Terror of Victims

"Calm down, what could possibly go wrong?"

"Raining when the sky is crystal clear earlier, don't you think this is some kind of warning?"

"It's only rain, nature is weird so don't worry too much"

Finding that BlueBlade is stressed out due to the rain, the assassin tries to calm him down as he went over to the side and grabs a rope to tie Linthia with. It would at least help BlueBlade calm down seeing that she won't be going anywhere.

Going back to sit beside BlueBlade, he then glanced out of the window to stare at the rain.

'Although I said that, I also feel something is off. Where are the others? It shouldn't take that long for them to be here, it's been more than five minutes already', The assassin thought, he also get why BlueBlade is feeling uneasy.

But then, the assassin saw the old man bringing the wine and their cups.

"Oh, old man! Bring that quickly over here", The assassin gestured for the old man to hurry.

Smiling brightly, the old man finding that he has gotten customers after a rough week quickly strides towards the table in a hurry. But in the process due to excitement, he tripped and fell, splattering the wine all over the ground.

Upon seeing this, the assassin sprung up angrily.

"What are you doing, old man?! Can't you even bring your orders properly?" the assassin walked closer and kicks the old man in the chest, he was venting his feeling of unease on the old man. "No wonder your pub is damn empty, there's not even a girl here, fuck!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" the old man apologized, hissing in pain on the ground.

Glancing at the sorry old man, BlueBlade takes out a needle dart from his waist pocket and threw it at the other assassin. Catching the needle dart, the assassin then glanced at BlueBlade with a questioning look.

Waving his hand, BlueBlade then said, "Just kill him, we shouldn't leave witnesses anyway"

"Please, have mercy! Don't kill me!" the old man pleaded in tears.

But as people that worked as assassins most of their lives, their hearts were rotten, and their personalities are also the same. Even the assassin doesn't feel any remorse seeing an old man pleading for his life in tears like this.

Smiling evilly, the assassin raised the needle dart, "Seems like you're out of time, old man"

Just as the assassin was about to cast a spell and threw the needle dart, aiming for the old man's temple to kill him instantly, a loud splashing sound suddenly stopped his movement and forces him to look back.

Upon hearing this, BlueBlade quickly takes out his blue dagger in response.

"Where did that sound come from?" the assassin asked.

Ignoring the assassin's question, BlueBlade stands up from the chair and walks over to the door slowly. Each of his steps makes a thudding sound against the wooden floor, he seemed to be carefully approaching the door.

Flashes of lightning from outside added tension to the choking point.

Almost as if they were foreshadowing the thunderous uproars that the two were about to experience. Grabbing the wooden doorknob, BlueBlade pulls the door open before he pulls back cautiously, expecting an ambush.

While the door swung open slowly, a cracking sound can be heard that rattled the heart.

BlueBlade and the assassin looks at each other in disbelief at the sight beyond the door, their hearts were thumping hard, they couldn't believe whether what they were seeing right now is real or not.

Outside of the pub, the rain still pours from the dark sky heavily, creating a light flood.

But the thing that left the two assassins in disbelief is the black small mound right in front of the pub. It was raining heavily so it was hard to see the black mound clearly, and BlueBlade doesn't want to believe what he thought is true.

Striding outside of the pub, BlueBlade takes a look before he gasped in shock.

The black small mound was not a mound of dirt or anything, but it was corpses in all-black outfits stacked together, forming this small mound. And on top of that, BlueBlade could recognize these corpses well, they were all his men!

Upon seeing this, BlueBlade quickly gets into his battle stance and looks around.

It was at this moment that he could experience first-hand the stress and fear that his victims were suspected of before the moment of their death, the fear of the unknown and helpless swallowed him.


Despite his attempt to taunt the person behind all of this to come out, he was answered with nothing but deadly silence. Only the whimpering of the old man as well as the heavy rains filled his hearing sense.

Gritting his teeth, he then cast a spell, "Shadow Household!"

Immediately after he did that, a black wolf crawled out of his own shadow.

Scanning the place with its black eyes, the shadow wolf strides into the open under the heavy rain before out of nowhere, a red sharp object stabbed it in the back and it was forced to let out a painful whimper.

It happened in a blink of an eye, and the red object pinned the shadow wolf to the ground.

Under the damage it was dealt with, the shadow wolf dissipates into nothingness.

"You could act tough in front of an old man, but scared of the unknown...? I thought killing your men would anger you, yet it seems I was wrong to expect more from the likes of you" a whispering voice entered BlueBlade's ears.

Listening to these words, anger started to swell inside BlueBlade like erupting lava.

"BlueBlade, he's clearly taunting you! Don't fall for it!" the assassin warned.

Despite knowing clearly that he was being taunted, BlueBlade gripped the blue dagger in his hand tightly, and his eyes bulged in anger. Ignoring the risk, he stepped out of the pub and into the rain.

Scouring his bulging eyes around, he searched for the person behind all of this.

"Well, here I am fucker! Come and kill me if you can!" BlueBlade shouted.

Although the other assassin wanted to stop him, BlueBlade saw a shadow moving on his right and quickly dashed towards that direction without any regard for their mission as well as the other assassin.

"Running away now? I won't let you!"

"BlueBlade! Stop!"

Upon seeing this, the other assassin called him back desperately.

But even though he tries to stop BlueBlade, it was simply impossible as BlueBlade has already swallowed in anger. Moreover, he was way faster, so even catching up to him would be impossible.

Looking around the place, the assassin clicked his tongue, "Shit, I'm alone now..."

Deciding that this is not safe for him, the assassin quickly barges into the pub again with the intention of grabbing Linthia so she can be used as his shield. No matter who the one attacking them right now, it's clear that his target is Linthia.

Since he sound like a man earlier, he didn't attribute this to Tara.

Just as he enters the pub, the assassin's eyes widened seeing a glint heading towards him.

Following his instinct, he tilt his head to the side in reflex and dodged the glint that is heading towards his face. But he groaned feeling one managed to hit his chest and penetrated him quite deeply.

Instantly after that, his eyes suddenly turned hazy and his mind started to spin.

Upon lowering his head to look down at his chest, the assassin finds one of the needle darts that he threw earlier pierced his chest. It was coated with a toxin that can slow the reflex and induce drowsiness.

'Damn it, I need to drink the antidote' the assassin mused.

But then, a figure stepped out of the darkness and stands right in front of him.

Although he wanted to look up and fight the one that dared to do this to him, he tripped and fell to his knees. Mustering enough strength to look at the person, his eyes widened finding that it was Tara.

Due to the immense uneasiness coming from the front, he failed to sense Tara's presence.

"W-Who the fuck help you, bitch?" the assassin asked harshly.

Tara who was listening to this shrugs her shoulders before she grabs the assassin by the chin and forces him to look up, "To be honest, I also don't know. But nevermind that... for endangering Lady Linthia's safety, I will kill you"

"Kill me, I don't care. But know that we're not going to stop" the assassin smiled evilly.

Even though he was exactly right in front of the grim reaper's mercy, he still smiled like a maniac while staring at Tara tauntingly, "No matter where you escape to, no matter where you are hiding, they won't stop! We will be ready to strike when you least expected. In the shadows or even below the bed you sleep on. Linthia will fall to his hands, and her father would have no choice but to come out then"

"You can kill me now. But I'll be seeing you in hell soon, Tara..." he added.

Listening to the assassin makes Tara grit her teeth out of anger.

Holding her dagger tightly, she stabs the back of the assassin's neck from the side before following that up with another stab to the front part of his neck, severing the assassin's head completely from his body.

Staring at the assassin's head in disgust, she threw it across the floor roughly.

Upon doing that, she then blinked her eyes and quickly rushes towards Linthia who was still unconscious. Glancing over to the substance that is leaking out of her punctured neck, Tara frowns, 'Oh, no... this is bad. I need to treat her immediately'

But as she was about to leave the pub, her eyes darted outside and she abruptly stop.

Remembering that Blake is luring BlueBlade, the Nightblade-ranked assassin away, Tara felt guilty as BlueBlade is very strong, and she doesn't know whether Blake with his power could take him on.

If he could take BlueBlade by surprise then he probably could, but not in a frontal fight.

Tara was in a dilemma, on one side she needs to tend to Linthia while on the other side, she feared that Blake would die fighting against BlueBlade which would make her feel incredibly guilty if that happen.

Just then, she remembers what Blake said before they start their attack.

'Don't worry about me, focus on saving Linthia. Even if I died, it wouldn't be a problem'

Remembering that, Tara bit her lower lip in worry, 'What is that supposed to mean? If he died, then it's going to be a problem for me...' she thought. But under the pressure, she eventually fixed her focus on Linthia and started treating her.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, Blake glanced at his back with a wry smile.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck, he's catching up to me. I think I can't take this guy on...'