
Like a true gentleman, Blake couldn't stop at only doing it once.

Blake did it a couple of times, trying new things with Julia who has the face and the body that could even tempt an old monk. Due to the vicious sexual intercourse, she was now left excessively weak, and the inside of the car is already a mess.

It took another half an hour for them to finish and eventually Blake regain back his senses.

Despite managing to lose his V-card and did it five times already, his pent-up lust that was bottled for years wasn't satiated yet. But it was enough to jolt him back and made him remember what he was here for.

Having an intimate moment with Julia is a commercial break, now is the time for the real deal.

Tidying up his clothes first, Blake drinks a bottle of water that he found inside before he glanced at Julia who is still breathing tiredly in the driver's seat. Her eyes are still glassy, and her state is still unstable.

Satisfied with the state he puts Julia in, he decided to help her buttoned her clothes back.

'It seems a little bit of blood is enough to compel her...'

Realizing that Julia would probably have a favorable view of him right now, a little bit of blood would probably allow him to compel her successfully. In that sense, he decided to bring his face close to her neck.

Feeling his breath, Julia weakly touches his chest, "That tickles..."

"Just rest if you're tired, don't mind what I'm doing" Blake whispered and opens his mouth.

Consciously, he elongates his human fangs to bite her neck. He decided to do it gently, not as hard as he did to Maura but enough to penetrate her flawless skin without causing her too much discomfort or pain.

But then, Julia stopped him and turns her head towards him, "Chris, you can't..."

"I could see it in your eyes, dummy. If you kiss me there then you'll leave a mark" She added.

Upon hearing this Blake could only smile wryly, it seems Julia thought that he wanted to leave a mark on her neck, 'Now that she said that, I think that's a good excuse. If it's a bit painful then she wouldn't notice it too much if she believed that I'm trying to leave a mark on her neck'

Smiling playfully, Blake then whispered, "Didn't you say earlier that tonight, you're all mine...?"

Listening to this, Julia bits her lower lip and her face reddened.

"Okay, okay... I don't know why but I really couldn't refuse you right now. Make it lower okay? I have some photoshoots and it's going to be bad if you placed it in an obvious place" Julia eventually surrendered, turning her head to the side and letting Blake view her fully exposed neck.

Nodding his head, Blake then dives in and bites her neck near her collarbone.

Julia moaned lightly when she felt a sting on her neck.

Although that was the case, she didn't fight back and instead held Blake's head gently. It wasn't as if he had to force her, she was totally surrendering herself to him. She trusted him enough that she was oblivious to the fact that Blake was biting her.

For her, it was just another sensation in a sea of pleasure with this man that she just met.

'Hmm... people's blood tasted different, hers is also sweet but has some richness in it'

Despite wanting to pull away after biting her, Blake also didn't forget to leave a mark right on the punctured wounds. It'll shade the punctured wounds and also it gives him some sort of achievement to do this to someone like Julia.

It was then, Blake pulls Julia's chin to make her look into his eyes that already turned red.

Upon seeing this, Julia's eyes also turned red in response.

A moment later.

Blake got out of the car when he finished compelling Julia.

Like the plan he had made with the others earlier, he compelled Julia to go to Russel's penthouse when the time is appropriate and search for any documents, evidence, or reports that has something to do with Privileged Player, Lunaris Game, and the Supernaturals.

Gaining any information about the three filters would be a great help for him.

Albeit that was what he had planned, Julia also confessed that she has seen Russel talking to three people a couple of times in a room inside the penthouse. But she doesn't know who they are since she has only been there a couple of times.

It was not that Russel doesn't want her, but it was because she doesn't want to go there.

Blake was intrigued by this and secretly feels good that Julia doesn't want to be with Russel but gladly surrenders herself to him. It was a stroke to his ego. At the very least, he won in one part against Russel, the super-rich guy who has everything.

Additionally, the three people that he was talking to are still vague.

Julia could only say that it's done secretly, and they seem to be young important people.

On top of compelling her to find out anything that she was required to find, Blake also compels her to not be suspicious of the bite mark on her neck and consider it as nothing more than a love mark.

Now that he has done all of that, it's only a waiting game for now.

"Having fun...?"


Upon hearing a voice from the side, Blake's heart dropped to his stomach realizing that the voice belongs to none other than Salana. It made his body turn stiff as he slowly turns around to find Salana looking at him with her arms crossed.

"Fun? What do you mean? I was only compelling her" Blake lied, trying to defend himself.

Despite his attempt, Salana's gaze makes him feel exposed.

It was almost as if he was standing naked in front of Salana's eyes, she seems to be able to see through his lie rather easily, "Oh, really...? Should I ignore the fact that the car is shaking? How about ignoring the fact that your zipper is opened right now?"

"W- Wha...?" Blake looks down and finds that his zipper was wide open.

Not wanting to let up with his lie, he then defended himself even harder, "Salana, your mind is quite dirty, huh? The car is shaking because she was trying to resist, and my zipper is opened because I went to the toilet earlier and probably forgot to close it"

Salana squinted her eyes when she heard this, she becomes doubtful.

If she knows definitely and wanted to corner him and force him to tell the truth, then she would've wasted no time and started smacking him before he could even finish his lie. Now that she didn't, she must've reached here recently.

Just from the change in her expressions alone, it seems he was right.

'Drop the subject, drop the subject, believe my lie this once!!' He exclaimed inside his head.

Blake was hopeful that she might buy his lie, and his eyes lighten when it seems she was actually going to trust him this once. But it was then, the sound of the window opening from behind can be heard.

"Chris, can I have your number? I really like doing it with you and I hope we can meet again..."

Upon hearing this, Blake could smile acutely in response.

Turning around to face Julia, he grabs her phone and puts his contact in it before she becomes excited. Her expression instantly lit up when Blake gave her his number. Giving a sweet wink, she then bids goodbye and drove away.

Only a loud silence filled the entire place, Blake didn't dare to turn around.

It was then, he takes one deep breath before he quickly sprinted away like a rabbit in heat.

Not knowing how to respond to the situation that surely would only end up in a bad way for him, Blake ran away with all his might and went back into the nightclub. Since he was done here, he decided to get Maura and go back home.

Although the ass-beating from Salana is inevitable, he still has some preferences.

Being beaten black and blue here would be way different compared to when he's inside the apartment room. Out of the two, he would surely pick being beaten in the apartment room where nobody can see him.

Grabbing Maura's hand, the two of them ran out of the nightclub quickly.

While the two were sprinting out of the nightclub, Tiffany saw this from the distance before a frown appeared on her face, 'Julia hasn't come back yet. Did that guy do something to her? And who was that woman he was pulling? I need to find out'

Standing up from her seat, she decided to follow Blake outside of the nightclub.

Blake and Maura ran through the street while being chased by Salana from the back, the two were like a couple that was running away to do elopement. Then again, the street is empty so there shouldn't be any onlookers.

It was then, the two slowed down when Maura needs to catch a breath.

"Why- Why are we running for?"

"Just recover quickly or I'm going to need to carry you"

Upon saying that, Blake suddenly looms forward before he slowly turns to look at his back. A man covered in shadow stands at the end of the street, facing him without moving a single muscle.

Although it might be a random guy, Blake could feel something is off.

Realizing that there was something wrong with that man covered in shadow, Blake grabbed Maura's hand again and quickly crosses the street in order to get away from that man. But it was then, another man appeared.

Looking to his back, Blake also saw another one appearing, pinching him in the middle.

Finding that Blake is all silent, Maura raises her gaze before she saw the men covered in shadow. It seems these men were the ones that put a frown on Blake's face. But it was then, Maura saw the man at the end of her vision open his eyes.

Instead of regular eyes, the man's eyes were bright red, exuding violence and killing intent.

"B- Blake, are they...?"

"I don't know. But what I do know is that we need to get out of here"

Despite not knowing for certain, Blake suspected that these men in the shadows were Ghouls that is aiming for him because of that incident inside the abandoned warehouse. His senses were sending danger signals to his brain.

But even then, he's confused as to where he would run to right now.

Each of the men covered in shadows was standing at all the escape points, he was completely pinned in the middle. Running to crowded people might also not be a good idea for him to do.

If he did that and these men commit a massacre, then Blake would be the one to blame.

Realizing that there's no way he could escape this without making an escape route himself, Blake pulls Maura to the side and puts her against the wall behind him, "Stay close to me, and only use your gun if it's necessary. I think this is going to be a bad fight..."