Heated Argument

Completely oblivious to the turmoil he has caused, Blake was sleeping comfortably.

It was a tiring night for him, starting from approaching Julia, taking care of the Vampires and getting injured, as well as hiding from the unknown special force that came suddenly and swept the place.

Early in the morning when the sunlight seeped through the wide window, his eyelids trembled.

Blake slowly woke up from his deep slumber and feel comfortable.

'Hmmm...? I feel so comfortable. It's been a long time since I last visit a hotel, is this the premium quality featherbed that five-star hotels have these days? Maybe I should think about buying one myself' Blake thought whilst still having his eyes closed.

A moment later, he eventually opens his eyes lazily.

Despite wanting to sleep a little bit more, there are many things that he needed to take care of from researching that unknown special force and also playing the Lunaris game again. Any longer than Linthia and Tara would've been worried.

But the moment he woke up, his eyes popped wide open in shock.

It was earlier that he thought that he felt weirdly comfortable, especially his arms that seemed to sink into the bed. But now, he realized that it was not the bed that made his arms feel like they were sinking.

'What the heck are these two doing?!'

Currently, Maura and Salana were hugging his arms and using them as pillows.

Since both women were blessed on their chests with mounds of fat that could give a glimpse of heavenly sensation, his arms that were pulled against them were completely trapped in between.

Out of reflex, his crotch part also woke up at the sight of this.

'Man... are they looking down on me? Do they really think that nothing would happen even if they are this defenseless with me? My pride as a man is hurt...' Blake thought, he felt minuscule from the thought of that.

Although that was the case, he regained back his confidence almost instantly.

'Little did these two know, I'm not the same anymore. I've graduated from virginity university!'

Remembering the steamy time he has with Julia, a famous celebrity in her car makes him rub his nose out of pride. He knows that millions of men out there would envy him if they know what he has accomplished.

Getting out of bed, he takes a quick shower and heads down to the lobby.

Blake gets inside the internet lounge and quickly sat in front of a computer, he then started to research the unknown special force, trying to find out what kind of organization are they from to know Vampires and Ghouls like that.

After about half an hour of research, he could only lean back with a sigh.

Since he was using the shape of the emblem on their shoulders as his research material, he couldn't find any sources about them. But he already expected this, the organization behind them should be a secretive one.

'Maybe I should ask Julia about this...? If I want to do that, I should meet her'

Pondering for a moment, Blake closed his eyes and tries to think of something he could do.

It was then, he decided to start changing the course of his research. Instead of using the emblem, he should try searching for any Supernatural activities in the city to link it to that unknown special force.

Just a tweak of his research point, he received a great change.

Blake was surprised to find that there are blogs and websites that highlighted different kinds of accidents, the big media doesn't have anything about Supernatural activities, but these blogs and webs have.

Although he suspects that these blogs and webs were trolls, he soon changed his mind.

Discerning troll blogs and webs are pretty hard.

Even if that's the case, there should be some truth amongst these blogs and webs. Scouring through the internet for another hour, he landed on a run-down page that has an article from about twenty years ago.

It's quite hard to find this web, but he managed to find it anyway.

Reading through the article he finds that it has something to do with the burning of Marcury Hotel thirty years ago, Blake was still little by then but he remembered that it caused quite a sensation throughout the city and even the whole country.

He vaguely remembered that guests of the hotel were evacuated ten minutes before the fire.

Almost as if the authorities knew that it was going to burn.

From the article he read, Blake finds that the woman that writes this article said that she was present that day. She shared her experience and said that there were no problems at all until police surrounded the place and evacuated them all.

Complying with the police, the woman also left alongside the others.

But while she was running, she caught sight of a monstrous figure covered in black furs.

It was quite chaotic that day and it was hard to see properly, yet the woman shared that she really saw this monstrous figure fighting two people in black robes in the hallway. Nobody seems to realize it except for her.

On top of that, the monstrous figure managed to eat one of the people in black robes.

Upon seeing such a sight, she wanted to scream but she couldn't muster any voice. It was then the monstrous figure gave a sharp glance at her before growling menacingly. Ever since that day, she has never forgotten about that scene.

About ten minutes after she reaches outside, the hotel catch fire, burning everything inside.

At the bottom of the page were a couple of documents.

Blake was excited when he finds a couple of videos, but he was dejected when he finds that the video was corrupted. In fact, most of the documents were corrupted. He clicked each one of them to check until he reaches the last one.

In an instant, a photo appeared. It was the photo of the aftermath of the fire.

Gazing at the photo intently, Blake squinted his eyes to take a good look at the photo, 'People in black robes... the unknown special force wore modern combat armor, so it shouldn't be them' he thought with a frown.

Five minutes later, he gave up. It seemed normal, and he decided to change the website.

But it was then, his eyes catch something.

Since the photo shows the burned hotel that was already completely black, he didn't quite catch it at first but now he saw a torn cloth at the right side of the photo. It was quite far, and he needed to zoom in a bit.

Zooming to make sense of what he was seeing, his eyes widened.

"Wait, isn't that the same emblem as those people last night?!" Blake exclaimed out loud.

Just like the emblem on the shoulders of those people last night, there's a torn black cloth on the ground with a drawing of a wolf head facing sideways. It's certainly similar, but there's one distinctive difference.

"It's similar, but it doesn't have the sword stabbing through it"

Deciding that it might be of use, Blake saves the image and send it to his email before leaving the internet lounge. It's time for him to log back into the game, he almost reached level 50 and is about to unlock the second Persona Quest.

In addition, he also would need to promote his class to a higher one.

Most of the Gladiator skill tree was unlocked until he reached the next higher-rank class, so he would need to see if there's a Class Academy where he would be able to gain the quest to promote his class.

A moment later, Blake reached back to his room and finds Salana is already awake.

"Great, you're up. I need to log in right now"

"No, we need to talk first. I think now is the best time rather than later"

Upon hearing this, Salana shakes her head. She seems to have something to say.

"Hmmm...? Okay, seems serious. What is it?"

"Instead of playing defensively like this, we should be the ones taking the initiative. Clearly, your world has monsters that you don't even know exists, and last night is the second time they are trying to kill you. I say that we'll need to strike back to show them that you're not a pushover"

"I understand what you're saying, but I can't..."

Although it's true that his life is in danger, he couldn't really bring himself to do that.

In truth, he felt bad for killing those Vampires last night.

Blake doesn't know the exact ways how a regular person can become a Vampire or other monsters in the real world, but it didn't diminish the fact that they were once humans. It was because of that, he felt bad killing them.

"What if they have a family in real life that's not a monster? I need to think about them too"

"Don't be naive! The better you understand that you need to do anything to survive, the better the outcome will be. Just trust me, I've been there, and you won't even imagine the consequences of you being like this!"

"Salana, what's with you?! I'm not being naive! I just need to think about the casualties!"

Out of nowhere, the two started arguing.

Blake doesn't know where this came from, but Salana is completely heartless right now.

It's not wrong to think about those who would be involved from the one he killed, there should still be a limit to how much he would be willing to go. Throughout his life, killing is never okay no matter what.

"Please, just listen to me this once. Your progress will be hindered if you let them loose"

"I know that the Inevitable Apocalypse is bad, but there must be anot-"


Salana suddenly shouted which caught Blake by surprise.

On top of that, he was even more surprised to find that droplets of tears run down her face as she looks at Blake stubbornly. "If you keep being like this, and having your time from playing the games hindered, then everyone will die. Those you hold dear, innocent people, everyone!"

Upon hearing this, Blake gulps as he didn't expect this argument to escalate this far.

He could even see the sadness and pain behind Salana's watery eyes.

Almost as if she has felt it first-hand, the thing that she said to Blake, it seems like it happened in the past. But then, Blake suddenly widened his eyes when he realized something thanks to Salana's reaction.

Stutteringly, he then asked, "Salana, are you a real person...?"

"Not a guiding spirit created by the Lunaris game, you're an actual living person, aren't you? Impossible... Don't tell me that your world experienced the same as mine and got destroyed by the Inevitable Apocalypse?"