Moreau Family

Blake pinned Maura against the wall behind him while darting his eyes left and right.

At this moment, the gears in his head are spinning rapidly.

It's already late in the night, about three hours past midnight, and the street is completely empty. Each of the stores on the street was closed, and that provides a perfect spot for these suspicious men to cornered him and Maura.

Clearly, these men were already stalking him all the way from the nightclub.

No humans he encountered whether it was in the nightclub or the regular street could stimulate his senses this much, he could instantly tell that these men were definitely not humans.

Even the blood inside of them was completely still.

Unlike regular humans, their blood was not coursing inside their bodies, which is weird.

It would be a lie if he said that he was not panicking right now, seeing that these suspicious inhuman men are creeping closer to him. But he knows that if he got stunned like this, then it would be similar to him giving his life away.

Taking a deep breath, his eyes then turns sharp and scanned his surroundings.

'Seems like there are five of them. Four are coming closer to me, and one of them is hiding behind that tree near the office building entrance. If I attack one of them right now to create an escape path, then I might be able to flee and reach a crowded place to lose them but...'

Glancing to his back, Blake clicked his tongue as Maura wouldn't be able to keep up.

Additionally, aside from the fact that Maura wouldn't be able to run as fast as him, there's no saying that these monsters in disguise were going to stop when he reached a crowded place. It would be too risky.

If they decided to massacre everyone, then their death would be in Blake's hands.

Blake frowns as this is going to be a rough scuffle, he would need to be at the front taking on these monsters while Maura would be helping him from the back. She has a knife and a gun in her small chain crossbody bag so she's not helpless.

'I've gotten stronger, but if each of them were as strong as that Ghoul, then I'm fucked'

In a split second, Blake already registered a few possibilities.

Even then, he's still unsure of what to do. But he already had a rough idea if he's cornered.

Soon enough, the four monsters in disguise stopped a distance away from Blake and Maura who are pinned at the center. In this situation, Blake was already focusing to the fullest extent, expecting them to attack.

But it was then, the one hiding behind a tree walked out and heads towards them.

Glancing at this figure striding calmly towards him, Blake finds that this figure should be a man in his late twenties or early twenties wearing a black shirt and vest while his black suit was hung over his shoulders.

His skin is extremely pale, and his eyes were glowing purple.

Aside from what Blake noticed clearly, the figure also has a big tattoo on his neck and chest.

'Hmm... he has different qualities from the Ghouls' Blake thought with a frown.

If he had to guess, this person looked like a Vampire that he watched in movies with the exception of the red eyes, this figure has light purple eyes. Then again, he knows that Vampire is real from the Ghouls.

Surely, this figure in front of him is a Vampire.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Another newborn...? It's getting annoying now" the Vampire said in chagrin.

Stopping about five meters away from Blake who is looking at him warily, the Vampire then blinks his eyes to calmly gaze at Blake before he then continues, "Say, who turned you into one of us? I'll make your master responsible for this. I am baffled, picking a fight with the Ghouls in this territory, I'll force your master to kill you themself"

Upon hearing this, Blake frowns as it seems they were here not for the Limited VR Helmet.

In addition, the Vampire has even mistaken him for another Vampire.

"Whose territory is this place? I don't know, and I didn't have any intention of picking a fight with the Ghouls. It just happened, unfortunately" Blake replied, this is a good situation to gain more information about the Vampires and Ghouls that ruled this city.

But when the Vampire heard this, a sudden shift in the air around him happened.

Gazing at Blake with extreme malice, the Vampire's eyes glowed purple before he turns around and waved his hand nonchalantly, "So you're an outsider, not from the Moreau Family. I guess I don't need to think about this much then. Kill them"

Realizing that he has misspoken, Blake clicked his tongue in displeasure.

'If I'm also a Vampire, how come he's that ruthless? Do Vampire families have a feud with each other so bad that he could be this heartless to a being of the same race?' Blake thought in disbelief, the Vampire didn't even think twice to order to kill him.

Although he wanted to call out that Vampire again, he was already gone.

Knowing that this is going to be a fight after all, Blake then whispered, "Give me the knife"

Maura took one of the knives and from her bag and gave it to Blake.

But as received the knife from Maura, a voice came from the side, warning him of an attack.

"On your left"

It was Salana who was already keeping an eye from the side.

Upon hearing this, Blake quickly glanced to his left and saw a hand reaching out for his face which jolted his eyes wide open. Moreover, the fingernails were thick and sharp, turning into claws, able to tear his face easily.

In reflex, he yanked his head back to dodge the attack cleanly.

The hand passes through between him and Maura, the pale and powerful hand of a Vampire.

Surprisingly enough, Maura reacted quickly and grab the other knife, and thrust it into the Vampire's throat skillfully. She was aiming it straight at the jugular. Following that, Blake kicked the Vampire in the face and send him rolling across the street.

"Hard, I couldn't penetrate it deeply" Maura utters, finding that the Vampire's skin is solid.

Blake also nodded his head, it feels like kicking a rock.

Even though the two were surprised by the sensation of attacking the Vampire, the other three leaped in action and started to attack them from all sides. In response to this, Blake's eyes flashes as he searched for an empty spot.

Finding one on the left, he grabbed Maura's shoulder and shoved her in that direction.

Upon doing that, he quickly defended himself.



In the last couple of days, Blake has been training not only in his usage of racial skills such as the Shadow Step and Blood Lance skill, but he also tries to improve his body condition to match the one he has in-game.

Salana has been a huge help, she pointed the wrong steps and movements that he does.

Albeit he was training in his apartment room, it's still quite helpful.

Now, he feels like he's a completely different man. Moving his body has become way smoother like water, and he could also keep his composure well finding that he could see the trajectory of their attacks and effectively avoid them.


Blake rolled to the side, avoiding a horizontal slash from a Vampire.

Wanting to keep the pressure going, the three Vampires glanced to the side and finds that Blake disappeared. It caught them off guard, Blake should've been a newborn Vampire yet he was capable of this kind of fear.

Additionally, his physical prowess could also match them which should be impossible.

It was then, the Vampire on the right felt something behind him. But when he was about to react, it was already too late as Blake stabbed the Vampire in the back with the knife in his hand viciously.

Despite the stab, the Vampire could still move and tried to retaliate.

But Blake was moving even faster, avoiding the Vampire's desperate attempt. Not showing any kind of mercy, he stabbed the Vampire repeatedly with the knife and tear his body open, dying the concrete street crimson.



The other two Vampires have their red eyes widened completely at the sight of this.

Looking at the ground that was now dyed completely in red with their comrade's corpse above it, the two couldn't believe that Blake could actually take one of them down. It wasn't supposed to be like this.

Even now, the two still couldn't get how Blake could avoid their eyes and disappear.

"Come, let's make it quick, shall we?"

Succumbing to Blake's provocation, the two Vampires have their expressions darken. It was an insult for them who was an older Vampire to be mocked by a newborn, and that alone makes them bares their fangs angrily.

Rushing toward each other, Blake and the two Vampires clash once again.

It was a fierce rush down, the two Vampires moved even faster and Blake could also see the blood inside of them started to move, 'So the blood inside of them is like my Blood Reserve, it could be used to activate some sort of skill'

Noticing this, Blake becomes even more alert but he was surprised when his vision shifts.

Looking down at his own legs, he finds that one of the Vampires managed to sweep him off his feet. But before he could react, he could see the blood inside of the Vampire in front move to his hand.

Blake's eyes widened when he saw a red glimmer on the Vampire's claws.


Completely caught off guard, the Vampire managed to slash his face, leaving bloodied claw marks that crosses the right side of his face. It didn't stop there. Attacking in sync, the Vampire that swept his feet also uses the same move and thrust his hand into Blake's stomach.

"Huaahrghh!" Blake vomited blood as his stomach got stabbed by the Vampire's claws.

Instinctively, he held the Vampire's arm to stop him to push his arm deeper. But surprisingly, the Vampire grins before the veins in his arm bulged as Blake was lifted off of the ground and raised skywards.

Blood keeps dripping from his stomach, the pain was unbearable.

"You are a weird newborn, but you will die either way. Just remember, this is not personal"

Just as the Vampire was about to finish him off, the claws that were embedded inside Blake's stomach suddenly feels a sudden coldness that keeps on getting stronger. It surprises the Vampire but then he saw Blake grinning from ear to ear.

Raising his gaze to glare at the Vampire, his eyes then flashed wickedly.

"If I was a newborn then maybe I'll die here. But unluckily for you, I'm not just a Vampire..."