake waited and instantly went straight over to kill the players again when they respawned with HeavenHand as the last one, it's understandable why HeavenHand was this upset.

At this point, Blake wouldn't be surprised if he smashed the VR Helmet in anger.

"Don't think I'm cheating or anything, and this is not personal either. I'm just doing my quest. As I said earlier, the five of you so happen to be the only players around, so that's that" Blake replied nonchalantly, he then points his hand at HeavenHand on the ground.

Upon seeing this, HeavenHand tries to stop him, "Wait, wait, wait, wait, have mercy man!"

"It's fucking hurt to die, and it's hard to increase my level to this high! I already lost one already. Also, you took a huge chunk of my money, if you kill me again, then I wouldn't have anything left" he added, trying to plead his way out.

But Blake doesn't have a change in expression as he heard this.

Shaking his head, he then replied, "Don't worry, this will be the last time I'm killing you"

"R-Really?" HeavenHand asked with his eyes lit up.

Just as he thought that at the very least, this will be the last time Blake would hunt him for no reason at all, his excitement didn't last long. "Probably..." Blake added with a teasing grin.

With that, he fired a Blood Lance skill and killed HeavenHand for the second time.

"Is that really necessary? Are you bullying the weak now? Why do you need to tease him like that before killing him?" Salana rolled her eyes to the side, finding that there was no point in teasing the weak like that.

Blake clicks his tongue when he heard this, "I'm telling the truth though?"

"The Persona Quest also wanted me to gain a valuable item through PK, or whatever that means. So if I didn't complete that, then I need to kill him a couple more times until I complete that requirement. Besides, shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" he added.

Salana frown when she heard this, "What do you mean?"

Crouching in front of HeavenHand's corpse, he then gave a sharp glance at Salana, "Woman, just say that you don't like seeing me happy. I've struggled against those two, so let me bask in triumph in peace for once"

"Also, if it weren't for you, then I would've accumulated more gold to reach Angel" he added.


"Back with your damn habit of smacking people again!" Blake groaned.

Salana only threw her head to the side in response with both hands crossed in front of her, "My hand feels itchy, and I feel like it's the right thing to do to smack you on the head after what you said"

"Really? You don't want me to be happy?" Blake asked back, completely baffled.

Upon hearing this, Salana's expression turns flushed, "It's not because of that you idiot..."

"Huh? Did you say something?" Blake glanced back at her as he didn't quite hear what she said, she said it too subtly. But in his mind, she was cursing him subtly so that he wouldn't hear.

But this made Salana's expression flush, and she turned around to hide her face.

"Just get on with it, don't waste time" Salana eventually said.

Looking at how she was behaving, a vein on Blake's forehead bulged, 'This damn woman', he was quite annoyed at how bossy she was acting right now even though he was fulfilling her request of completing the Persona Quest.

[Commit PK successfully: 10/10]

[Gain a valuable item through PK: 1/1]

[Persona Quest has been completed!]

[Obtained Persona Upgrade Ticket, Lucky Player Hunter title, and 3,000 Gold!]

"Oh, I completed it" Blake mused to himself, finding that he doesn't need to kill HeavenHand or the other players that he had hunted. Killing the party of five once more, he managed to reach level 28, he was satisfied with this result.

Shifting over to the spot where HeavenHand's corpse was earlier, he finds a blue pouch floating there. Inspecting the pouch, he finds that it was the mace HeavenHand had earlier.

From this, Blake can conclude that the valuable item the quest asked for must mean the best item that the player he killed has. Since this mace is a B-grade item, it must be the best one HeavenHand has.

'He's so going to lose his mind when he realized his mace is gone' Blake thought to himself.

Although he gained the B-grade item, Blake's attention focused on an entirely different thing.

Seeing the reward he gained from completing the Persona Quest, he got an idea while looking at the Persona Upgrade Ticket. At the thought of that, a mischievous smile appeared on his face.

Salana, who just recovered from her crisis earlier, saw the change around Blake.

"What's wrong? Did you not complete the quest?" She asked innocently.

Just then, Blake takes out the Persona Upgrade Ticket and showed it to Salana.

Upon seeing the red ticket in Blake's hand, Salana's eyes shone brightly finding that it was the ticket to upgrade her. But as she was about to reach it, Blake pulls it away, "What are you doing? Quickly use it so I could be upgraded"

"Hmm... should I?" Blake said with a straight tone.

But as Salana was confused about why he was acting like this, he suddenly turned to look back and expose his mocking smile while flaunting the ticket in his hand, "I don't know, you're not treating me kindly, so I kinda don't want to use it"

"HUHH?!" Salana tilted her in confusion, but she realized what he was doing in the next second. 'So that's how you're going to play it, asshole?'