Impressing the Honey (1)

Earlier this morning, Blake and Maura went to the mall to buy some clothes.

Julia, their target is a well-known fashion and beauty influencer that was known for her impeccable style. She collaborates with multiple fashion brands such as Mhanel, Ducci, and XV, showcasing the latest trends to her almost a hundred million followers.

Such a woman will be hard to be impressed, and Blake needs to prepare.

If he wanted to seduce this woman and bring her to a more quiet place, then he would need to dress appropriately. Maura is quite good a this, and she picks out the outfit that he's going to wear down to the accessories.

He was forced to spend his money, but this is necessary, so he has no choice.

Paying for the outfit almost makes him choke to his death, he needed to pay about $20,000 for the outfit he was going to wear and also Maura's outfit. But since he's the main attention, Maura's outfit only takes $1,000 of the cut.

As a simpleton, this kind of money for some clothes is beyond his comprehension.

Blake's outfit adopts a black and dark purple theme, he is now wearing a black chino that hugged his legs perfectly, a glossy black shirt that highlighted his now lean-muscular figure, before ending with a dark purple and black five buttons intricate waistcoat with points on top of the black shirt.

On top of that, he also wears a silver ring on his right index finger.

It's rather excessive but necessary to build the 'important' and 'powerful' air around him.

Moreover, Maura who is walking beside him has her lustrous black hair tied into a high bun that gives her an alluring aura with her exposed exquisite neck. She wears a high-slit black dress and heels that somewhat matches her persona with Blake's persona.

Even though he has never paid attention, Maura's appearance right now is very appealing.

Despite the ridiculous amount of money spent, the outfits are effective.

Striding towards the nightclub with wide steps and upright back with Maura on his side holding his arm, Blake was able to garner many attentions from the people queuing up in front of the nightclub thanks to his appearance.

It was the first time he became the center of attention, and he became nervous.

"Relax, your hand is sweaty. Let me deal with the bouncer. You just need to stay composed until we got inside, I'll do the rest" Maura whispered to him from the side. Unlike Blake, she was completely calm in this kind of situation.

Blake nodded his head and stands leisurely while Maura went over to the bouncer.

While waiting for Maura to deal with the bouncer to give them a pass, the people that were lining up in front of the nightclub were looking at him curiously. It made the wait quite nerve-wracking, but Blake keep his calm and braced himself to turn his head and glance at them.

Meeting with Blake's purple eyes, the onlookers quickly averted their gazes away.

'Hmm... this is not that bad' Blake thought with a smile.

Soon enough, Maura went over to Blake and held his arm again, "Let's go, we're through"

Albeit he was surprised to find that Maura dealt with it very quickly, he passes the bouncers and entered the nightclub. It was then, an instant sensory explosion engulfed his senses as he rarely went to this kind of place.

Blake's eardrums were pulsating with the beat of the music that throbbed through the air.

In the center of the place, the dance floor, a sea of bodies can be seen swaying and moving in harmony was vibrant with life, exuberance, and energy. Colorful lights, flashing and flickering in sync with the music painted the space in a kaleidoscope of hues.

Even the first minute of being inside, Blake could already feel slightly dizzy.

'If Steel said that I would instantly recognize this Julia, then she must be that woman I see everywhere...' Blake thought as he scans his eyes around, he already suspected that this Julia is the Julia who was everywhere in social media.

Just then, Maura came close to his ear and whispered, "Go find her, I'll get some drinks"

Nodding his head, Blake then started his search.

Scouring through the nightclub with his eyes peering through every single person inside the place, Blake tries to map out the place. Steel said that she's a regular here, and she always came here with friends.

Due to that, the best place to search for her will be in the VIP tables on the right side.

Blake calmly made his way to the right, passing people that couldn't help but take a second look at him. Some even more daring, actively seducing him with their playful eyes that somewhat make him touch his tight collar.

It was when he takes a step to the right, he bumped into someone.


Looking down, Blake was surprised when he realized that he knocked a woman down.

Feeling bad as the woman seems to be in pain from falling to the ground, Blake reaches out his hand towards her and helps her get up, "I'm sorry, I should've been more careful. Are you okay...?"

"Yeah, whatever" the woman mused, receiving his hand and getting up.

Upon raising her gaze to look at the man that bumped into her, the woman widened slightly before a frown appeared on her face, "Hmm... you look familiar, have we met before?" the woman asked with squinted eyes.

"If I had known someone as beautiful as you, I would've remembered" Blake waved his hand.

Hearing Blake's flirty words, the woman giggled and tap him on his shoulder lightly in amusement, "Yeah, I figured. There's no way that bum would be here anyway. So, how many girls have you used that line too? Did you bump into me on purpose to say that?"

"Nothing like that, I'm innocent here" Blake said playfully.

Bantering a bit, the woman then eventually said, "I'll get going now, my friends are waiting"

After saying that, the woman walks past Blake, and in an instant, Blake's expression turns vicious. He clenched both of his fists as he realized that woman the moment both of their eyes connected.

"Tiffany..." Blake uttered with hatred, it was the woman that got him fired.

It seems he recognized her but Tiffany didn't recognize him, he has a change in appearance and he also went to a salon to fix his hair, so she didn't realize that it was him. But her words earlier made him even angrier.

Even now, Tiffany still insulted him, calling him a bum.

Glancing over his shoulders, he saw Tiffany in a tight white dress walking towards one of the VIP tables. Blake squinted his eyes when he saw a gorgeous beautiful blonde-haired woman that is sitting at the table that Tifanny is heading to.

At the sight of this woman, his eyes widened, it was Julia that he was searching for.

Blake didn't waste any time and quickly grabbed Tiffany's arm, stopping her in her tracks. Looking back, Tiffany raised one of her eyebrows before Blake said, "Are you perhaps friends with Julia...?"

"Hmmm? I supposed you're new to this place, aren't you?" Tiffany replied in amusement.

Upon hearing this, Blake frowns before Tiffany then smiled teasingly. It seems she was planning something, he could instantly tell from the way the blood inside of her is pumping faster out of adrenaline.

Leaning to Blake, she then said, "If you want to, I'll help you get a chance to get close to her"

"Really? If that's the case, then I'll gladly accept that" Blake replied.

Even though he knows that Tiffany is scheming something against him which is quite obvious, he decided to follow the flow. Whatever she was planning, it involves him meeting with Julia it seems.

Smiling vibrantly, Tiffany then turns around, "Take your shot when I give you the signal"

Blake squinted his eyes as he looks at Tiffany's back getting further away.

Just as he was thinking about what scheme she possibly trying to do here, Maura suddenly taps his shoulder from the side and shove him a shot glass of alcohol, "Drink this, it's better for you to be tipsy than sober in this kind of situation. It'll help you calm down"

Not even answering, Blake quickly takes the shot glass and chugged it in one go.

Feeling worse with Tiffany being here, Blake also takes Maura's shot glass and chugged it.

"Help me if I embarrass myself, will you?" Blake suddenly said.

Upon hearing this, Maura smiled lightly and nodded her head, "I'll help you, just be confident"

Looking at Tiffany that seems to be talking to her friends while Julia is playing with her phone, Blake then got a signal from her as she gestured for him to take his shot. It was then Blake takes a deep breath and make his way towards the VIP table.

'Maybe I'll try to be assertive this time' Blake thought and nodded his head.

Steel also reported that every time Julia came out of the nightclub, she seems to always be in a gloomy mood and she takes about ten minutes break in her car. Blake thought that she might be feeling tipsy and needed a break before driving, but Steel said that she didn't drink any.

By the looks of it, he seems to be right. Julia doesn't even have a glass in front of her.

Getting close to the table, Blake could feel his heart thumping faster and faster.

"Here he comes~"

"Oh, this is going to be fun. He looks good, but will he be able to pull it off?"

"Of course not, Julia is locked in"

Nearing the table Blake could already hear the excited conversations of Tiffany and her friends. It was when Julia raised her eyes from her phone and saw him walking towards her, Blake feel his blood runs cold.

'Ah- fuck it! I'll just give it a try. If it failed, then I'll force her' Blake steeled his resolve.

Blake stands beside the VIP table with his mesmerizing purple eyes that somewhat glowed in the dim place fixed on Julia, he then puts on a smile before he said, "Excuse me but let me be blunt. I saw you from across the floor, and I couldn't help but asks if I can be your partner for the night"

Julia kept a controlled look, she gazes at him for a couple of seconds.

Despite only being a couple of seconds, it feels like time flowed slower, and the choking silence makes Blake's body stiff. But then, Julia sighs lightly, "It's better for you to search for someone else, I don't want to ruin your night by trying to get me"

It was a clear rejection, but Blake already expected this.

"I will feel really bad when I get nothing by coming here, so at least, a few drinks with me? It'll not take too much of your time, you'll be back with your friends in ten minutes" Blake continued, not wanting to let this up.

Julia was about to say something, but Blake suddenly got pushed from the side.

Surprised by this as he staggered to the side a couple of steps, he glanced at the person who pushed him and finds that it was a bald muscular man in a neat suit, "Hey, let's get out for a second. I have something to tell you" he said with a commanding tone.

Upon seeing Blake's surprised expression, Tiffany and her friends laughed in amusement.

But at that moment, Blake instantly realized what was happening.

'Oh, so that's what she was scheming...' Blake thought with an evil smile inwardly, he then glanced at Julia and finds that she was reluctant to look at him. It was the last confirmation cue for him to know what was going on, 'I think I can use this situation to my advantage, I'll give you a shock of your life, Tiffany...'