Incredible Performance

Out of their expectation, the Treant refused to be called back by Dylan.

Something like this is not an everyday occurrence, Blake must've really knick the right soft spot that the Treant has. It was probably the fact that it was winning before, but then it got severely injured by Blake's skill.

It was almost as if Blake was pretending to have a hard fight against it.

Of course, that's not entirely true, Blake was in difficulty so he spends his racial skill points.

But Issaiah has his face turned pale when he heard this.

No matter what, he was the one that is responsible to bring Blake here, and it will be bad for him if anything were to happen to Blake. Out of worry, he then quickly pleaded to Dyaln, "Shouldn't you stop this, Dylan? I don't think going any further will do MoonDespoiler any good"

"Hmm, that's true but... I'm rather curious as to how this fight will end" Dylan replied, smiling.

Upon hearing this, Issaiah was at a loss for words.

Dylan doesn't seem to be affected much by this. It was a rare occurrence of course, but he was not affected much because the Treant going out of control is not one of his stronger Treant which will be very bad if that was the case.

On top of that, he was curious as to whether Blake could really beat the Treant.

If something bad were to happen such as Blake turns out to not be able to take on the Treant eventually, then Dylan could step in and stop the Treant easily. It's not a problem for him, he was simply curious about the conclusion of the fight.

"Don't worry, I'll stop the fight if things go wrong" Dylan said in assurance.

Glancing back to Blake and the Treant that are in a standoff, he then added, "But for now, let's move back to give them some more space. We'll see how this fight goes, I personally am rooting for MoonDespoiler"

Meanwhile, back to the fight.


Putting both hands on the ground, the Treant started to do something.

A pulsating air started to come out of its body, and the grass around the Treant started to glow subtly with a green hue. Following that was the air swirling around the Treant like a small tornado, and the glow from the grass started to be sucked by the Treant's body.

In a moment, a thin layer of green energy coated the Treant's entire body.

Clearly, by the sudden jump of aura coming from the Treant, it was using its Nature's Bond skill out of rage for Blake that managed to somehow break through its defense and injured it severely.

Upon seeing this, Blake's excitement started to grow and peak to the absolute limit.

But he was forced to calm himself down realizing that the Shadowblood inside of him started to respond to his excitement and was about to come out, it will be bad if the Shadowblood came out in front of Issaiah and Dyaln.

It's still unclear whether anyone would recognize the Shadowblood if it did come out.

Although that is the case, Blake is quite sure that anyone that saw his Shadowblood will conclude that he was not a human just like BlueBlade did. And that alone is enough for him to be careful, this is a human empire he was in, and he needs to remember that.

Nobody needs to know about the Shadowblood, aside from Tara of course.

Just from the spike of aura coming from the Treant alone, Blake knows that he would need more power to defeat this Treant. Due to that, he quickly hovers over to his racial skill tree and heads to the shadow element skill tree to find whether there's a skill that could help him in this fight.

Blake didn't go to the Blood element skill tree as it would garner too much attention.

If a shadow user is enough to freak most people out, then showing that he's also a blood user might result in him being suspected as a demon and burned alive like a warlock by the people of Carymount City.

Currently, he still has 20 Racial Skill points after upgrading the Blood Lance skill.

It should be more than enough to learn one skill.

Upon opening the shadow element skill tree, there are three sections that appear before him.

Like any other skill tree in the MMORPG games he played, the skill tree is divided into offensive, defensive, and support. Shadow Enhancement skill that he hasn't learned came from the offensive section, the Shadow Step skill came from the support section, while the defensive skill has the Black Barrier skill available to be learned.

In a fight like this, he doesn't need to learn a defensive shadow skill.

Blake needs more power to fight the Treant that is now under the influence of Nature's Bond skill. Skimming through the skill tree, his eyes then landed on the two skills that are branched in the support section from learning the Shadow Step skill.

Mist of the Shadow and Umbral Fortitude are the name of both skills respectively.

Out of the two, Blake was more interested in the latter.

[Umbral Fortitude]

Skill Type: Racial Skill

Grade: A

Skill Cost: 10 MP/second

Description: Envelops the caster's body with the might of shadow, granting exceptional physical abilities beyond the normal limit, turning the caster's strikes deadlier and movement swifter. 50% Increase in physical stats for the duration of the skill.

A benefit of having an EX-grade race was shown again.

Blake is quite sure that people with shadow-related classes out there wouldn't have their starting skill at grade A, they will probably start somewhere lower. But the racial skills he gained are all at least A grade.

It was because of that, the Umbral Fortitude increase was at 50% which is quite high.

Compared to the Treant which is also using a skill similar to the Umbral Fortitude, it only grants a 20% increase and 50% defense boost which shows that Umbral Fortitude is superior compared to the Nature's Bond skill.

Not even pondering for long, Blake quickly use 10 Racial Skill Points to learn that skill.

[-10 Racial Skill Points]

[Umbral Fortitude has been learned successfully!]

'If it's 10 MP/second, then I have about two to three minutes with my current mana pool to use it which should be plenty enough to take this thing down' Blake thought and nodded, he then activate the Umbral Fortitude instantly.

After he activated the Umbral Fortitude skill, his body started to sizzle with black energy.

Just as the skill description explains, Blake could feel a surge of newfound power coursing inside of him, forcing his muscles to become stronger and even the veins around his arms started to pop and bulge.

"Oh, he still has a skill in his arsenal" Dylan muttered.

But this makes Issaiah frown, "How does he have that many skills while being level 30?"

"I don't think his class skill points are enough to learn that many skills. Then again, what is his class anyway? What kind of class gives a shadow element skill as well as physical prowess increase?" he added in confusion.

From the two's point of view, Blake is literally a mystery that the two couldn't comprehend.

Slamming both fists together, Blake then shouted, "Let's go!"



In an instant, Blake and the Treant dash toward each other like two crazed bulls. Both of their arms clashed and blew a powerful air that swayed the grass around them, and following that, the two were locked in a fistfight.

Blake with his fighter gloves and the Treant with its hard wooden fists.

The Treant was so mad that it didn't even bother with the crossbow and left it behind.



Dodging a punch from the Treant and casting Shadow Step to appear behind it, Blake swung his arm with full force and managed to land a powerful punch with his enhanced body and send the Treant crashing away.

Even then, the Treant manage to land a kick right to Blake's face before it got flung away.

[-1,700 HP]

[-1,300 HP]

Tanking the kick with a smile on his face, Blake dashed again and continues his attack relentlessly. His ferocious attack was so bad that the Treant had to activate its Photosynthesis skill to recover.

'I need a clear attack to end with Blood Lance to kill this thing' Blake thought.

Although the fact that the Treant has weakened thanks to his Blood Lance skill earlier which resulted in him matching its speed, he needs another solid blow to end the fight. If he cast his Blood Lance skill, he would only be able to spend about 4,000 to 5,000 of his own HP since he was not in a good position himself.

Not letting up for a single second, Blake keeps on attacking the Treant.

It was hard to land an attack on it earlier thanks to its shield. Now that the shield has been broken, the Treant couldn't hide behind his shield and is now under his mercy as he kept pounding to beat the heal from the Photosynthesis skill.


[-3,700 HP]

Sending the Treant away with a punch, Blake wanted to continue and dash forward.

But as he did that, his eyes widened finding the Treant is smiling at him. Frowning for a second, Blake was surprised when the Treant got flung right beside the crossbow, and now it was aiming the crossbow right at him.

Like a whirlpool, a green arrow appeared on the crossbow made entirely from green energy.

"Dylan! Stop them! The Treant is about to use Nature Power Shot skill!"

Even though Issaiah tries to tell Dylan to stop the match, Dylan snapped out of his daze too late and the Treant manages to use the Nature Power Shot skill straight at Blake. If he got hit, then he will definitely die from that.

A whistling sound was created as the arrow pierces the air.

Just as the arrow flew loose, Blake also smiled in response, there was no fear in his eyes.

"Phantasmal Shadow Phasing..."

[-3,400 HP]


Out of nowhere, the green arrow that is gushing with violent green energy simply passes through Blake's body. Almost as if he was a ghost, the arrow didn't hit anything and simply flew toward the sky.

Upon seeing this, the Treant was caught off guard as it was not expecting this.

Blake's eyes flash fiercely as he stomp the Treant on the chest, this hurt the Treant severely but when the Treant recovered, it already saw Blake pointing his hand, "I win this fight, you lose..."

Instead of ending the Treant, he only declared that and announce the end of the fight.

'Casting the Blood Lance skill right now would be bad, the angle is not right, and I'm very low on HP' Blake thought, glancing back at Dylan and Issaiah. If he cast Blood Lance, then the two would notice that the skill is not a shadow skill.

But even then, Dylan and Issaiah were completely at a loss for words seeing the fight.

"No way, he actually won against my Treant Swift Melee Shooter..."
