Fulfilling the Requirement

In the instant that he entered the Lunaris game world, his demeanor changed completely.

Unlike in the real world where he needs to worry about killing people, considering the repercussions and mental toll that would hit him, he didn't need to worry about all of that inside the game world.

His eyes glistened with a fearsome flash as he punctured his sword to the player's chest.

Not even entertaining the Player that was caught in surprise by his sudden attack, Blake grip the hilt of his sword tightly and push it strongly to the side, ripping through half of the player's body as his sharp sword perform a powerful arc.

Blake killed the player rather easily with one daunting swoop.

[Player Moon Despoiler's Infamy Level has been increased!]

[Obtained 78,000 Exp, 500 Gold, and Greenstroke Bow]

[Players Backstabbed: 2/5]


Upon finishing off the player that wanted to take his prey away from him and seize the most contribution, Blake shifted his attention back to the fiery horse that now already has its hooves burning with blazing flames.

'I can't fight it here, I'll be seen if that happened' Blake thought with a frown.

Glancing over his shoulders, he finds that he could be seen by the people near the wall.

Aside from checking the battle, he also saw Tara, Linthia, and Angel fighting amongst the crowd. None of the beasts should be too powerful for them, so it's fine leaving them there while he finishes his quests.

But as he thought of that, the fiery horse started its attack.

Realizing that Blake has his attention somewhere else, the fiery horse makes use of it.


Leaving a trail of embers and fires, the fiery horse neighed overbearingly and cast its Inferno Rush skill. In an instant, it blurred from its spot and managed to reach Blake in a second which is quite surprising.

Upon seeing this, Blake puts his sword on the way but he's too slow compared to it.



While Blake hides behind the Shadow Trinity, expecting the powerful charge to burns his entire arms, he was surprised when he didn't feel any burning sensation. Peeking at the sight in front of him, he was surprised to find Tara blocking the attack.

"Hmmm...?! Tara?! What are you doing here?" Blake exclaimed as he got propelled back.

Recovering from the attack, he then gazed at Tara.

It was then he realized that the figure is definitely shaped like Tara, but it was not Tara. All of its body aside from its face was black, shadow energy can be seen oozing out of its body which points Blake to one guess.

A clone, this figure must be a shadow clone of Tara.

Glancing back to Tara who was still fending herself against the Beast Horde, he finds her smiling at her and gestures to leave protecting Linthia to her. This made a smile appear on Blake's face as he didn't expect this.

'Seems like he gained a skill from becoming a Shaded Walker, a useful one at that too'

Upon taking the attack, the shadow clone slowly fades away.

But this allows Blake to properly regain back his standing and he dashed into the forest, searching for a proper place for him to fight the fiery horse without anyone able to see him. It would be a bummer if the Race Quest failed of him being spotted.

"Hey, stupid horse! Come right at me!"

Despite the language barrier, the fiery horse could tell that Blake cursed at it just now.

Not even hesitating for even a second, the fiery horse quickly rushes towards Blake and followed him into the forest. It burns everything in its path, setting fire to the entire forest, and doesn't seem to care.

After a minute of going deeper into the forest, Blake then eventually nodded his head.

In an instant, he charged his fist and punched the ground.



Blake's strength was able to crack the ground around the area, spawning multiple crevices. It was so sudden that the fiery horse also finds one of its hooves stepping into the crevice, disorienting its charge.

Following that, Blake then cast his Shadow Step and reappeared beside the fiery horse.

Pointing his sword, he then shoves it forward powerfully.


Activating one of his innate Gladiator class skills that he gained, the Shadow Trinity that is already infused with Umbral Fortitude skill pierces through the fiery horse's neck, bypassing its thick skin.

Blood splashed out as the fiery horse wailed in pain, its muscles also contracted in response.

[-9,100 HP]

Grinning vibrantly, Blake then twist his sword, "I'm not done yet, Dark Blast"



While still embedded inside the fiery horse's neck, he activated the Shadow Trinity's innate skill and causes a dark explosion inside. It was effective, forcing smoke out of the mob's nose and toppling it to the side.

[-19,500 HP]

Despite mobs should have a natural physical advantage, the rule didn't include Blake.

Having the Spectral Vampire race gave him the Inner Anathema Strengthening passive skill which spikes his physical attributes higher. This allows him to be on par with mobs on the same level or even higher.

It was not surprising that he could fight the fiery horse like this and matches its physique.

Recognizing that its situation is dire, the fight or flight reaction of the fiery horse kicked in. The flames around its body burn brighter, activating its Fire Enhancement skill before both of its eyes seem to leak with liquid flame.

"Hmm...?!" Blake realizes what it was doing and quickly raised his sword.



Blake got sent crashing away when his sword got hit by a fire beam, he grunted and moaned in pain when his back breaks multiple trees before eventually stopping. He received numerous scratches thanks to that.

[-4,500 HP]

'Phew, I blocked that attack and I still got damaged that much. It sure is strong'

Upon thinking that, Blake suddenly saw a line of fire burning the trees and grass in front of him and is also heading towards him. Thanks to his increased perception and body control, he somersaulted skywards to avoid the fire.

While he was still spinning in the air, ten blood lances appeared on his hands.

Since his Blood Lance has reached perfect mastery, he could summon countless blood lances to proportionate to the HP he infused the skill with. In addition, the skill's damage amplifier was also increased as well as its bonus damage.

Due to his perfect mastery over the Blood Lance skill, he could actually make it rain lances.


Pointing his finger at the fiery horse, the ten blood lances shoot down.

Each one of them is like a bullet, it created a loud crashing sound when it hits the fiery horse, and even sparks dust to fly around like clouds when it made an impact on the ground. Under the relentless barrage, the fiery horse was overwhelmed.

[-6,000 HP]

[-14,400 HP]


[31,300 / 144,000]

'An A-grade skill is very powerful, I wonder what a higher-grade skill would be like...'

If an A-grade skill is already this strong, then Blake couldn't imagine what a higher-grade skill would be like. He was even curious as to what the Blood Lance skill would evolve into, but he couldn't evolve it now since he has no Racial Skill Points left.

Just as the smoke recedes, Blake bears witness to the fiery horse's state.

A grin appeared on his face seeing that the fiery horse is hurt beyond measure, there were even holes all over his body that were caused by the blood lances that hits it earlier. On top of that, one of its legs was broken.

Surely, his victory is already imminent right now, the fiery horse is in no condition to fight.

"Okay, the next attack will finish this..."

Blake quickly went to his stance with the Shadow Trinity right beside his waist, he's in a drawing-a-sword posture. In response to this, the fiery horse also lets out its last energy and blazes its crimson flames.

Like earlier, its eyes dripped with liquid flames again, casting the Flame Nove skill.

Nodding his head, Blake enhances his body and sword with Umbral Fortitude skill. He then lowers his stance before his eyes jolted wide, dashing towards the fiery horse with explosive might.

In an instant, the fiery horse unleashes its Flame Nova skill.

A thick beam of fire shot from its eyes that is even stronger than before, the fiery horse puts everything into one last attack. Blake smiled excitedly as the Shadowblood inside of him poked and cloaked the Shadow Trinity.



Under the enhancement, Blake managed to slice through the Flame Nove with his sword.

Piercing through the distance like a shadow, he passes through the fiery horse still in the same stance, both hands on the hilt of his sword, "Advanced Sword Proficiency is really good, I can feel my swordplay becomes sharper" Glancing back at the fiery horse, he then smiled, "I win..."

Just as he said that the fiery horse's head slide off its neck before falling to the ground.


[Level 56 Crimson Blazesteed killed!]

[Level difference bonus exp: 81%]

[Obtained 215,300 Exp and 225 Gold]

[Level up!]

[Congratulation on reaching level 50!]

[PK Privileged Player effect has been activated. The second Persona Quest has been unlocked!]

Blake looks at the prompts before he nodded his head.

It's not that hard to unlock the Persona Quest if he only needs to increase his level. But surely, that would change in the future when he reaches the higher level where it would be harder to increase his level.

Having not much time, Blake quickly collects his loot before he gazes in a direction.

'Okay, now I'm going to see the situation of those players. I need to kill them'

Activating his Nocturnal Blood Sight skill, he could already find the other players still fighting against the other two Boss Mobs inside the forest. If he timed it right, then killing the two of them would be a piece of cake.

Sneaking a kill is his specialty thanks to his equipment, skills, and race.

Blake is determined to finish the Privileged Quest as he's very curious about the rewards.

5 Basic Soul Players, no matter how much he thought, he could even guess as to what that item would provide him with. It was because of that he will not let these players go until he managed to kill them.

Nodding his head, he then fixed his gaze on the assassin player which should be easier to kill.

Compared to PointyBrute, he rather fights the assassin player.

But when he had only taken a step to the side, his body suddenly stopped when another prompt from the System appeared in front of him. This time, it's something that he didn't expect.

[Player MoonDespoiler has reached level 50 and completed the basic requirement!]

[Spectral Vampire Lore Quest has been unlocked!]

'Lore Quest...?! I thought there were no Lore Quests in this game. But to think that the Spectral Vampire's Lore Quest was unlocked when I reached level 50, just how strong would I need to be to complete the entire Lore Quest...?'