Beast Horde (2)

The name MoonDespoiler is trending in the Lunaris Game web forum.

Not only was he the only one that gained an EX-grade race but he was also known to be a Player Killer thanks to a booming thread about a player's encounter with MoonDespoiler, it has been the hot talk of the community in the past couple of days.

But then again, it's not a surprise that MoonDespoiler became a Player Killer.

Compared to other MMORPG games that have penalties for players that killed other players on neutral ground, the Lunaris game world doesn't have that rule. Killing other players is also an efficient way to gain good items.

If anyone were in MoonDespoiler's shoes, then killing other players makes sense.

ElementalFreak, the player that Blake tackled earlier saw the booming topic in the forum but he didn't think much about it. Chances are, he wouldn't meet with MoonDespoiler anyway, then he doesn't need to pay the thread any mind.

For him, focusing on his own growth will be way better.

Just earlier when he heard a Beast Horde is approaching, he was quite excited about it.

But in the end, he could only curse his luck when out of the millions of players in the Lunaris game world, he was the one that met with the notorious MoonDespoiler. He got sneak attacked too which is unfair to him.

A mage like him stands no chance in a close-quarter fight like this.

"I promise you that after you kill me, I'm going straight to the forum and donating $1,000 to the bounty on your head so that more people will try and get you! I'll wait for the day you get bullied!" ElementalFreak barked in anger.

Salty about the fact that he got ambushed like this and given no chance to fight back.

Upon hearing this, Blake couldn't help but frown.

'Wait, there's such a thing? I don't even know that there's a bounty on my head'

Blake was surprised to find that there was a bounty on his head. It seems the party he killed before managed to garner attention and decided to put an open donation bounty on his head and rally other players to help them increase the bounty value.

Clicking his tongue in displeasure, he already had a suspicion about who did this.

'It must be that StarGirl! Damn it, woman! Must you be this petty to put a bounty on me?!'

Knowing that he only has a few seconds to finish ElementalFreak off before anyone catches him, Blake gripped the Shadow Trinity in his hand and cleave it directly at ElementalFreak's neck, infused with his Umbral Fortitude skill.

[Player MoonDespoiler has killed Player ElementalFreak!]

[Player Moon Despoiler's Infamy Level has been increased!]

[Obtained 91,000 Exp, 335 Gold, Sorcerer Staff, and Ring of Mana]

[Newbie Killer title effect has been triggered!]

[Obtained an additional 18,200 Exp!]

[Players Backstabbed: 1/5]

Blake already equipped the Newbie Killer title in preparation for killing the 5 players.

Most of ElementalFreak's equipment is not desirable, they were exclusive for mages and unfit for someone like him to wear. Due to that, he didn't use the Lucky Player Hunter title to increase the drop chance of higher-grade equipment.

After killing his first victim, he cast ShadowStep and disappeared from the place again.

Hiding in the cover of the forest, he then inspects the fight again.

Just earlier he went to the far right and influence the shallow river with the ShadowBlood. It filled the water with its power and would suck the blood of any living being that stepped into the water recklessly.

It's an idea that he came up with to help the city sustain the Beast Horde.

Since he needs to contribute the most, he would need to consider all aspects of the battle.

On top of needing to become the crucial player in this fight, he also has the task to kill the five players that were fighting the Beast Horde. But he could take his time in doing this, fighting the Beast Horde would eventually tire them out.

When they were tried, then Blake could swoop in and kill them easily.

Despite that being the case, he doesn't need to focus on killing them quickly as there are other issues that he needs to take care of. In addition to the remaining players, he also needs to deal with 3 Boss Mobs.

Clearly, those three mobs are the strongest and also control the Beast Horde directly.

'Hmm... let's check how strong they are'

Blake gazed at the three mobs that hasn't made their move yet and inspected their information menu, he wanted to gauge whether he could take them all on or not, these three are his tickets to completing the Race Quest.

Killing the Boss Mobs would definitely give him the most contribution in this battle.


[Bisonorix - Corrupted]

Level: 47

Grade: Wild

HP: 85,000 / 85,000


Gore Assault: Charges forward with immense force, impaling foes on its menacing horns, inflicting high physical damage, and causing a bleed effect.

Furious Roar: Lets out a bone-chilling roar, intimidating nearby foes, reducing their attack power, and causing them to tremble in fear.

Ironhide Defense: Envelops itself in an impenetrable ironhide, significantly boosting its defense for a limited time, making it highly resistant to incoming attacks.

[Crimson Blazesteed - Corrupted]

Level: 56

Grade: Elite

HP: 144,000 / 144,000


Inferno Rush: Charges forward with blazing speed, leaving a trail of fire in its path, trapping and dealing fire damage to enemies caught in the flames.

Blazing Hooves: Stomps the ground, creating fiery shockwaves that ignite nearby foes, dealing area-of-effect magical damage.

Fiery Enchantment: Engulfs itself in intensified flames, enhancing its attacks with additional fire damage for a one-minute duration.

Flame Nova: Charges and unleashes a powerful explosion of flames in a straight line, incinerating enemies in a wide radius, reducing magical resistance, and also inflicting a burning effect over time.

[Terramaw - Corrupted]

Level: 51

Grade: Elite

HP: 127,000 / 127,000


Terra Strike: Swiftly lunges at its target from the ground, dealing high physical damage and leaving the target temporarily disoriented.

Burrowing Frenzy: Burrows into the ground with a swift movement, emerging from different locations that have a chance to induce confusion, then reappears with a powerful bite attack.

Desperate Shell: Craddled itself into a ball and enter a boulder state, increasing its defense substantially, reducing incoming external damage by 80%, and boosting HP by 50% for one hour.


Inspecting the information menus of the three Boss Mobs, Blake nodded his head.

None of the three were too far out of his reach, he could potentially fight the three of them at the same time and win. If he could gain access to their blood, then his triumph over them will definitely be guaranteed.

'But I couldn't fight them here, I need to bring them back to the forest...'

Pondering for a couple of seconds, Blake then decided to taunt them the old-fashioned way.

Since these Boss Mobs are nothing more than animals in the body and brain, then the three would be easy to be lured to the perfect place to fight them. It was then, Blake disappeared from his spot again.

While the battle continues, Blake went through the forest to near the three Boss Mobs.

Out of the three, the strongest one is the fiery horse that is standing at the center. If he lured the fiery horse, then the other two might also follow suit, so he decided that the fiery horse will be his taunting target.

Upon nearing from the back, Blake's eyes dilated seeing a figure in the sky.

"I'm bored fighting these weaker monsters. One of you, let's fight!"

Blake was surprised to find PointyBrute leaping skywards and swung down his axe right at the Terramaw at the far left, the strike was powerful enough to send it crashing into the forest followed by a couple of explosive sounds.

In response to this, Blake could only smile wryly, 'Man, that guy is too excited'

Knowing that the Emergency Quest's rewards will be calculated depending on one's feat during the battle against the Beast Horde, PointyBrute must've wanted to score as high as possible to gain the best possible rewards.

Although it annoys Blake, he decided to pay it no mind.

'Well, as long as I still have two Boss Mobs, the highest contribution should still go to me'

Despite saying that with such confidence, another player that seemed to be an assassin also swiftly came out of nowhere and attacked Bisonorix. In a flash, his body blurred before numerous scratches appeared on Bisonorix's body.


A painful roar escape its mouth as its wounds squirted blood into the air.

Upon feeling the pain, Bisonorix glared at him before the two started fighting against each other, making their way to the side. Anything that blocked the two got destroyed, and their fight is also vicious and destructive.

Blake gritted his teeth when he saw this, 'Okay, this is still fine...'

'Even though there's only one left, the fiery horse is the strongest so it must provide the most contribution. On top of that, I also helped the fight through the shallow river earlier. I definitely still have the most contribution' he thought inside his head.

No matter what, he would still be the one with the highest contribution.

It's a bummer that he would only get the dropped item from the Crimson Blazesteed, but he could get the dropped items after killing the other players. While he was trying to think positively, another player leaped into action.

Drawing his bow that looks high-grade, his eyes flashed excitedly.

"Although you are the strongest, I still believe that I could chip you down and kill you. So I'll be your opponent!" the man said with a smile, he decided that he would try and beat the odds against the Crimson Blazesteed which is a level 56 Boss Mob while he himself is only at level 41.

Since there was a gap in level between them, it was unlikely for the player to win.

Just like what Dylan said back then, mobs have a natural advantage in physical prowess. It'll be hard for someone to defeat a mob that has a higher level than themselves. Heck, even if the mob is slightly lower level it's still going to be very hard to beat.

But even then, this player doesn't seem to care about that.

If he's going to die trying, then so be it. He'll just respawn nearby as if nothing happened.

Despite that is what the player was about to do, a shadow suddenly came into view from the corner of his eyes. It appeared right when he was about to engage in a fight with the Crimson Blazesteed, and it was moving very fast.

Before he realized it, his vision has already turned blurry.

Not wanting to be stolen for the third time of his prey, Blake quickly intervenes and stabs the player with his Shadow Trinity right into his chest. Blood gushed out of the player's chest because of that.

"That's my prey, damn it! I'm not going to let anyone take it from me!"

"Eh...? Where the heck did you come from?"