Prey becomes the Hunter

"I'm not just a Vampire..."


Listening to Blake's declaration, the Vampire was stunned for a brief moment.

But soon enough, he shakes his head as that kind of declaration was laughable. It was obvious that he's a Vampire, the red eyes, the scent of blood in his mouth, and also the paleness of his skin indicates that clearly.

Due to that, Blake is definitely mocking him right now.

Clenching his jaw, the Vampire is angry and he was about to slam Blake to the ground.

In the next second, he frowns finding that his arm was stiff.

Gazing back at Blake who still retains his wicked smile, the Vampire saw a weird energy gripping his claws tightly and permeates the crippling coldness into his body. Instinctively, the Vampire wanted to pull back his hand but he couldn't.


"Arrggh!" the Vampire grunted when his arm got stabbed by a knife.

Not stopping at that, Blake twist the knife intending to break the Vampire's bones but he finds out that the knife was the one that got broken instead. Clicking his tongue, he grabbed the wound and brutally ripped the Vampire's arm using his raw strength.

Blake then fell to his feet before he focuses the Shadowblood to the tip of his fingers.

Thanks to his training, he's able to control the Shadowblood better.

Salana already expected that the melee weapon in his world wouldn't be able to be potent enough to fight the Supernatural monsters such as the Ghouls and Vampires, and thus she decided to made Blake focus on having a natural weapon of his own.

It was then, he learned to focus the Shadowblood to his fingertips, his natural weapon.

Wasting not a single second, Blake closed in.

The Vampire that got his arm ripped off was screaming in pain as he couldn't believe that Blake could tear his arm like that. But that momentary of losing focus was enough for Blake to swipe him, aiming for the neck.


Under the intense Shadowblood, his fingertips acted like claws, and sliced through cleanly.

Not even realizing it, the Vampire's neck was already sliced.

It takes a moment for the Vampire to register what had happened before his eyes rolled back and his carcass stumbles back and fell to the ground. Gazing at his hands, the wicked smile on Blake's face grew wider.

Shifting his to the other Vampire, he finds that the Vampire was terrified.

"Don't be like that. Don't use that kind of expression, you're going to make me feel bad"

Despite feeling a bit nervous that these Vampires would be a problem for him, it seems he was overreacting. Compared to the Ghoul that he encountered, these Vampire were definitely not as strong.

Maybe the Vampire with purple eyes earlier is as strong as the Ghoul, but not these ones.

Blake utilizes the shadow that was provided by the night and casted the Shadow Step skill, merging with the shadow before reappearing behind the Vampire. In an instant, he tries to grab the Vampire's jugular and ripped it out.

Similarly, the Vampire also launched an attack on his own.



The Vampire bolster a quick reflex and uses its claws to severely slash Blake, leaving bloodied claw marks across his body. But that was not enough to stop Blake as he grabbed the Vampire's jugular and ripped it out.

It was a gory scene, blood were already wet the ground underneath their feet.

Due to the slash, Blake grunted in pain while the Vampire's body was paralyzed while holding his bleeding neck. 'Seems like decapitation is the effective way to kill Vampires' Blake thought, seeing that the Vampire is still moving.

If he had did this to a regular human, they would've definitely died, but not Vampires.

Nodding his head in acknowledgment, he then did the same thing and decapitated the Vampire's head with a swift slash that sliced through the Vampire's neck like a hot blade going through butter.

Just like that, three Vampires died in a span of a few minutes.


But it was then, Blake's eyes widened when he heard a loud crashing sound from the side.

"Quick, Maura is in trouble!" Salana yelped.

Upon hearing this, Blake quickly became alerted, "Hmmm...?!"

Whipping his head to look at the side, he finds Maura got thrown away and hits a street light in the process. It looks painful, she was nothing but a human, and that kind of damage would definitely damage her body.

Remembering that there's one more, he quickly tries to cast Shadow Step again.

'Hmmm...?! I can't use it anymore?'

It seems like he has reached the limit in using his Shadow Step, he couldn't use it anymore. Even if he forces himself to cast it, he could only feel a sharp pain stinging his brain, showing that he's in a way out of mana.

Having no other choice, he quickly pointed his hand forward.

Blake sliced the palm of his hand and lets blood seeped out, his eyes then flashes as he casted the Blood Lance skill for the first time in the real world. It takes a huge amount of focus to do this.

Albeit that's the case, it eventually manifested and shoots straight at the last Vampire.


The last Vampire that was pouncing at Maura that seemed to be struggling to stands up got hit right on the hand and stopped him momentarily, his hand was completely destroyed from being hit by a sudden red object.

Following that was a burning pain that forces the last Vampire to hiss in pain.

Driven by pure anger finding that the other Vampires were killed, the last Vampire glared at Maura and decided to keep on going, taking one down at the very least when Blake turns out to be way stronger than they are.

'Casting another Blood Lance would take too long, I need to move!'

Blake grabbed the street light beside his with his left hand before propelling himself forward.

In an instant, he started sprinting straight at the last Vampire.

Maura was currently in pain, her back feels like it was broken from hitting that street light earlier. On top of that, the fight between her and the Vampire was quite fearsome. She could defend, dodging the attacks but she couldn't hurt the Vampire at all.

Using the gun would be her best bet, but that would attract attention.

Since she doesn't want that to happen, she could only hope to hold on until Blake finishes.

Her dress was torn here and there and her body is riddled with scratches.

Sensing a bad omen from the back, she glanced over her shoulder with a pain expression. It was then she saw the Vampire was about to reach her, his lethal bloodied claws were already ready to ripped her head off.

Not wanting to die, she tries to take her gun but she stumbled, there was no time.

'I'm going to die here...?'

But as she thought of that, Blake suddenly came out of nowhere and stands right in front of her. His wide back was akin to a strong barricade, protecting her from the incoming claws that intends to take her soul away.


Getting in the way of the attack, Blake got clawed on the side of his body.

A painful grunt escapes his mouth, blood poured out of his body because of that. Even then, he quickly grabbed the last Vampire's head before a sudden burst of strength allows him to slam the last Vampire's head onto the wall on the side.


Not stopping at that, Blake keeps on slamming the last Vampire's head repeatedly.

It was an unsightly scene where even Maura was disturbed despite having a share of experiences with gory situations, the fleshy sounds that was made from the last Vampire's head slamming to the wall was horrifying.

Blake only stopped when the last Vampire's skull was cracked open, and killing him.

Upon finishing the job, Blake panted heavily.

Every time he has done something gruesome that even he himself doesn't know that he was capable of doing it, he's always like this. He panted not because of tired, but he panted because of shock that he could be like this.

'H- How am I able to do something like this...? I must be crazy' Blake thought in disbelief.

Glancing over the messed up street and also the carcasses of the Vampires he killed, he could only hides his face in guilt, 'I know that they tried to kill me first, but these Vampires could previously be humans, and I killed them in cold blood'

At this current moment, he doesn't know how these Vampies came to be.

But if it's the same as the folklore and movies that he heard and watched, then these Vampires should be humans that got turned into monsters. Just that alone makes the guilt inside of him worse.

"Eurrgh..." Blake moaned, he now could feel the pain clearly as his adrenaline fades.

Upon seeing this, Salana then said, "I'll keep a lookout, recover your wounds when you snapped out of it and quickly leave the place. People would start crowding this place soon enough with the mess you made"

When she left, Maura came close, kneeling beside him, and offered her arm.

"You're hurt, it's okay to drink my blood..." She uttered softly.

Looking over at her that seemed to also be hurt, Blake quickly declined the offer, "Don't bother, you're also hurt. I'll just use these Vampires' blood to recover, I don't know if it'll work but it should. We also need to leave quickly so you can treat your wounds"

Declining the offer, Blake then walks to the last Vampire and lifted his carcass up.

Although he felt disgusted by the fact that he would need to drink blood that doesn't look appetizing like this, he decided to get it over with and started drinking the blood. It tasted bitter, but it should still recover him.

Maura rested on the side while watching Blake devouring the Vampires' blood.

'He should've drunk my blood and gotten this over with, why would he need to be worried about me? Now I feel indebted to him, I don't like it...' Maura thought before averting her gaze elsewhere, trying to steady her breathing.

But it was then, Blake snapped his head to the end of the street.

Salana came back with a worried expression, "Someone is coming, we need to leave!"

Upon hearing this, Blake frowns as he was not finished recovering himself. It was then when he uses his Nocturnal Blood Sight skill, he could see six people that seemed to be inside a high-speed vehicle heading towards him.

"Tch! We'll need to hide... Maura, let's go!"