First Game


Days went by then months went by and even years went by, Raiden was now thirteen years old. he became stronger, but still on the skinny side, he got taller as of now he is 5'6.

"dad? i'm heading out." Raiden told his dad he was now at the age where his dad felt he could walk to the gym now

"ok be safe..!"

after hearing his dads reply Raiden got his bag and left out the house looking at the beautiful scenery. putting in his airpods he put on some music and started jogging to the gym



he did his normal routine stretching, going on the treadmill, doing his bench presses, and more. once he felt he was ready to go to the court he opened the basketball gym doors and went to sit on a bench to think of what to work on for the day


*Basketball Ace System*

Age: 13

position: point guard

Emotion: Cold

Talent: SS

Athleticism: C (SS)
Strength: C
Speed: C+
Agility: C
Stamina: C

Ball Handling: C+

Shooting: C
Close Range: C
Mid Range: C
Long range: C
Lay up: C

Passing: F

Defense: C
Steal: F

Vision: D


"Agh..! It took fucking eight years just to get up two letters..! trying to go up one letter is extremely hard. and on top of that some of my stats are the exact same..!" Raiden said frustratingly knowing that some of his stats only go up in games however since he was too young no matter outside the gym or inside he couldn't play a game, but now that he was older and taller maybe they would allow him to play.

"Hah… i'll work on my ball handling for the rest of the day." Raiden said sighing

once he said that he started to focus on dribbling the ball

'i need to level up to B' Raiden thought continuing to bounce the ball doing between the leg crossovers, back and forth cross overs, even behind the back crossovers at a great amount of speed. he then ran on the side of the basketball court doing zig zag cross overs to help in his control while being on the move

hearing the squeak on the court that came from his shoes and the bounce of the ball hitting the floor quickly he ran one way then shifted his feet to do a between the legs cross over running the other way.

Raiden did this for about ten minutes before stopping to do another drill. going over to his bag he took a tennis ball out then went back to his little corner he had.

throwing the tennis ball at the wall while still dribbling the ball waiting for the tennis ball to come back to him so he could catch it. he then crossed the basketball and tennis ball to where the tennis ball was in his left hand and the basketball was in his right. throwing the tennis ball once again in his left at the wall. he continually did this for about five minutes before stopping since he lost the tennis ball and basketball.

he quickly grabbed the tennis ball but he saw that his basketball went out in the court where a game was happening he didn't want to just go out there but he had no other choice.

"ah.." Raiden said seeing the ball hit a player who had a different basketball in his hands dribbling it, the person quickly stopped dribbling picking up Raidens ball looking around to see who's it was.

"Ah that's mine." Raiden said walking up to the very tall person who looked to be one year older than him.

"oh, here." The dude said as Raiden grabbed the ball before trying to quickly walk off the court

"Wait..! do you want to play..?" The dude said smiling

"Hey what are you talking about..!" Somebody who seemed to be on his team exclaimed.

"we need a third."


the dude then looked back towards Raiden who was dumbfounded since this would be the first time he could play a game.

"yes. I want to play" Raiden told him

"Ok my names Jason and that dude right there his names Tay. what's yours?"

"ah my name is Raiden nice to meet you all."

"likewise alright let's play." Jason told Raiden making him quickly go to where his bag is putting his tennis ball and basketball in his bag. running back over to Jason and Tay.

'i can finally test my skills out.' Raiden thought

"it's our ball" Jason told the other team making them groan but still agree.

Jason started to dribble the ball doing a behind the back cross over. he couldn't shake the defender off so he passed it to Raiden who was closest to him

Raiden took the ball. he did a hesi step trying to fumble the defender however it didn't work then he did a behind the back into between the legs the ball now in his left hand he shook the defender of him running towards the basket to see another defender, quickly stopping at the free throw line he pulled up for the shot


The ball made it in the basket making everybody on the court flabbergasted of how good he was

Jason ran over to Raiden giving him a fist bump laughing, Tay went over saying "Good Shot"

"That was a fluke." Said the person who was initially guarding Raiden.

"no it wasnt, And make em's." Jason Replied

'I didn't know i was actually this good.' Raiden thought to himself

"Here Raiden" Tay said giving the ball to him letting Raiden know he could start off with it

Raiden took the ball dribbling it seeing the defender getting closer bending his knees

'it looks like he's getting serious.' Raiden thought

Raiden started to dribble the ball low but quickly.

"Aye Aye. Iso..! Jordan record this..!" Jason said laughing looking off the court to a boy that was Raiden's age.

The defender took what Jason said personal

'does he really think he could beat me he's literally just a kid..!'

Raiden didn't hear what was going on as he was purely focus on trying to get passed the defender he looked at the legs of the guard to see they were spread out pretty far, taking this as an opportunity Raiden quickly bounce the ball between his legs using his left hand he pushed the ball in between the defenders legs going past him.

In the corner of his eyes he saw Him trying to reach for the ball making Raiden quickly stop crossing the ball in front of him

"Ah..!" Said the defender falling down hitting the floor.

Raiden then ran towards the basket doing a easy lay-up

once he caught the ball that came out the basket he looked around to see everybody charging at him.

"Damnnnn…!" they all said, Jason picked him up laughing. as he felt many people hitting him but not in a hurting way but in encouragement

"You gotta see this shit..!" The boy who's name was jordan said showing the guys the video Raiden started to look at it seeing what he did to the defender

"Dang." Raiden said.

"Yo we gotta post this." Tay said to jordan making him nod

"Aye what's your name..?" Jordan asked Raiden

"It's raiden."

"Raiden what." Jordan said laughing

"Oh Raiden Haruto."
(I can't remember if i gave him a last name)

"bet" Jordan said typing.

"ah i have to get home." said Raiden looking at the time on his phone

"dang you gone be here tomorrow..?" Jason asked

"yea." Raiden replied getting his things.

"what's your instagram?" jason and Jordan asked at the same time.

"oh it's @Raiden-"

As Raiden said that Jordan and Jason took their phones out adding him which made Raiden follow the two back.

He then headed out the gym saying bye to everyone before walking home.


*Basketball Ace System*

Age: 13

position: Point Guard

emotion: Cold

Talent: SS

Athleticism: C (SS)
Strength: C
Speed: C++
Agility: C+
Stamina: C

Ball Handling: C++

Shooting: C
Close Range: C
Mid Range: C+
Long range: C
Lay up: C+

Passing: F+

Defense: C
Steal: F

Vision: D++


"oh..! some of my stats went up..!" Raiden said in disbelief

'hmm maybe when i play games my stats go up way more quickly.

"i only have one more year until high school i need to get all my stats at least B level." Raiden said now determined on his new founded goal.