Start of the Hunt (3)

Intoxicated by the thrill of the fight, especially now that he was losing, Blake grinned.

Killing Nadia, DollBill04, and the other comrade earlier were not satisfying considering their strength is far apart from him. Additionally, two of them yield without a fight, and it's not even a battle against them.

'But these two... I'm going to enjoy beating them' Blake thought excitedly.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath to ease the pain all over his body, Blake then exhales as he opens his eyes. Now, his gaze has turned steady, and his arms were already in front of him, ready to battle again.

During that moment, he spends 10 Racial Skill Points to upgrade his Blood Lance mastery.

Now, his Blood Lance skill has reached Adept mastery.

Aside from the fact that the damage amplifier of the Blood Lance skill has been increased, 1 activation of the skill will now shoot two Blood Lances, and the cost of blood it would need will still stay the same.

Essentially, the Blood Lance skill has become way more effective now.

Feeling the change in the air around Blake's body, HeavenHand and WhiteKnight also readies themselves. A bead of cold sweat runs down the side of HeavenHand's face, he could feel the tension rising.

Blake is clearly going to be fighting seriously now, the two could feel it directly.

"Consider all possibilities, you have a rough guess of their strengths now. It's not enough to just shift the tide to your advantage, you also need to also disarray them, make them always second guess your next move" Salana taught from the side, crossing her arms in front of her.

Under her tutor, she would make Blake the scariest duelist in this world.

Nodding his head in understanding, listening attentively to what Salana is saying, Blake's eyes turn fierce as he ponders his situation, 'Disarray your enemies... make them always guess...'

As he pieces the information inside his head, a battle plan has been created.

[Improvement in situational awareness. Acquired Battle Perception Lvl. 1]

Just as the system prompt appeared in his vision, Blake charges forward once again yet his eyes are now as clear as water. Paying close attention to HeavenHand and WhiteKnight's response, he then accelerates with one stomp.


Like earlier, WhiteKnight stand in the way with the great sword in front of him.

"Challenge Roar!"

Knowing that Blake's strength is no joke from their exchange earlier, WhiteKnight decided to stand in the way and not let him reach HeavenHand by using a skill that aggro a single-targeted enemy.

It was focused solely and Blake, yet that doesn't seem to work for him.

[The enemy's SPT stat is too high, the Challenge Roar skill failed to take effect!]

Upon seeing this notification, WhiteKnight narrowed his eyes and tightened his grip on the hilt of his greatsword. He unleashed another Heavy Slash skill in Blake's direction. But Blake was too quick, he sidestepped in a swift motion and deftly maneuvered behind WhiteKnight, his sights set on HeavenHand.

Out of the two, none of them seems to be an actual damage dealer.

But in this situation specifically, it's clear that WhiteKnight is taking on the Tank-role while HeavenHand takes on the damage dealer role. Just from that line-up alone, it's clear who Blake needs to target first.

After managing to pass WhiteKnight, his eyes flashed fiercely.

HeavenHand can see the muscle in Blake's right arm bulging again, showing that he was going to use the Colossal Slam. 'I've seen that move, and we're still far apart. I still have time to dodge him'

Not intending to confront Blake head-on, HeavenHand jumped back to create distance.

It's clear that he would only need to buy a little bit of time for WhiteKnight to recover from missing his attack and help him, yet his eyes widened when he saw the side of Blake's body start to be swallowed by the shadows.

A wave of goosebumps struck him seeing the grin on Blake's face before he disappeared.

Following that moment, HeavenHand felt a malicious intent coming from his side. He didn't sit still and chanted a skill to create a barrier to protect himself from Blake that somehow managed to reach his side in an instant.

"Cleric Light Shield!" HeavenHand yelled before a light barrier appeared.

Despite the light barrier standing in the way to hit HeavenHand's face, Blake didn't pull his punch and drive it straight to the light barrier. Out of HeavenHand's horror, the barrier cracked when Blake's fist make contact with it.

But then again, the barrier gives enough time for him to block the punch with his shield.


[-1,500 HP]

Although HeavenHand managed to block that punch, he got flung away destructively, hitting numerous rock formations before eventually the dungeon's wall, knocking the air out of his lungs forcefully.

Glancing to his back after he recovered, WhiteKnight gritted his teeth.

"Shit, he's aiming at HeavenHand! I need to help him quickly!" He muttered before he lunged at Blake, wanting to shift the tide of the fight back in their favor. But as he got close, his eyes widened in terror to see that Blake was smiling at him.

Instead of defending, Blake dashed straight at WhiteKnight like a maniac.

"Blood Lance!"

Pointing his hand forward, Blake chanted and unleashes two Blood Lances at WhiteKnight.

Blake didn't put too much inside the Blood Lance, he only used 500 HP.

Even though they were surprised to find that Blake could use shadow spells, WhiteKnight's eyes widened even more seeing that he could also use Blood Magic, definitely attributed to the EX-grade race he has.

Unfamiliarized with the spell, WhiteKnight changed trajectory and leaped to the side.


WhiteKnight managed to dodge the two Blood Lances as they crashed onto the ground where he stand earlier. But not out of the woods yet, he saw another set of Blood Lances following right after, but this one is thicker and surely stronger.

Anticipating WhiteKnight to dodge his attack, Blake cast another Blood Lance skill.

Instead of 500 HP, he infused this one with 2,000 HP.

Since he had just changed trajectory, it was impossible for WhiteKnight to dodge this one.

Having no other choice, WhiteKnight could only raise his great sword to block the Blood Lance. And when the Blood Lance hits, the entire great sword vibrates violently as the impact was very powerful.

[-3,000 HP]

'Kaahkk! I blocked it yet I got damaged this much?!' WhiteKnight exclaimed inside his head.

Despite the block, he still got hurt severely from that Blood Lance.

Just as he finished dealing with the Blood Lance, he tries to refocus back to his front but he frowns finding Blake is nowhere to be seen. It was then, he looks down before his eyes dilated seeing that Blake already reaches him.

'Damn it! He used that spell earlier to close in on me!'

It seems like Blake was aiming for HeavenHand earlier, but WhiteKnight realized that he was not. Out of the two, he was the one Blake is aiming for, and that explains why Blake was smiling at him earlier.

Blake grinned seeing the realization that hits WhiteKnight at the last moment.

Knowing that it's hard to take WhiteKnight out of the fight since he's quite sturdy, Blake decided to aim HeavenHand first not necessarily to take him down, but to take him out of the fight. Colossal Slam skill easily did that, sending him crashing away.

Now that he was out of the picture, Blake can now fight one-on-one against WhiteKnight.

Maybe in a two-on-one fight like earlier, he was at a disadvantage, needing to split his attention between two targets. Yet now, as he can focus on one target, WhiteKnight doesn't have a chance.

Putting the center of gravity on the sole of his feet, Blake did a perfect uppercut.


Blake's fist struck WhiteKnight's chin solidly, and it's also enhanced with the Colossal Slam skill. This resulted in WhiteKnight's body flying off the ground, and his helmet cracking under the concentrated pressure.

[-4,100 HP]

As he gritted his teeth in pain, Blake jumped and reappear right beside him.



Landing a swift roundhouse kick, he sent WhiteKnight's body crashing to the other side.

[-1,400 HP]

Not stopping at that as he was relentless, Blake grabbed the great sword that was spinning in the air, freed from WhiteKnight's hand. Holding the hilt tightly, he then threw the great sword like a spear directly at WhiteKnight.

It cuts the air easily and stabs through WhiteKnight's armor which is already in a mess.

Thanks to the powerful kick that Blake landed on WhiteKnight's breastplate, it already bends inwards and that allows the great sword to penetrate through the weakened steel easily and pin him to the wall.


[Critical Hit!]

[-8,300 HP]

[Player MoonDespoiler has killed Player WhiteKnight!]

[Obtained 33,000 Exp and 44 Gold]

[Commit PK successfully: 4/10]

Blake reaches the ground again before he straightens his back like an arrow, unfazed.

He also didn't forget to use his Privileged Skill, marking WhiteKnight's location before his body disappeared into blue particles and got kicked out of the Lunaris game, "Lock..."

Glancing slightly to the side, he finds Salana walking past him.

Salana inspected WhiteKnight's condition before nodding her head repeatedly. In a sitting position, WhiteKnight's chest is pierced all the way through by the great sword and pinned to the wall.

It was quite a gory sight with blood staining the wall and the ground, truly a work of art.

"An acceptable result for someone who has me as his Persona. And as always, you practiced what I told you perfectly. Making him think that you were aiming for that HeavenHand guy so that he would charge recklessly as well as isolate the fight to your advantage, you're a natural" Salana praised in delight, she was glad that Blake is not a moron when it comes to fighting.

Even though her expression doesn't show much, inside, she was really praising him.

Remembering her world where physical power reign supreme, there are many good fighters out there that shine as fighting is a regular occurrence in her world, the people from her world are fearsome because of that.

Compared to the world where Blake was, it's vastly different.

If any of the people from her world came to Blake's world, then they would definitely call every single people in Blake's world soft. Prohibition of physical conflict, and security of living, that's only reserved for the strong in Salana's world.

So the abundance of great fighters in her world is not something surprising to her.

But Blake, on the other hand, has shown genius-level adaptability and battle sense. No arrogance when being told, and implemented anything new that he learned in an instant, almost naturally.

Even in Salana's world, that kind of talent is rare, able to match even to the strongest.

Glancing back as Blake turns around to face HeavenHand that has come back into the picture, exposing his wide back adorned with the gleaming charm of a natural-born fighter, Salana was momentarily caught off-guard and her body tensed.

Blake is emitting a captivating charm and dominance that makes Salana's face redden.

"His soft world shut down his hidden talent, and now that the world has changed, it has resurfaced once again. An actual battle genius. Seems like it was not luck that put him in this place, it's destiny taking its course. He's destined to stand at the pinnacle..."

In Salana's view, Blake has become a brilliant radiance, blinding her heart and soul.