Great Turmoil

'Blake still has relatives...? I thought he was already alone'

Salana who had never once seen Blake contacting or even mentioning his family was confused when she eavesdropped his call, she thought that his family was already dead and he lived alone in his apartment room.

But it seems she was wrong, Blake still has relatives in this world.

It was weird though, he doesn't keep any photos or mementos of his family in his apartment.

Just a bit earlier when she was sleeping, she was woken up by a light sound.

Fearing that it might be the Vampires or Ghouls that wanted to take care of Blake as soon as possible, Salana quickly woke up and scans her eyes around. The next thing she knew, she saw Blake sobbing in his sleep.

Due to that, she was wide awake, confused as to what made Blake like this.

About half an hour later, Salana saw Blake opens his eyes. In return, she quickly pretended to sleep and sensed him walking past her and heading to the balcony of the hotel room when he called someone and started talking with that person.

Sensing that Blake might need some alone time, she wanted to let him be and sleep.

It was her plan at first but she was too curious to not eavesdrop on the call, and then she finds that Blake seems to be talking to someone, an air of sadness and solitude can be felt coming from him despite he was smiling and chuckling while talking to this person.

On top of that, his voice seems to be breaking a couple of times.

Likewise, Maura who was also eavesdropping could hear the amount of emotions Blake was pouring out while the night air breezes. She has a strong view of Blake, being a monster that is capable of defeating well-trained mercenaries easily.

Even at the time when the two meet, he was monstrous and ruthless to her.

In addition to that, she also realized that the only weakness that he has was with women. Maura could tell that he spared her not fully because of wanting her to help him, there's also an influence from the fact that she's a woman.

Seems like he has a tendency to not hurt a woman engrained deep inside his mind.

Maura knew that if she was dealing with any other person, she would definitely be killed mercilessly but Blake didn't, and instead takes her in and gave her a chance to survive. Due to that, she has a strong view of Blake.

But at this moment, Blake seems to be very vulnerable.

Almost as if his mental fortitude was stripped open, and he's now exposed completely.

'Is he talking with his father...?' Maura ponders in silence.

Judging from the way he talks, it was leaning more toward talking to his father than his mother. A talk of protection and providing should be shared between father and son, and thus Maura suspected that.

While she was thinking, she suddenly realized that Blake has finished his call.

Like scared kittens, Salana and Maura quickly ran back and pretended to sleep once again.

Blake entered back to the room and saw Maura and Salana were still in the same position, the two were asleep and he didn't think much about it before going back to bed and trying to get some sleep.


Meanwhile, in another part of the city.

At the very edge where the tendrils of urban life reluctantly retreated, stood an eerie relic of the past. An abandoned two-floor mansion, lost in the grip of decay as time has been unkind and covers its opulence and grandeur.

Its walls and windows darkened by the passage of years of not being embraced.

Stepping inside, the air of desolation permeated every inch as cobwebs adorned the corners and dust wiggled in the faint streams of moonlight, penetrating through the shattered panes. A state of abandonment was thick, with peeling wallpaper seen all over the place.

But despite its condition, there seem to be people living in this abandoned mansion.

On the second floor of the mansion, inside a room that seemed to be a reading room of the previous owner were five figures with one of them sitting behind the desk, all of them is wearing black-themed clothes and has grayish skin.

"What message you wanted to bring, gathering us here, Rinkrak?"

"I was feasting, and you called us here. It better be something substantial"

A few of the figures present in the room expressed their displeasure at the figure with yellow glowing eyes, standing at the center with a polite posture. He was facing the figure who has skeletal black wings behind him, the one sitting behind the desk.

Clearly, this figure sitting down possess a higher standing among them all.

"Speak. I believe if it's not important, you wouldn't call us here, Rinkrak" the figure sitting down said with an authoritative tone, his yellow eyes were even darker and sharper compared to the rest.

Upon hearing this, the figure standing at the center, Rinkrak bowed his body.

"Yes, family head. I encountered a Vampire that traverse into our hunting ground while I was nurturing the Walker. We got into a fight, and the Walkers were all killed" Rinkrak stated, which draws a cold breath for everyone inside the room. "But I haven't notified the Moreau Family about this"

A sudden silence instills the room eerily before the other growled in anger.

"Family head, this is unacceptable. We have only come to a treaty for a few days, and they dared to break that treaty?! We need to strike back. If it's war they want, then we'll not back down from it"

"I agree, we are not pushovers. I'll devour those blood crawlers..."

Out of the five, two women that seemed to be twins barked first, showing their aggression.

Listening to what Rinkrak said made the fire of anger inside of them burn, something like this is clearly an offense that would need to be addressed as soon as possible. But the family head sat back without any reaction.

Gazing at Rinkrak intensely, he then tilts his head, "Is there more to your story, Rinkrak?"

"Yes, I thought that Vampire was from the Moreau Family. But it seems he's not. In fact, he doesn't seem to belong to any family. His abilities don't fit with any of the Vampire Families, and I suspect that he's a Privileged Player, and he doesn't seem to be a part of the humans' Privileged Players" Rinkrak continues, bearing the bombshell that even the family head couldn't control his expression upon hearing this.

None of the others managed to mutter a word upon hearing this.

For a split second, their brains were paralyzed from heading the news. It was then the family head snapped out of his daze and quickly leans forward with both of his hands clasped together in interest.

"A Privileged Player...? That's a big claim, Rinkrak. Are you telling the truth?"

"Yes, I'm quite sure. He was surprised to find me, it's obvious that he's a greenhorn. He doesn't know that we or Vampires exist. Moreover, the Privileged Player is in our city, and we could find him"

Seeing that Rinkrak is not playing around, the family head's eyes widened in anticipation.

Although he was furious at first finding that the Moreau Family is taking a piss at them again, he now feels excited, his eyes flashing brightly in response to his excitement. In addition, the others also felt the same kind of excitement.

Each of them turns their head towards the family head with a big smile on their face.

"Family head, this is our chance to increase our family's standing!"

"If we could kill that Privileged Player and give the Limited VR Helmet to the Progenitor, our family will definitely become stronger! I'm sure the Progenitor would give us more than another power, he might even give us a blessing!"

"Yes, if that happens, then forget about the Moreau Family. We'll be unbeatable"

Upon hearing the other members of the family becoming excited about this, the family head could only smile as he could relate to what they were excited about. It's a big opportunity that they couldn't miss.

Due to that, the family head stands up and scans his eyes at the others.

"Call back the Walkers under you, and scattered them in search of that Privileged Player. I want it done silently, don't make too much noise, or else those bastards would locate us and try to eradicate us" the family head instructed with a commanding voice.

In return, the others nodded their heads and said in a union, "Yes, family head!"


At the same time, a figure is sitting on the back of a black sedan absent-mindedly.

While the black sedan was speeding through the empty night street that brings nothing but tranquility and peace, sat in the backseat with his hands crossed, the figure's purple eyes peered out of the window and takes in the serene sight.

It seems he was enjoying the sight, and he even decided to open the window a bit.

Breathing lightly finding that at last the war between them was over, and now they could focus on taking down the side that they should be focusing on from the start, the figure smiled lightly in response.

"If I may, should we head straight back home, sire...?" the driver asked from the front.

Upon hearing this, the figure nodded his head, "Yes, go straight back home. We couldn't stay in this part of the city. It's not prohibited but it'll be better lest I provoke the Ghouls. I'm just passing after all, and sensed a lost one compelling a human"

"Also, make sure those four also leave after dealing with that lost one" He added.

The driver bowed his head politely as a sign of understanding.

Just as the black sedan stopped at a traffic light, the figure on the backseat suddenly widened his eyes and raises his gaze weirdly. A look of disbelief can be seen on his face, he seems to be shocked about something.

"Park the car to the side!" the figure exclaimed in a hurry.

Upon the driver doing as he was told, the figure walks out of the car and looks in a direction.

A gleam of disbelief which quickly turned into fury can be seen in his purple eyes, he then gritted his teeth realizing that what he sensed seemed to be true, "How is this possible...? Did those four newborns got killed by that Vampire?!"

Sensing that their presence vanished, the figure's expression darkens.

"I need to handle that Vampire, but I would need to coordinate with the Ghouls. However, no matter what, I'll be the one killing that Vampire. How dare he killed my newborns..." the figure whispered raspingly with both of his hands clenched.