Trading Center

Maura couldn't believe what Blake said, it took a moment for her head to wrap around it.

Upon realizing what Blake's request was, the punctured wounds on her neck from his bite earlier throbbed, and her hand unconsciously cover those wounds. It feels uncomfortable, akin to her blood being drawned towards him.

It was already a guess inside her mind, but hearing Blake admit it still surprised her.

"Don't act as if you don't know, you know what I did to you. So, in exchange for your life, you must prove to me that you're useful and also become my pocket blood bag. It's a non-negotiable condition" Blake said commandingly, there's no use hiding it.

On top of that, having someone as his blood bag will help him avoid difficult situations.

Seeing that Maura was hesitating to accept when she heard his request, Blake raised one of his eyebrows tauntingly, "Oh, you don't want to? Is that your answer? Then I'll just have to kill you right here and be d-"

"Okay! Okay! I'm not declining, I'll do it!" Maura intervenes before he can finish.

Although a situation like this is not unfamiliar for her, the fact that she now realized that she doesn't know a single thing about Blake makes her hesitant. It seems she now starting to realize that she dipped her finger into the wrong pond.

Blake smiled before he then said sarcastically, "Well, alright then. Welcome to the team"

"Now as for your first task, I'll be drinking your blood again" he added.

Upon hearing this Maura widened her eyes as she had just woken up from passing out earlier. However, she couldn't stop Blake's advancement as he bits the other part of her neck and sent her unconscious again.

Looking at this, Salana then asked, "Are you sure she's not dead?"

"I only drank her blood a little, and I think I can somewhat makes her unconscious through the bite. I think it's the shadowblood inside of me" Blake replied, he couldn't explain how but he instinctively could put Maura unconscious.

But as he was about to head outside of the bedroom, Salana stopped him.

Glancing over his shoulder finding that Salana held his arm, he raised his eyebrows in confusion, "What's up? I need to go somewhere first, if you have anything to say can we talk about it while we walk?"

"Be honest, the pocket blood bag part is unnecessary, right?" Salana asked.

Upon hearing this, Blake scratches the side of his face and averted his eyes elsewhere, "What are you saying? Of course, it's necessary. I could be suddenly thirsty and if I have her then I could avoid attacking someone"

Instead of answering, Salana squinted her eyes suspiciously.

Although the Spectral Vampire race has characteristics similar to Vampires, that is thirsty for blood, Blake didn't need blood to sustain his life the way Vampires need blood. If he was composed and not exposed to blood, he wouldn't want to drink blood.

So clearly, Maura being a pocket blood bag is only for his own pleasure.

"Come on, why are you interrogating me like this? Alright, I admit that I wanted to drink blood cause it's good, but that doesn't mean my reasoning earlier is invalid, okay? She's a preventive measure, preventive measure!" Blake defended himself.

Salana scoffed, "Why didn't you use that Hunter or Damon guy? Why does it have to be her?"

"Is that jealousy I hear? Are you jealous that I'm going to be living with a woman? Now that you make me think about it, Maura is quite cute too. Should I add another condition for her? She definitely wouldn't refuse" Blake teased, he even use the word 'cute' that Salana hated.

But this only resulted in him being smacked on the back of his head solidly.

"Shut up and walk before I beat your ass" Salana replied, pouting with her arms crossed.

Feeling the burning spot on the back of his head, Blake could only smile wryly and kept his head down lest he gained more devastating smacks from Salana's naughty hands, "Yes, ma'am..."

A moment later.

"That'll be $31,49, sir"


Currently, Blake is inside a store to buy some ropes and duct tape so that Maura couldn't leave or do anything in his absence. If he's going to play the game, then he's basically asleep so that's quite dangerous to be in a vulnerable state with Maura around.

No matter how meek she looks now, she's a mercenary, a captain at that.

Exiting the store with a plastic bag in his hand, Blake walks through the night street calmly.

During the time Maura was unconscious earlier, he cleaned up the entire room before bringing Hunter and Damon's dead bodies to an abandoned warehouse about 2 miles away and buried them there.

It was a nerve-wracking experience, yet he did it quite flawlessly.

Although his eyes were hurting every time he uses the Nocturnal Blood Sight ability in the real world, the blood from Maura healed him completely, and he could utilize the skill again to avoid people.

On top of that, he wouldn't need to worry about being caught by street cameras.

Since he couldn't even see his own reflection in the mirror, he also couldn't be caught by any cameras in the modern world. Blake already tested it through his own phone and finds that he was practically invisible.

Blake could only be seen through the naked eye, so that's one advantage for him.

Nothing happened along the way back to his apartment room, he entered the room that smells like iron right now before he started spraying room freshener a couple of times to wipe the scent of blood in his room.

After doing that, Blake tied Maura to the bed before he wears the VR Helmet.

Reaching to the side of the helmet, he seems to be trying to find something, 'From what I read in the article, there's a button that would navigate me from login to the game to accessing the trade center'

Due to the incident today, he would need to move out of this apartment room.

In order to move out he needs to exchange his gold for money first, he doesn't have enough money to move with his current account balance. '10,000 Gold would mean $100,000, right? I could buy a bigger and better apartment with that kind of money'

Even with him exchanging 10,000 Gold for real money, it wouldn't matter that much to him.

Taking into account that he would only need around a couple of thousand Gold to reach Einanora, the novice city that Angel is in, then he still has plenty to work with. And if he would join a guild, then money would not be a problem.

Finding the button, he clicked on it before a store symbol appeared in his vision.

Seeing that this might be the symbol of the trading center, Blake then closes his eyes.

Similar to the feeling of logging into the game as usual, he could feel his consciousness being pulled from his body, and numerous flashing lights blind his vision for a moment before eventually everything turns dark.

But soon enough, he could hear the bustling sound penetrating his ears.

Numerous people speaking different languages can be heard, many of them are haggling while some of them are promoting their products. Slowly opening his eyes, he then bears witness to a new sight.

Adjusting his eyes for a moment, he finds himself standing in the middle of a street.

Countless people could be seen walking around the place, and they are all players judging from the avatars behind them. 'This must be an exclusive player-only trading center, quite a neat feature' he mused.

Just as he was about to look around, a panel opened in front of his vision.

[Sector: A7 - Equipment Product]

[Current Total Players Online: 7,121,477]


Upon seeing this, Blake was surprised to find that many players are online at the same time.

Considering that this trading center is probably connected to all players, it's natural but still surprising to see. No game he has ever played before reached this astounding number and this total number of players online definitely doesn't count those in other sectors and who were inside the game.

Simply astonishing, and quite refreshing for a gamer like him to see, a dream come true.

Marveling the sight of the trading center, he then paused when people started to stare and point at him. Some don't even try to hide, and blatantly talked about him as if he wasn't there and saw them doing it.

"Isn't that the guy that gets the EX-grade race...?"

"Oh, yeah! MoonDespoiler is his name! That's him!"

"Look, his name even turned yellow. He's a player killer!"

Blake paused and widened his eyes when he heard the players' conversation, he then looks up at his own information menu and finds that his game tag was exposed there for everyone to see.

Worst of all, his name is also colored yellow thanks to hunting those players earlier.

Now everyone saw his face and also his yellow-colored name which shows him that he's a player killer. Of course, in this kind of game, a player killer wouldn't be that surprising. But he's quite famous thanks to the world announcement.

It would be surprising if there's nobody that would aim for him after this.

'Ah, shit! I need to get out of here!'

Glancing to the side, Blake quickly dashed away intending to flee the crowd of people. But as he jumped sky-high, he finds that the trading center is huge, he couldn't even see the end of it and everywhere is an open place.

Upon seeing this, he's tempted to log out of the trading center right now.

But then his eyes caught sight of the setting menu, he quickly presses it with his mind before another panel opened. At the very top, he breathed in relief when he finds the setting that he was looking for.

[Hide player's name and level]

Without wasting a second, he checked that option before his information menu disappeared.

Following that, he tries and click the sector menu and saw a drop-down list appear. It was the available sectors inside the trading center based on the products they are selling to help players easily find the thing they were looking for.

Scanning the list, he finds what he was looking for.

[Sector G - Gold Exchange]

Blake clicked on it before his entire body fades away into blue particles and disappeared.

In another place far away from sector A7, a player emerges from blue particles. Blake got teleported and when he looks around and find nobody is looking at him weirdly, he sighed in relief.

"I'm safe!"