Pissing a Summoned Creature

Issaiah was not surprised to find Dylan to be this shocked by the sight.

Monsters no matter what they are will always be generally stronger at the same level compared to people or the other races, their innate physical advantage was the only upside that could cover their animalistic intelligence.

Taking down a level 30 monster would need a couple of level 30 people to be safe.

Even then there's a chance that the level 30 monster would take them all out due to their innate strength. Only people that have quite a gap in level, around level 40ish could take down a level 30 monster solo and that would still be quite dangerous.

On the other hand, Blake takes down the Treant Skeleton with one hit.

Such a feat is not natural for someone around his level, it's monstrous for him to do that.

Dylan also sucked in a cold breath when he heard what Issaiah said, he was in a complete state of disbelief and now knows that he was dealing with someone abnormal. Seeing that Blake is still handling the Treant Skeleton easily, he could only smile dryly.

"Seems like I'm gonna need to summon a stronger Treant..."

Meanwhile, back to the battle.

[HP: 17,800 / 40,000]

Blake has been relentlessly putting in the work on the Treant Skeleton.

Its HP is now less than 50%, he keeps on attacking the injured spot that he manage to inflict. Despite being able to knock the Treant Skeleton down, it has a very high defense, thus he could only deal chip damage.

Aiming for the same spot helps him increase the damage he inflicts which resulted in this.

Just now, he managed to land a critical hit and grazes off 7,500 HP from it.

Currently, Blake's eyes are glowing red as his Nocturnal Blood Sight ability is activated. Leaping away after dealing that damage, he squinted his eyes, 'It's relatively slow, I'm too fast to be caught by its attacks even without using any skill'

From the fight, he now realizes that the Nocturnal Blood Sight is even more miraculous.

Although having an EX-grade race is cool already and he's quite grateful for it, turns out he still doesn't know how much the abilities that come with being a Spectral Vampire truly can do, and how impressive they really are.

The Treant Skeleton doesn't have blood, unlike the Treant he watches in the movie.

Going by that logic, he shouldn't be able to see anything inside the Treant Skeleton's body using his Nocturnal Blood Sight skill. However, that's not the case. Blake could, he could see green substances coursing through its body.

Now Blake realizes that the skill doesn't necessarily fix on only blood.

But anything that acted as blood inside the target's body can be seen through the skill, and that also allows him to perceive what the Treant Skeleton was about to do and acted quickly to counter it.


Jumping to dodge a powerful punch to the ground, Blake then ran through its arm.

Moving meticulously and quickly, he managed to land a kick on the Treant Skeleton's face and sends it back down. Deciding to end the fight, he keep on going and started to pound the Treat Skeleton on the ground.


[-700 HP]

[-1,100 HP]

[-900 HP]


[-2,000 HP]

[-1,100 HP]

Despite the Treant Skeleton's attempts to heal itself using its Photosynthesis skill, the pace at which its HP was drained is quicker than it can heal. Subconsciously, it knows that death is near for it.

Just then, the corner of his eyes caught a jutting stiff vine in a spiral shooting at him.

Instead of only dodging it, Blake grabs ahold of it before breaking it using his elbow. Now that he has a sharp stiff vine in his hand, he jumped and stabs the vine right through the Treant Skeleton's neck.


Upon killing the Treant Skeleton, Blake clicked his tongue in displeasure.

'I didn't get any EXP or anything from killing summoned creature, what a waste' he thought.

Even to the end of the fight, the Treant Skeleton doesn't manage to land a hit on him. But he was greeted by another green glowing formation to his side. Getting back up, the Treant Skeleton's body disappeared into green particles before he fixed his eyes on his new opponent.

Coming out of the formation is another Treant monster, bigger than the last one.

On top of the fact that this Treant monster is bigger, it's also bulkier than the last as well as holding a crossbow in its left hand and an intricate wooden shield in the other. It was obvious that this one is stronger.

[Treant Swift Melee Shooter]

Level: 45

Grade: Wild

HP: 43,000 / 43,000


Nature's Bond - Strengthen the connection of the Treant with the surrounding environment, increasing its combat ability by 20% and defense by 50% for one minute.

Photosynthesis - Rapidly regenerate 5% HP per second for 10 seconds.

Nature Power Shot - Fires an arrow that is infused with nature's power, increasing its speed and strength by 100%. Destroy the crossbow upon use.

Just from seeing the information menu about the Treant Swift Melee Shooter alone, Blake knows that he couldn't defeat it through regular means, this is going to be a tough battle as this monster is substantially triumphing over him in terms of levels.

But as he was about to do something, his eyes dilated seeing the Treant move.


Firing an arrow from its crossbow, Blake tilts his body back to avoid the arrow, barely avoiding it by a hair's length. Recovering from that attack, he was met with the Treant already a meter away from him.


"Harghh!" Blake grunted as his body got slammed by the shield.

[- 2,000 HP]

Gritting his teeth, he somersaulted back to recover from that attack and ready himself again.

Compared to the Treant Skeleton before, this Treant is way faster, definitely faster than Blake. It wouldn't be any good if he relies only on his physique, he needs to go all out against this one.


Seeing another arrow flying towards him, Blake rolled to the side.

[Improvement in body coordination. Body Control Lvl. 2 has been upgraded to Lvl. 3]

Ignoring the System's prompt, Blake quickly punches to his front expecting the Treant to be right in front of him like earlier. True enough, the Treant is already close, and Blake quickly uses his Colossal Slam skill again.


His fist collided with the Treant's shield, and the two were stuck in place for two seconds.

But Blake was surprised when the Treant didn't move at all from his punch, it was instead moving forward and he was the one being pushed back, 'Shit, seems like this Treant is better than me in anything'

Just as he thought of that, the Treant parries his punch and did a circular motion.

Since he was completely rattled by the sudden movement, Blake only realize when the Treant's shield slammed into his body again like a truck from the side, and that attack is heavier than the last one.



[- 4,500 HP]

Blake spat a mouthful of blood, his body felt like it was screaming from head to toe.

Upon blinking his eyes a couple of times, a smile appeared on his face as he was now faced with another challenge, and his battle intent couldn't help but be riled up because of this. It's starting to become his habit.

Quickly, he allocated 10 Class Skill Points to increase his Colossal Slam skill mastery.

Reaching the expert mastery on the Colossal Slam skill, the fixed damage the skill gives now is 5,000 damage before added being added with the bonus damage. Moreover, he also uses 10 Race skill points to upgrade his Blood Lance skill mastery.

Blake gained another 10 Racial Skill points from the Race Quest, and he decided to use it.

Similarly, the Blood Lance skill has gotten way stronger than before.

Reaching the perfect mastery, the Blood Lance skill will now summon up to five blood lances at the same time with a higher bonus damage amplifier proportionate to his vitality stat. Blake doesn't know how it will end, but these upgrades will definitely make him fare better than before against the Treant.

Leaping straight at him, the Treant intends to attack again.

But this time, Blake's body vanishes and reappeared right beside the Treant like a ghost.

Not intending to let the Treant have the time to react, he swung his fist powerfully while using the new amplified Colossal Slam skill. Even with his quickness, the Treant manage to raise his shield.


Unlike last time, the sound when Blake's fist collided with the shield is even louder.

On top of that, the surface of the shield was torn a little from that punch, showing that his punch is way more powerful than before. "I didn't see him use any enhancement skill or spell, how is his punch got stronger? He must've increased his mastery" Dylan mused.

Issaiah also doesn't know as he too was surprised at the progression of the fight.

Landing the punch using everything he got, the Treant seemed to smile at him in hubris. But the Treant was surprised when Blake's smile was also blooming wider, his attack didn't stop there, "Don't be cocky yet, you damn tree. I'm not finished"

"Blood Lance!"

Casting the Blood Lance skill using everything in his Blood Reserve, something happened.

Despite the confidence the Treant has in blocking Blake's attack, its body suddenly got flung to the side like a broken doll when three sharp red objects pierces through the shield and stab its body deep.


[Critical Hit!]

[-20,500 HP]

Dylan and Issaiah's jaws were both on the floor when they saw that.

Not one of them saw what Blake did, the two only saw that the Treant got flung hard to the side as his shield was ripped with three holes. Even when the Treant crashes to the ground, the two didn't see the three red lances, Blake already instantly dispersed them.

Pushing itself on the ground, the Treant looks up and glared at Blake murderously.

"Yes, that's it! Come at me with all you got" Blake taunted maniacally.

Upon seeing this from the side, Dylan's sweated a little and decided to call the fight off and retract back the Treant. Blake has already proven that he was more than strong enough to get the reduction in tax.

Fighting more will not yield anything, so it's time to stop it.

But as Dyaln was about to un-summon the Treant, he frown when he realized that the Treant is acting up. Some sort of interference in the connection between them happened, and he can't un-summon the Treat.

"That kid, he actually pisses off the Treant..." Dylan shakes his head.