Deadly Mistake

It was already dark before Blake realizes, he was now inside his room again.

After becoming a non-exclusive member of the Arcane Guardians Guild and also picking a quest that's best for him in his journey to the Asmel Elf Kingdom, he stopped by the transportation hub to buy a teleportation ticket to another big city, Freetsa City.

Blake was forced to cough out 1,150 gold to buy the teleportation which is a lot.

Due to spending 10,000 of his gold on his real-world problem, he was now left with a handful, and he feared that it might not be enough to reach Einanora City, the place where he would meet with Angel.

Even though that might be the case, he tries to keep a positive attitude.

On top of that, he also realized that he need to also buy two more tickets for Tara and Linthia. Both of them are now basically under his care, and he was stressing out about how to get the gold to buy for them.

Clearly, he needs to somewhat ask them if they had any money or not.

As he has not had a good relationship with his family, he's not good with this sort of thing, asking about money is not his thing, he always managed on his own. But as if the universe is listening to him, Issaiah came to the rescue.

Purely out of 'kindness', Issaiah offers to buy the tickets for Blake to go there.

It was simply a lifesaver, and he was given 4,000 gold by Issaiah. Many adventurers would probably cough blood if they knew the treatment Blake was given, but that's the beauty of being strong in this world.

Just like being rich in the real world, more doors were opened for him.

Additionally, Salana already logged back into the game a moment earlier with a pout on her face. It's clear that she needs to help Maura with something, and she obviously didn't like one bit of it.

Despite him asking what happened, Salana refused to answer him.

Knowing that he would only make Salana angrier if he say more, he decided to drop it.

Now, Blake is sitting on a chair inside the room, waiting for Linthia to wake up and tell her the fact that she was going to be going with him under the instruction of the Phantom Lord, Seth Ashward.

"Is Tara still inside the Spectral Dimension?" Salana asked.

Blake then nodded his head firmly, he still doesn't know when will Tara came out.

Since she could come out any moment, he already rented another room on the other side of the inn just in case. In no way that he would let Linthia know about this. Regardless of turning her into a Spectral Vampire, Linthia would feel guilty knowing that Tara almost died because of her.

Since the two were close, Blake suspected that kind of thing will happen.

Not knowing what to do as he also couldn't log out of the game because of Tara, Blake decided to check on something that he gained earlier. It was right after he beat Viktor, he gained 10 Privileged Points.

"How do I use the Privileged Points? I got some earlier and wanted to see the shop"

"It's not that easy, genius. The Privileged Shop can't be accessed through the system"

Upon hearing what Salana said, Blake frowned in confusion, "What do you mean by that?"

"Only Privileged Players could access the Privileged Shop. It will come randomly but when it did, all Privileged Players will be notified about it through the System of its location. Of course, there will be a fight, and only five Privileged Players could get inside and make a purchase" Salana explained, waving her hand nonchalantly.

Blake nodded his head in understanding, it seems the Privileged Shop is more special.

Nevertheless, hearing that there's some kind of trial to access the Privileged Shop makes him excited about the items sold inside it. Surely, the items sold there are really good, 'Maybe there will be legendary equipment sold there. If there's, I'll definitely get an SSS or even an Ex-grade Scythe' he thought.

Imagining him holding a black scythe like the grim reaper makes Blake feel like melting.

Any time he played an MMORPG game, whether the Undead race is a starting race or not, he always tried to make his avatar look like an Undead. Black magic prowess, skeletons, hooded cloaks, and everything in between.

Salana almost ruined his ideal starting point, forcing him to choose the Werefox race.

Thankfully, everything turns out well.

Furthermore, he even got an EX-grade race that beckons him to use a scythe. Out of anything, the scythe is the only weapon that is very fitting for an Undead, and being the Grim Reaper is actually a dream come true if he could achieve it.

Just as he was imagining being the Grim Reaper, Linthia woke up.

Sensing a presence inside the room, she glanced to the side and was surprised to find Blake looking up at the ceiling, dwelling inside his imagination with a stupid expression as well as a drool on the corner of his mouth.

It took a slap from Salana to bring him back from the dream world.

"What the fu- Oh, Lady Linthia! You're up!" Blake said with a wry smile on his face.

Upon hearing this, Linthia nodded her head before she chuckled lightly, "What's so good about the ceiling that made you smile like that? You're expression was funny earlier" she said, giggling in amusement.

Blake stutters when he heard this, "A-Ahh... I was just th- thinking! Yes, thinking"

Looking at Blake that seemed to be embarrassed as his face slightly turns rosy, Linthia gripped the blanket lightly as she too become embarrassed, 'He's such a gentleman. He must be trying not to look at me sleeping' she thought.

Oblivious to what Linthia is thinking, Blake then decided to tell her now.

"Oh yeah, Lady Linthia, I have news for you. It comes from a Phantom Lord, Seth Ashward..."

Not expecting to be receiving such big news, Linthia frowned before Blake started telling her about his encounter with Seth, and how the two managed to reach an agreement. He also didn't forget to tell her that they will be leaving for Einora City.

Starting from now, she will be following him, and he will act as her protector.

As this quest didn't hinder his freedom, Blake feels like this is clearly an absolute win for him.

Guarding an important person that would yield immense rewards if completed, as well as the fact that he could go wherever he wants instead of him following the important person is definitely a deal leaning to him.

"Lady Linthia...? Since when are you using title in calling me, Linthia is fine" Linthia said.

Blake could only smile acutely in return, "A-Ah... I think I'll use Lady from now on" he replied.

Upon hearing this Linthia seems to be upset which makes Blake feel even worse, but he needs to keep a distance between himself and Linthia, 'If I get too familiar with her, then Seth would kill me...' he thought wryly.

"Are you okay with coming with me...?" Blake then asked again.

In an instant, Linthia nodded her head, "Of course, I don't mind. You don't have to worry"

"Seems like the problem will not go away in the near future, guess I'll be stuck in the life of running for a while" Pondering about the news inside her head, Linthia sighed dejectedly.

Blake could feel countless emotions from her sigh, it seems the problem she was dealing with the Infernal Veiled Assassin Guild is really weighing her down. Of course, living a life being hunted is definitely not fun.

Remembering being ambushed by the mercenaries, Blake knows exactly how she feels.

Even though it went well as he was able to defeat the mercenaries, it's still for a moment that he felt extremely afraid. A regular person like him being sniped definitely takes a toll on him mentally.

If it weren't for being a Spectral Vampire, he would've died right there.

Just from that alone, Blake suddenly stands up from the chair and walks closer to the bed.

Out of nowhere, Linthia was surprised when she felt a hand on top of her head. She gazes up and finds Blake looking at her intently, rubbing her head with his big hand with an assuring smile on his face.

"It's okay, nothing will happen to you. As long as I'm around, I'll protect you..."

Blake said as he gently rubs her head with his hand.

Due to what he had experienced, he knows that Linthia needed comfort more than anything.

Looking at Linthia earlier who slouches her shoulders down and depicted a lonely picture forces Blake's body to move on its own, and at this moment Linthia's eyes dilated a little and her heart began to flutter.

A sweet vulnerability envelop her body, she felt like Blake could actually own his words.

Even her fluttering chest started to get warm, almost like fireworks are exploding inside her body right now. She didn't realize that her gaze on Blake has turned glazed, and her face was completely red.

Seeing this, Blake blinks his eyes and realized what he was doing, "Oh! S-Sorry..."

"Wait..." Linthia suddenly exclaimed, grabbing the edge of Blake's shirt.

Upon feeling the edge of his shirt being held by Linthia, Blake curses himself inside his head multiple times, 'Blake you stupid asshole, now what're you going to do? Where did that even come from? Do I have an inner Romeo inside of me? Seth is going to freaking kill me if this escalates'

Turning his body around hesitantly, Blake then asked with a stiff tone, "Y-Yes...?"

"D- Do you mean that?" Linthia asked. But seeing Blake is still confused, she then added with a honeyed voice, wanting to hear Blake's answer, "What you said earlier, did- did you mean that?"

Not knowing what to do, Blake only nodded his head in response.

Linthia's body suddenly freezes for a moment and she also looks down to the bed. But in the next instant, she suddenly gets up and leans closer to Blake, holding his cheek with her small hand before giving him a light kiss on the cheek.

It felt soft and good, but at that moment Blake's entire world shattered.

Blake could feel the guillotine being prepared to decapitate his head for making Linthia like this, he knows that his death is now imminent. Just then, his eyes caught a red light coming from the side, and in reflex, ha glanced toward it.

Soon enough, his expression turns pale when he saw Salana drawing her fiery swords.

'Oh, I'm double fucked!' Blake cursed inside his head.

Knowing that staying here would only make the situation worst, Blake did the best thing that came to mind for an overwhelming situation such as this. A method that would guarantee to alleviate the situation.

"I need to do something, I'll be back later!"

Like a ghost, Blake quickly ran away with his tail behind his back, leaving the room.

Upon seeing his silhouette leaving the room and closing the door behind him, Linthia bit her lower lip with a slight pout, "It's my first time kissing someone you know..." she muttered crossly.