Wrong Avatar Build

Leaving the inn, Blake and Angel decided to go to the nearest dungeon, the Unholy Crypt.

But before going there, he decided to go to the blacksmith to restore the durability of his equipment. It was going to be destroyed if he didn't repair it first, most of them has already neared the zero durability mark.

In the process, he also learns more about Angel and her condition.

Glancing over to her who was smiling vibrantly while waiting for the blacksmith to finish repairing the equipment, Blake sighed inwardly while looking at her gear and weapons, he finds out that she has never played an MMORPG game before.

Angel told him that she takes the Druid class because the outfit looks cute.

Despite already choosing the Druid class, she was bored with the outfit and decided to change into this one which looks more like a hunter than a Druid. In addition, most of her skills were healing-related, there was only the novice offensive skill called Piercing Thorn which is an innate skill from choosing the Druid class.

Moreover, despite her skill build, he decided to use a sword instead of a staff.

Since melee weapons at least the lower-grade ones only provide physical stats bonus, she's not properly utilizing her avatar build. If she use a staff, her healing effect and mana would've been greater.

Even then, her build is not that terrible, until Blake checked her status window.

[Status Window]

Player Name: Lavina17

Title: Nature's Ill-Favored

Class: Druid

Race: Elf (B)

Level: 18

Hp: 6,100 / 6,100

Mana: 400 / 400

Strength: 77 (+15)

Agility: 95 (+5)

Vitality: 154 (-30)

Spirit: 80 (-15)

Intelligence: 60 (-10)

Luck: 0

Defense: 200

Condition: Normal

Blake couldn't help but facepalm himself when he saw her status window, she completely dumped her attributable stat points into vitality and neglected the intelligence stat which is the most important one for her.

It was so bad that her intelligence stat is the lowest, she's screwed herself over.

Earlier, Blake already asked her why she was focusing on her vitality stat. But Angel innocently replied that she doesn't want to die, and finds out that she could increase her HP by increasing the vitality stat.

Moreover, she also pours her Class Skill points into her healing skills.

Despite being a level 18 Druid, her status window doesn't resemble that at all. It was as if her account got hacked and someone deliberately screwed with her build. But the worst part is, she doesn't realize it at all.

Looking at her all smiles, Blake facepalmed again, 'Sigh... this is rough'

'At the very least, her healing skills were completely juiced up because she doesn't want to die. One of her healing skills even reached B-grade. Impressive considering my class skills were at most C-grade. But more importantly, how could she gain a minus in her stats...?'

Out of the component of her status windows, Blake was confused with this the most.

If her equipment breaks then she would've only lost the bonus stats, gaining a decrease in stats is something that he didn't think was possible aside from being affected by debuffs from other NPCs or Players.

Checking her status window, his eyes landed on her title, Killer of Sprites.

[Killer of Sprites]

Description: Forest Sprites are the dear dweller of the forest, they're the sacred companion of nature. As an Elf, one must respect nature and her wills but the Player doesn't heed this and hunted Forest Sprites. Nature is displeased with the Player and curses the Player.

Upon looking at this, Blake could only smile wryly in response.

'I know that she's bad at playing games, but couldn't she read? I bet there's a prompt that warned her from killing the Forest Sprites, why did she have to kill the thing she isn't allowed to kill?' Blake thought, sighing deeply once again.

Angel is clueless, she doesn't know to play MMORPG games or even games in general.

While he was thinking about this, a thought came to mind as he stole a glance at Angel, 'If that's the case, then why would she buy the VR Helmet and play the game diligently? It's clear she doesn't like to play games'

"Hmmm...? What's on your mind, Blake?" Angel suddenly asked, tilting her head slightly.

Blake waved his hand, "Nothing, I'm only excited to play with you"

"Really?" Angel asked back, clapping her hands together. She then turned to the blacksmith on the side, "Then, sir, Can you please hurry up? We will really appreciate it if you fixed the equipment faster"

"Err, coming right up lady. I'll do it faster for ya!" the blacksmith replied and quicken his work.

Despite not quite expecting this, Blake couldn't help but smile a little.

Although Angel was quite assertive and not this cheerful when the two of them were at the park, she seems to be very vibrant today. It was almost as if she knows that Blake is feeling down, and he couldn't help but enjoy her company.

It made him feel guilty for being in a gloomy mood when Angel was around.

But he couldn't do anything about it now that the situation in the real world is quite troublesome for him, Blake could only appreciate the fact that Angel realized this doesn't bring the topic up and instead, cheered him up.

After fixing the equipment, the two arrived inside the Unholy Crypt.

Most of the Elves in Einora City went to the other dungeon inside of this one because their nature powers are weakened inside this dungeon, only adventurers or brave Elves dared to enter this dungeon despite the weakening effect.

In terms of grade, the Unholy Crypt is B-grade which is perfect for Blake.

"Cold... this place is very cold" Angel complained.

Upon hearing this, Blake chuckled as this place is a place for the Undead. The coldness of the place is not because the air is cold, but it's because Angel reeks of life inside of her, and that made her body feel cold.

"If it's the real world, I would've offered my jacket. But it's not going to work here"

"Don't worry, I can handle this"

Nodding his head, the two then advanced inside a narrow broken, and abandoned hallway.

As the name suggested, the Unholy Crypt takes place in somekind of destroyed Crypt. It seems to belong to a fallen kingdom with torn banners hanging on the wall and ceiling. Mold, vines, and mosses can be seen everywhere and spread rampant on the wall.

The air is quite damp, so it's natural for this kind of vegetation to develop.

Blake looks upwards and finds that the ceiling was also open, he could see the sky. It's nighttime inside the dungeon, unlike the outside. Moreover, the place is eerily silent despite having other people inside.

It was almost as if the dungeon didn't support noises to travel far.

"Oh! There's a chest!" Angel suddenly pointed and exclaimed.

Feeling excited, she quickly rushes over to a golden clean chest placed in an obvious location on the side. Blake widened his eyes when he saw this, it was clearly not a simple chest, "Wait! Angel! Don't go near it!"

Realizing that he was too late to stop her, he decided to use the Shadow Step skill.

True enough, when Angel puts her hand on the golden chest, a metallic sound resounded. Angel was stunned when she heard this. She then turns around and finds a blade right in front of her eyes.

But thankfully, Blake managed to catch it before it reaches her.

[-400 HP]

"Don't run off like that, this is a dungeon, everything inside is dangerous" Blake said sternly.

Upon hearing this, Angel nodded her head stiffly as she didn't expect that a golden chest that she thought would contain treasure turns out to be a booby trap. If not for Blake, the blade would've pierced her head by now.

Sighing lightly, Blake pat her on the head, "Follow me for now, I'll protect you"

In a moment, the two of them encountered a batch of skeletons holding a sword and a shield. Each one of them has a level between 15 to 20, and it's perfect for Angel to kill them and level up.

Seeing this, Blake turns to Angel, "Do you want to try th-"

Just before he could finish, Blake was surprised to find that Angel seems to be terrified.

Looking at her reaction, a wild thought came to his mind, 'Don't tell me she hasn't killed anything else than Forest Sprites...? Is it because she's naturally fearful of monsters that she decided to stick with killing Forest Sprites? No wonder her level didn't improve much'

Blake smiled lightly at her fearful expression that looks cute, "Angel, give it a try"

"I'll lure most of them and leave you with one so you can focus. Also, don't worry about anything, I'll protect you so you wouldn't die" he added reassuringly, Angel clearly need a little bit of motivation.

Not even giving her time to decline, Blake hold his sword tightly and dashed.



At the sight of Blake dashing in, the Skeleton Soldier should've charged back at him. But to his surprise, most of them froze on their spot and growled meekly, showing no sign to retaliate at the very least.

Upon seeing this, Blake frowns, 'I need to suppress my race to not make them scared of me'

Due to the Spectral Vampire race, he has an aura of crippling spear to other Undead races. Even the Colossal Sleeper inside the Domain of the Calm Sleeper which is a very strong mob felt scared when he was still at level 1.

If he met with the Colossal Sleeper now, he might inflict more fear as has gotten stronger.

Blake deactivate every single ability that he has, it was then his eyes dimmed again and turned purple. Sensing the change, the Skeleton Soldier snapped out of their dazes and charged at him like a maniac.

"This is more like it, this is how mobs should act" Blake mutters to himself.

Parrying the swords that were swung at him, he then draw the Skeleton Soldier's attention and brought them to the other side of the room. In the process, he didn't forget to kick one of them and send it crashing to the wall.

"Angel! That one is yours, kill it" Blake shouted and gives her a thumbs up.

While he was making the other Skeleton Soldiers busy, Blake's mind wandered to Salana who he couldn't find anywhere. Since he was too fast and strong for the Skeleton Soldiers, he didn't need to take this fight more seriously.

'Salana, where is she? Did she go over with Steel to investigate...?'

Meanwhile, in another part of the dungeon.

Inside the darkness of what seemed to be a prison cell, a pair of eyes were opened at the scent of something nearby. Due to the darkness, it was unclear what kind of creature was trapped inside. But there's one thing for certain, this creature is hostile to anything.

"Grrr.... death energy, I sensed powerful death energy... I want it... I want it!!"