Impressing the Honey (2)

Blake could only smile in ridicule as he realized what he got himself into.

Meeting with the woman that ruined his career simply because of not wanting to obey her like a dog, he thought that at least she was doing that to people that she doesn't like. But it seems that was not the case, it's only her natural personality to be like this.

Despite not recognizing that it was Blake, she still decided to make her way to mess around.

Even outside of the company, she's still as rotten as ever.

It was clear that Tiffany's night is going blandly, and she decided to use Blake to light up her night. She pretended to help him to talk with Julia, knowing full well that he will get embarrassed for even trying.

Completely self-centered, the world revolves around her in that small brain of hers.

But even then, Blake's eyes glowed red and finds that on top of Julia being reluctant to look at him, her blood seems to be pumping faster than normal. It seems she was angry, and she gave a light sharp glance at Tiffany who was still laughing.

The Nocturnal Blood Sight skill has many use, and he was experiencing a new one right now.

Although it's limited, this skill could help him read people's minds.

Upon seeing that Blake was being embarrassed by the group, Maura was about to rush over and get him out of that situation with dignity, but she suddenly stopped when she saw Blake's hand signaling for her to not help him for now.

Even though he was being laughed at and pushed, Blake stands his ground.

"I'm going to grab a drink for us. If I come back, let's drink" Blake said with a confident tone.

Finding the balls of this random guy that tries to hit on Julia, the bald muscular man pushed him again more aggressively, "Shut your mouth and let's get out, kid. It's for your own good, you don't know who you're messing with"

Ignoring the bald man, Blake walks away with the bald man following from behind.

When he was gone, Julia glared at Tiffany sharply.

"Is it that funny to you? Do you need to use me like that?" Julia asked with a cold tone.

But Tiffany laughed it off, treating Julia's words as a joke, "Oh, come on. Lighten up, will you? Have a drink. Besides, you're Russel's peach, right? As a good friend, I was only testing whether you would be loyal if a hot guy like that tries to hit on you"

Upon hearing this, Julia's eyes dilated in anger but she restrained herself.

"I'm going to get some air, don't any of you follow me" Julia said with restrained anger, she was trying so hard to not stoop to Tiffany's level and make her happy for being able to successfully hurt her.

Getting up from the seat, she quickly walks away, grabbing her phone on the way.

A moment later, Julia is crouching in an alley beside the nightclub.

Even though she was stressed lately and wanted to clear her mind by going here to drink, she couldn't do that because the last couple of days, Tiffany kept coming here to drink with her and her friends. It's ruining her night for the last couple of days.

She tries to tell her other friends to not let her drink, but they for some reason don't want to.

"Hahh... I should've drunk somewhere else. But the people here knew me, so I could relax without anyone asking to take a photo with me. Also, why would they get along with Tiffany anyway? She's ruining my mood" Julia mused to herself in annoyance.

But then again, she couldn't avoid this as she doesn't have that many real friends.

Looking at the puddle of water in front of her solemnly, Julia sighs as her mind traverse back to that particular night that she regretted until now, "If only I didn't come that night, maybe I wouldn't be involved with a man like Russel"

Julia was spacing out, she was leaning her left cheek on her knees absent-mindedly.

It was then, she suddenly feel a cold sensation on her other cheek.

Upon feeling this sensation, Julia sprung up to her feet and touches her cheek. Her cheek was a little bit wet, but she was even more surprised to find the person standing beside her with a bottle of cold alcohol in one hand and two glass shots in his other hand.

"So you're here, I was searching for you. Can I get my ten minutes, now?"

Pointing at Blake who to her surprise came back unscathed, Julia was at a loss for words.

"How are you here...?"

"How, you say... After talking to that man, I came back to buy the drinks of course"

Although Blake said it with a nonchalant expression as if he was telling the truth, Julia didn't buy it even for one second. In the nightclub, there were a couple of men that tries to hit on her not knowing that she was involved with Russel.

But every single time, the bodyguard Russel assigned stepped in and bring the man away.

Julia ignored it a couple of times, but she was then curious.

In one particular instance, she decided to follow the bodyguard silently outside and finds that the bodyguard started to beat the crap out of every single man that tries to hit on her. Russel is very possessive of the women he considered his.

None of them came back, and it didn't take long for Julia to not expect anything anymore.

Until this night when Blake suddenly came back.

Since he's now way stronger than the normal humans that haven't played the Lunaris game yet, one headbutt on the way out of the nightclub is all it takes for Blake to knock the bald man out cold.

Tiffany wanted to ridicule him, but it creates an opportunity for him instead.

Blake now understands the reason why Tiffany asked whether he was new to the club or not, it was because he seems to want to get close to Julia. In the nightclub, the regulars know that she has a relationship with Russel.

Due to that, none of them gets close to Julia even though she's absolutely stunning.

It seems the two also got into an argument, he watches them banter before a perfect opportunity presented itself. Julia stormed outside to cool off. Now, he could be alone with her without anyone around.

"Enough about that. I only have ten minutes with you, I need to make use of it. What's on your mind right now?"

Not wanting to rush things out, fearing that there might be people passing through the alley, Blake pours a drink for the both of them. But to his surprise, Julia takes the bottle and chugged it directly.

"I guess not that good, huh...?"

"Yes, I'm very stressed. I want to drown in alcohol and forget about my problems"

Thanks to the drink, the vibe around them started to loosen.

Both of them converse in light topics while Julia still takes a couple of drinks from the bottle while Blake occasionally scans the alley, trying to find out if it's the best time to drink her blood right now.

Just then, Julia suddenly glanced at Blake subtly an amorous gaze.

Her cheeks are already rosy indicating that she was drunk, and her eyes were already glassy.

Pondering for a moment, she then asked out of curiosity.

"Say, I know you probably approach me at first because of knowing who I am or because of my looks. But now that you know I'm a red flag, and you'll get in trouble if you get close to me, why risk it?"

"I'm a visual person, so if it's a woman as beautiful as you, I'm fine taking the risk"

Upon hearing this, Julia laughed in amusement at how straightforward Blake is. It seems he was quite honest with himself, and she didn't dislike that, "I like your blatant words, you're very honest. By the way, what's your name?"

"Chris, you can call me Chris" Blake lied, he wouldn't tell his actual name.

But as he said that, Blake then stood up when he deduced that the place is not safe for him to do the deeds. 'It's too open, she also might scream and garner attention. Maybe we'll talk a bit more inside and I'll do it when I accompany her to her car"

"Seems like my ten minutes is up. Shall we get back inside?" Blake asked nonchalantly.

Grabbing the bottle of alcohol that is already half empty and also the two shot glasses, he went over to the door intending to get back inside. But he stopped when he felt something pulling from behind.

Looking back, he finds Julia pinching the edge of his waistcoat.

Moreover, she was also averting her gaze other than Blake's eyes, seemingly blushing.

"Do you want to get another ten minutes with me somewhere else? My car is in the basement, maybe we could continue our drinking there" Julia suddenly said timidly, it seems it's quite hard for her to say that to him.

Oblivious to the subtle cue, Blake's eyes flashed, 'This is it, this is perfect!'

"If that's fine with you, then I'll gladly take that ten minutes" Blake replied with a smile.

A moment later.

Blake got inside the passenger seat of Julia's car which is a luxurious white sedan with tinted windows, he was crying internally as he has never had a car like this. If he had something like this, then he wouldn't have been stuck as a loser.

Maybe in a few years, he might be able to buy this, through credit of course.

'Okay, this location is perfect. Not only are we in the basement, but there's even a special space for her parking and the other cars are quite far away. If I eat her here, then even if she screamed, she wouldn't be able to get away' Blake thought, nodding his head inwardly.

Upon realizing what he was thinking, Blake quickly shakes his head.

'Wait, eat...? I mean bite! What the fuck am I thinking?'

Just as thought of that, he stole a glance at Julia and finds her breathing heavy.

It's weird to find her breathing heavy like this, the place is not that far so it's unlikely that she was tired. Moreover, after turning on the car, she fidgets with her fingers and looks down to hide her face.

Although she was trying to hide her face, Blake could see that it was burning red.

'Hmmm...? Is she sick or something?'

Out of nowhere, Julia lifted her face to look at Blake with her crystal-clear blue eyes. She was breathing heavily through her elegantly inviting lips that were smeared with red lipstick, and her warm breaths reaches even to Blake.

But in the next second, "I- I can't hold it anymore!"

Julia suddenly pounced on Blake and quickly sat on his lap with her arms entangled around his neck. It takes Blake a second to realize what was happening, and when he did, he instinctively held his breath.

For a second there, Blake couldn't believe what was happening to him.

Even though he finds it hard to believe, his attention was captured by Julia's seductively ensnaring eyes that locked onto Blake's surprised purple eyes. She kept that intense eye contact before she slowly unbuttoned her red leather shirt, exposing her full sensuous breasts hidden underneath her provocative black bra.

Smiling teasingly, Julia then puts on a teasing smile.

"It's your fault for being irresistible, okay? I'm going to taste you now..."

Upon seeing this, Blake's expression reddened as the situation was reversed, 'Wait a damn minute, shouldn't I be the one tasting her? How did our role suddenly reverse? It feels like I'm the victim and she's the predator here'