Hidden Boss - Twin-gun Revenant!

In a hurry, Blake rushes in the direction of the scream.

A look of panic crosses his face when he heard the scream, his heart also started to thump faster in worry. He didn't even leave for that long yet Angel has already gotten herself into trouble. On top of that, her scream sounded way worst than before.

She sounded to be in immense pain, he has never heard her scream that loud.

Knowing that she might be in big trouble which might make her trauma way worst, Blake picks up his pace and course through the crypt like a phantom, sweating profusely while exerting everything he got.

"Hey! Watch it, dickhead!"

"Sorry, my party member is in trouble!"

Blake met some of the players and NPCs along the way, cursing at him out loud.

Out of the players and NPCs he passed, there are some of them that tries to reach him but he ignored them. At this moment, he needs to help Angel first before anything. If she became traumatic again, then playing with her is going to become harder.

It didn't seem to be a stretch that Angel might not play the game anymore.

'Nahh... fuck that! I'll rip this damn mob that tries to land its hand on her' Blake thought in determination, he already gained someone to play the Lunaris game with and he doesn't want to lose her this quickly.

Of course, if the worse came, he would've told her the truth about the Lunaris game.

Surely, that'll persuade her to keep playing.

While he was sprinting, Blake stopped in a three-way junction which puts a frown on his face. The high-pitched scream came from the right, he could still hear it. But he remembered that the prison cell that Angel was in is on the left.

'Did she leave to search for me and got dragged by the mob...?' Blake clicked his tongue.

Blake already told her to stay there but she didn't seem to listen.

Not thinking about this for too long, he quickly heads to the right and even uses his Shadow Step skill a couple of times to reach the direction of the scream quicker. On the way, Blake caught sight of a small red writing on the wall.

It seems to be written in blood, but he doesn't have the time to waste and ignore it.

Soon enough, he finds himself in another corridor.

About a dozen torches lit up in flames can be seen hanging on the wall, there were also bones and skulls scattered around the corridor that leads to quite a big prison cell, it's secured with a portcullis. Moreover, the scream came from the inside.

Looking at this, Blake frowns, 'What is it doing? Why didn't it kill her if it had her...?'

Even though he finds the situation very weird as there doesn't seem to be any kind of struggle if Angel got dragged into that prison cell, the scream rattled Blake's heart and he didn't waste any more seconds and strides close.

Glancing to the side, he finds that there was a lever there.

Blake quickly went over to it and intended to lift up the portcullis and save Angel. It was then, he suddenly stopped when he felt a bad premonition coming from the prison cell, "Angel...? Is it really you in there?" he asked.

Despite his question, nobody answered, it was completely silent.

Knowing that something is wrong, Blake sees through the darkness inside the prison cell using his Nocturnal Blood Sight skill. He searched for the mob hiding inside with the skill, or even an information menu about the mob inside.

But weirdly enough, he didn't find anything except an empty space inside the prison cell.

Realizing that something is wrong, Blake decided to leave the corridor.

Clearly, there was something wrong with this prison cell, he could hear Angel's scream inside but he finds nothing. Furthermore, if Angel did get killed, then he would've got a System prompt that notified him about her death.

Since the two were inside the same party, that should be expected.


Just as he was about to leave the corridor and check the prison cell where Angel was earlier, the gate towards the corridor suddenly slammed shut, surprising Blake immensely. It was now that he realized he was lured here.

"Damn it! I should've known earlier that something is wrong!" Blake mutters inwardly.

It was then he remembered there was a sign outside of the dungeon that says, 'Ignore the Voices', he already asked around about that sign but the players and also the NPCs don't know anything about it.

None of them knew what the sign meant, but the sign is always been there.

[Warning! You have encountered Twin-gun Revenant!]

Upon seeing the prompt from the system, Blake could only curse his luck before he slowly turns his body around with the hope that whatever this Twin-gun Revenant is, it won't be too strong for him to handle.

But that hope was crushed almost instantly when Blake meets a pair of fearsome white eyes.

Out of nowhere, the Twin-gun Revenant appeared inside the prison cell.

At first, there were only his glowing white eyes that can be seen glaring at Blake from inside the prison cell. However, in the next second, the Twin-gun Revenant puts on a disturbing smile that exposes its neat greyish teeth before the portcullis opened on its own.

Blake could hear heavy steps as the Twin-gun Revenant walks out and exposed his figure.

Instead of what Blake was expecting, this monster is surely Undead judging from its decayed skin, at least two times taller than him, and clad in a shadowy trench coat that made it looks like a serial killer from the 1900s. Standing hunched, he also wears a black top hat, the one old magician wears.

On his hands were pointy and sharp were two flintlocks emitting dark energy.


[Twin-gun Revenant - Hidden Boss]

Level: 51

Grade: Elite

HP: 111,000 / 111,000


Decreipt Aura - Emits a decaying aura that inflicts a gradual health decay on all living being.

Twin-gun Barrage - Fires its flintlock pistols in both hands, unleashing a deadly barrage.

Hat Trick - Spins its black top hat on its finger, charging it with dark energy before throwing it a target and releasing a dark fog as well as causing a knockback and stun damage to those that got hit.

Seek of Vengeance - Enter a frenzied mode, increasing 100% of agility stat, 50% defense, and also shortening bullets cooldown. While activated, HP will decrease by 0.5% per second and reduce cognitive ability.


Inspecting the information menu, he cursed inside his head.

Although he already knows that the Twin-gun Revenant is not a normal mob, he didn't expect that it was actually a Hidden Boss, stronger than the boss of the Unholy Crypt Dungeon itself which is very bad news.

Now he has no choice but to fight, he was trapped inside this corridor.

Blake readies his sword when he saw the Twin-gun Revenant raises one of its flintlock pistols and aimed it at him, he activate the Umbral Fortitude skill to enhance his sword. Just then, an eerie chuckle escaped the Twin-gun Revenant's mouth before the barrel of the flintlock pistol started gushing with dark energy.

In response to this, Blake went on full focus, getting ready to dodge the shot.

It was then, something unexpected happened.


A loud banging sound echoed inside the corridor that surely comes from the flintlock pistol. But instead of the one that Blake was focusing on, the one that is aimed at him, the Twin-gun Revenant shot with his other flintlock pistol.

Due to that trick, Blake reacted late and was able to barely parry the bullet with his sword.


[Ironhide Sword's durability has reached 0! The item is destroyed]

One shot is all the Twin-gun Revenant needs to shatter the sword in Blake's hand.

Despite already being fixed by the blacksmith earlier, the Ironhide Sword is unable to sustain one shot from the Twin-gun Revenant, leaving him only with the Advanced Fighter Gloves which is the worst weapon he could have right now.

Since the Twin-gun Revenant has a long-ranged weapon, gloves were the absolute worst.

Blake would need to get very close in order to reach the Two-gun Revenant, it would be very hard as this mob definitely knows his advantage with his two flintlock pistols that are comfortable if there's a distance between them.

Upon shattering his sword, the Two-gun Revenant played with its flintlock pistols.

Almost as if he was boasting to Blake about his skills.

In that momentary pause, Blake analyzes the situation that he was trapped in.

Fighting a mob like the Two-gun Revenant is quite uncomfortable for him as the Two-gun Revenant is an Undead, there's no blood inside of him or even anything that acted as blood which Blake's Nocturnal Blood Sight skill can see.

It was the reason why he couldn't find the Two-gun Revenant inside the prison cell earlier.

'But even though that's the case for me, this situation also doesn't benefit him. We are both Undead, our skills would be ineffective against each other. Like his Decreipt Aura skill, it doesn't affect me because I'm not a living being'

'Also, I need to be precise in using my Blood Lance skill. No blood means I'm not going to be able to recover my HP. One miss is going to be detrimental for me' Blake thought while squinting his eyes.

Just as he was thinking, the Twin-gun Revenant started firing at him.

Blake dodged the bullets expertly now that he was already in alert mode, he didn't dare to parry any one of them knowing that even one shot is capable of destroying the Ironhide Sword easily.

While he was dodging, he was counting the reload time of the flintlock pistols.

'Each time, he could fire three bullets from each pistol before needing about three to five seconds to reload the pistols. That's my chance, I need to get close to him before he's able to fully reload'

Nodding his head, Blake then started counting again and waited for the perfect moment.


It was when he heard clicking sounds coming from the flintlock pistols that he instantly made his move. Blake's body disappeared into the shadow before he reappeared right below the Twin-gun Revenant, fully prepared in attacking him.

Since the corridor is dark, he could easily use his Shadow Step rather freely.

Upon reaching below the Twin-gun Revenant, Blake enhances his fighter gloves with the Umbral Fortitude skill before he launches an uppercut imbued with the Colossal Slam skill, aiming to break if not crush the monster's jaw.


Blake managed to land the uppercut, it was a clean and powerful punch to the jaw.

Clearly, it was very powerful if the Twin-gun Revenant was even lifted off of the ground. Its body then flew backward and landed with a loud crashing sound. But a frown appeared on Blake's face when he felt like he was hitting steel.

[-2,900 HP]

With a slow movement, the Twin-gun Revenant slowly recovers from that uppercut.

Standing straight once again, he tilts his head a little to the side before the smile on his face blooms even wider. Raising one of his flintlock pistols, he then gestured at Blake, taunting him to come attack again.

Upon seeing this, the battle intent inside Blake's body is burning once again.

"Alright, fucker. You want to fight? Let's do it, we'll stop when only one of us still standing!"