Serious Matters

Blake rushes out of the room and heads to the other room he rented.

In a difficult situation where it's hard to explain himself, the best thing to do is run away and avoid direct confrontation like he did right now. But then again, it was purely an accident, he did what he did out of instinct.

But now, he was cursing himself as that somehow causes Linthia to kiss him on the cheek.

Reaching out his hand to the spot where Linthia kissed him, Blake's expression reddened in response. It was unintentional, yet her lips felt ample and good. The spot that got kissed still feels warm, a testament to his mistake.

Whipping his head left and right, Blake quickly went to the corner of the room in a panic.

Despite the new sensation, he was regretting what he did.

Now he was going to be hunted by a homicidal powerful yet jealous ghost called Persona that was bounded with him, Salana was not happy witnessing that scene. Even now, Blake could feel her getting closer.

The grating sound of her sword being dragged against the wooden floor can be heard.

'She's able to use her entire body now... I'm fucked!'

Just as he thought of that, a pair of fiery eyes emerge from the wall which forced Blake to push his back against the wall with a wry smile. Salana passes through the wall and enters the room with the same brutal expression on her face.

"Come here, playboy. Don't run from me" she said raspingly.

Fixing her eyes on Blake that is sitting in the corner like a scolded child, she raises her intricate fiery sword and gave a kiss on its sharp tip, "I also want to kiss you too, so please receive my kiss gratefully will you...?" she added with a deadly smile.

Looking at this, Blake felt a chill run down his spine and quickly shakes his head.

It was clear that Salana is going to give him a sensational kiss using her fiery sword.

"M- Misunderstanding! Let me explain myself! Let me explain myself!" Blake pleaded as Salana strides closer to him, he began to feel the heat of the sword until eventually he saw her stabbing the sword forward.

Upon seeing this, Blake closes his eyes in reflex.


A loud wooden sound can be heard when he closes his eyes, but he didn't feel hurt anywhere. Opening his eyes slowly, Blake gulps harshly seeing the fiery sword a couple of centimeters to his right, stabbing the wall behind him.

Blake thought that his first death in the game would be because of this.

Thankfully, it was not, or else he would definitely have the silliest first death inside the Lunaris game which is killed by his own Persona, "You have one minute to explain yourself, Blake. And you should pray that I will be satisfied with the answer"

"I only tried to comfort her okay? In a way, we're kind of in a similar situation" Blake replied.

Since he was also introduced to a new life in the actual world, being hunted by mercenaries until he could sort out the problem, he felt that he was in a similar spot with Linthia and couldn't help but feel bad for her.

He was shaken when got attacked by the mercenaries, so he knows what Linthia is feeling.

"I never intended to make her like me. You didn't see what happened earlier. But basically, I got a quest from the Infernal Assassins Guild's Phantom Lord to protect her, and he also said that Linthia is betrothed to someone. So I couldn't possibly think of making her like me" Blake added, trying to explain himself desperately.

Albeit he doesn't know why he would need to explain himself, he decided to follow the flow.

Surely if he didn't he would've gotten an ass-whooping.

Now that Salana has evolved to rank 2 and is able to materialize her entire body, there's no saying that she couldn't throw hands with him right now, "If you didn't intend to do that, then why are you flushed right now? Does the kiss feel that good?"

"Oh, come on! That's a natural reaction, I've never been kissed before!" Blake rebutted.

But this makes Salana pulls her sword away and shakes her head, "Listen to me, don't be distracted by women. I should remind you that you and your world will only have one chance. If I were you, I would be stressing about the Inevitable Apocalypse. Do you want your family to be dead?"

"Of course not, why would you need to ask something like that?" Blake replied dejectedly.

While he was being reprimanded by Salana, he stole a glance at her when he heard hidden desperation and sadness in her voice. It was almost as if she was telling him to take it seriously for herself.

'Persona... I wonder what they actually are. Are they created people or are they once alive...?'

Upon hearing this, Salana then nodded her head. Whenever she talked about the Inevitable Apocalypse, she was never joking around like usual. It was then, she points at the bathroom on the side of the room.

"Go wash it off, get yourself together" She commanded with an irrefutable tone.

Sighing lightly, Blake gets up and nodded his head.

A moment later.

Blake is currently inside the bathroom and is washing his face with running water, he raises his gaze to the window and saw his reflection there. It seems like he has a reflection in the Lunaris game world as opposed to the real world.

In that moment of silence, Blake has a lot of things inside his mind.

Clearly, the thing that Salana doesn't want to talk about is connected to her behavior.

Personas are guiding spirits that are going to help Privileged Players to become stronger in the Lunaris game, it should follow the Privileged Players' path. But instead, she was aligning Blake to a single path.

Salana wanted him to focus on playing the game and get stronger.

'Now I'm really curious about her backstory, and also this Inevitable Apocalypse. She hasn't told me in detail what would happen during the Inevitable Apocalypse, she only said that it involves with the survival of the world' Blake thought with a frown.

If that was true, then the powerful people shouldn't have acted this way.

No matter how greedy they are, the fact that the Inevitable Apocalypse has the potential to wipe out the world should make them start working on preventing it. So it doesn't make sense for them to act this way.

Hiding the truth, making the VR Helmets expensive, and even the Exchange System.

Blake couldn't connect their efforts with the fact that the Inevitable Apocalypse is going to destroy the world. Powerful people should instead do the opposite, educate the truth, and makes the VR Helmets more accessible.

At least, this is what Blake thought. But then again, he also didn't think that Salana is lying.

'Maybe I don't know something that would make all of this make sense...'

Upon splashing his face once again with water, Blake got out of the bathroom and finds that Salana is sitting stiffly on the edge of the bed. She was facing away and reached out her hand to her face when she heard the bathroom door is opened.

Frowning for a second, Blake wanted to ask her something but abruptly stopped.

It was because there was a black portal appearing at the center of the floor, the Spectral Dimension is opening again. Blake's eyes widened when he saw this, and he started to become nervous.

Tara is going to come out, and he feared that she might change into something else.

Since this is the first time that Blake tries to turn someone into a Spectral Vampire, he doesn't know what to expect right now. And the uncertainty of the situation is what makes him nervous.

"What if Tara suddenly becomes berserk and went on a rampage...?"

"Then you better stop her, it's your responsibility as the one who turned her"

Nodding his head, Blake then looks at the black portal attentively.

Despite the black portal slowly becoming bigger, it doesn't make any sound, the room was in complete silence except for the muffled sound of people below that is eating and drinking at the inn's bar.

Additionally, there was a mysteriously cold aura, seeping out of the black portal.

In response to this, Blake activated his Nocturnal Blood Sight skill in the hope of locating Tara. But he saw nothing from inside the black portal, only a fixed void of blackness that seems to be deep and unending.

But a moment later, a crawled out of the black portal, grunting heavily.

Upon catching the sight of the figure slowly emerging from the void of darkness, Blake tilted his head with a frown as the sight was quite horrifying to witness, "T- Tara...? Is that you?" he mutters.


Meanwhile, somewhere in the real world.

An aesthetically build muscular man can be seen taking off his VR Helmet. He has sleek back blonde hair, the face that would make any high-class woman approach him, and deep blue eyes that reek of richness and arrogance.

Instead of the regular color, his VR Helmet assumed the golden color.

Without a doubt, the man also has the Limited VR Helmet, he's one of the Privileged Players.

The man groaned lightly, feeling his stiff body from lying all day to play the Lunaris game.

Currently, the man is inside a luxurious two-floor penthouse at the very top of a tall building. He's in the bedroom on the second floor, getting up from a gorgeous black bed sofa that he used when he plays the Lunaris game.

Stretching his body, the man glanced at the bed and saw three stunning women there.

All of them have the tantalizing body of a model, ample and shapely. On top of that, the three were either wearing provocative lingerie or naked, sleeping comfortably on the bed without a care in the world.

Ignoring the three women, the man goes downstairs and reaches for something on a table.

From closer inspection, the thing in the man's hand should be remote. And true enough, the man went over to another room before clicking on the remote. In a moment, three holographic figures appeared in front of him.

"Russel, why did you summon us? Is there any problem?" One of the figures asked.

Upon hearing this, Russel's expression contorted showing that there was definitely a problem, "Yes, I find one of them. I was in the trading center earlier to test the Exchange System, but then I saw a person that has a Persona, and it's not one of you"

"Judging from his appearance, he might be the Vampire Origin, Roman" he added.

Listening to this, the three figures also frowned as the name Roman alone makes them uneasy. "What is his type? He should be either PK, Luck, or Racial" Another one asked again, her expression troubled.

Pondering for a moment, Russel then replied, "His Persona instantly wants to fight"

"No doubt about it, his type must be PK. It's the perfect type for him... we're going to have a lot of trouble killing him" he added, Roman being the PK-type Privileged Player is definitely bad news for them.

But another figure then sighs, "It's okay, we'll need to identify his avatar first"

"My family would send people to keep a lookout on the trading center. Send me the details of his appearance and the sector you met him at. It's our only lead, those monsters need to be taken down or else we'll lose so much more time..."