Family & Friends

"I'm home..!" Raiden yelled out to his dad

"Welcome back..!" His dad replied back going towards him

"I have a surprise."

"What is it dad..?"

"I got you a spot to try out at Teigen Academy..!"

"Wha- a- are you serious..?" Raiden asked in disbelief knowing that Teigen Academy is the number 1 best academic high school in the nation also having one of the best basketball teams, the best campus, the best courts, the best equipments, great players, and great dorms.

"That's amazing dad." Raiden said going over to hug him

"i tried my best. he replied

"how did you do it..?"

"Secret." His dad said laughing going back to his office

Raiden figured out a couple years back that his dad was a ceo of a huge company making his dad rich and evidently having great connections with people around the world.

'This is perfect if i make the team it could be a great opportunity. first i need to get way better than I am now.' Raiden thought with determination.

Heading up the stairs and going in his room. he took a shower, brushed his teeth and layer down on his bed. Going on his phone he saw a lot of instagram notifications confused he went on instagram to see the very first thing, him. Raiden saw himself crossing the defender and going up for the lay up making it, watching everybody including the cameraman who was jordan run to him. Raiden then looked at the likes widening his eyes

"what the hell…"


"2 million people liked it that's crazy.." As raiden said that he look at the caption to see

'Raiden Haruto 'The Prodigy' went crazy..! @Raiden- #Ace #dribblegod #13yearoldvs16yearold

"The Prodigy..?" Raiden thought "Ah.. a nickname"

going to the comments he saw lots of them

@Mikele: Yooo that's crazy!

@Itachilover: He looks so Handsome..!

@Jaylaaa: I love his hair and his blue and red eyes😍

@hater123: He doesn't even look like he's good

@damon3: That's hard to pull off he's insanely good..!

8: he's only thirteen going against a sixteen year old he's got skill and talent

Raiden looked to see positive and negative comments but mostly positive he then felt his phone vibrating a whole lot seeing him getting a lot of followers. the follows kept coming and coming, Raiden felt got annoyed of all the vi rations so he muted his phone and went to sleep.



Waking up raiden went on his phone knowing he didn't have to get up since it was a sunday. he saw his screen full of instagram notifications so he decided to go on the app and to his surprise he gained 100,000 followers over night.

deciding to repost his video and in seconds he got over 10,000 likes.

'Crazy.' Raiden thought before going to youtube to watch a video for a little. after watching a couple videos he went to get up. He did his hygiene changed his outfit and went downstairs

seeing his dad on the couch watching tv. they greeted each other as Raiden sat next to him

"you wanna watch a movie..?" His dad asked


"ok let's watch a comedy."


after they finished the movie Dad suggested to bake a cake in which raiden agreed to do

they decided to make it from scratch so the two went to the store to get all the ingredients and started to bake the cake

"put the egg in Raiden." Dad told him

"ok" he replied doing as said. finishing the mix they put it in a bowl where Raiden took a spoonful of the mix eating it in secret not know his dad saw him

"hey.!" Raiden said in surprise feeling his dad slap the cake mix on his face.

"hahaha." His dad said laughing before putting the the cake mix in the oven.

"ok now we wait, go get cleaned up"

"ok dad." Raiden said going up stairs washing his face and hands heading back downstairs sitting on the couch he felt his phone go off

noticing it was from Jordan off instagram.

"come to the gym." Raiden said reading the text out loud. replying to him with an 'ok' Raiden went into the kitch to see Dad putting icing on the cake

"ok it's all ready."

"ok. i'll have some after dinner i'm going to the gym if that's ok."

"ah yea go ahead see you later raiden." Dad said smiling

"bye dad" Raiden said leaving out the door walking to the gym.


opening the doors to the basketball gym he saw Jason, Tay, and Jordan all sitting on the bench.

"hey Prodigy." Jason said smiling holding his hand out to dap him up. which made Raiden look at his hand extending his hand out dapping Jason as he also did the other two.

"Hey, i guess that's my new name." Raiden said more in a questioning way.

"Yea Jordan came up with the best one." Tay responded

"dude you went literally viral, your gonna be on the cross over highlights..!" Jordan told Raiden laughing.

"maybe." Raiden replied.

"what school do you go to?" Jason asked

"uh i go to Sego middle school what about you guys..?"

"me and tay go to Teigen Academy." Jason replied smiling proudly.

"I go to Lenen middle school but i got a spot to try out at Teigen Academy." Jordan said smiling

"Ah me too." Raiden replied

"yo that's crazy so all of us could possibly play together..!" Jordan told the group

making the whole group nod.

"Why didn't you play yesterday with Jason and Tay..?" Raiden asked Jordan

"I didn't feel like it that day but y'all tryna play 2v2?" Jordan answered then asked

"Yea." they all simultaneously answered

"all right these the teams. Me and Jason vs Raiden and Tay." Jordan said going onto a open court while dribbling the ball. "oh and it's your guy's ball."

"bet we got this Raiden i'll get Jason and you get Jordan." Tay said making Raiden nod running on the court