
The four were tied with a score of 9 to 9 going up to 10 this last point mattered in the game with jordan having the ball Raiden and Tay were already at a disadvantage

making sure Jordan couldn't get passed him Raiden shifted his feet every time Jordan tried to go left or right making sure he couldn't get passed him

Jordan then did a hesi step into a cross behind the back trying to shake Raiden off however it didn't end with good results as Raiden was still on him

Jordan heard Jason call for the ball making him get in a passing position just as he threw the ball he saw a hand extend out catching the ball.

"Ah..! Hey get Raiden..!" Jason exclaimed making jordan run at him full speed. He saw Raiden pull up for a floater which caused jordan to jump up to try and block him he ended up fouling Raiden as they both fell down to the floor. They heard a


indicating Raiden made the shot

"Dammit..!" Jordan said hitting the floor with his fist.

Tay and Jason went up to the two picking them up off the floor saying good game to both of them. Jordan then went over to raiden

"Good game Raiden and my bad for fouling you." Jordan said

"Yea good game and your good." Raiden told jordan

"good thing we recorded the game we can see what we gotta work and we all got some good clips." Tay said to the group

"yea your right" Jordan said running over to the gyms camera.

The camera is for anybody who wants to record their basketball game and it can be sent to their phone whenever they want the video however the videos automatically delete themselves after 24 hours to save storage.

as they all sent the video to themselves they went to sit down in silence on the bench to watch the video once Raiden saved all his clips posting them on instagram he then went to his system


*Basketball Ace System*

Age: 13

position: Point Guard

emotion: Cold

Talent: SS

Athleticism: C (SS)

Strength: C

Speed: B

Agility: C++

Stamina: C+

Ball Handling: C++

Shooting: C+

Close Range: C

Mid Range: C++

Long range: C

Lay up: C+

Passing: F+

Defense: C

Steal: F+

Vision: C


'Some of my stats went up but my ball handling still hasn't. this is frustrating.' Raiden thought gritting his teeth being hard on himself

'if i double my training i might be able to hit 'B' before tryouts. I need to get my shooting up to that's really important. all of this is actually important though.'


'I still-' Raiden continued to speak in his head before getting interrogated

"Hey Raiden..!" Jordan yelled getting his attention

"hm..?" Raiden looked up quickly seeing they got off the bench

"we've been calling you for like 2 minutes." Jason said Laughing

"ah. my bad." Raiden said getting up

"we're heading upstairs to the gym to work out you coming?" Tay asked

"Yea." Raiden answered following them


After working out for about 2 hours they decided to leave the gym. Raiden made sure to get all their numbers before leaving out the gym. as he was about to leave the group jason asked. "where are you going..?"

"hm? ah i thought we were going home."

"nope we always get something to eat then go to the park so come on."


"So how old are you guys..?" Raiden asked

"Me and Tay are fourteen we're turning fifteen this year and we're gonna be sophomores." Jason answered making Raiden nod looking towards Jordan.

"I'm thirteen turning fourteen this year and obviously an upcoming freshman." Jordan said

Raiden looked at the seeing them all look at him to answer

"Oh, i'm thirteen turning fourteen this year and i'm going to be a freshman."

They all nodded.

"so what are we going to eat?" Tay said as they all stopped thinking Tay then looked to his left to see subway saying "what about subway.?" pointing towards the shop

they all agreed and went in to order once everybody got their food they started walking to the park


"Alright see you guys tomorrow." Jordan said dapping the group up leaving once he left Raiden looked at his phone to see the time noticing it was time to head back also

"it's time for me too see you guys." Raiden said making them all agree it was getting late so they went their separate ways going home.


"dad i'm home..!"

"welcome back." Dad said greeting Raiden at the door

"oh sorry i ate on my way here."

"that's ok you can have it for lunch tomorrow." Dad replied. Reminding Raiden he had school.

"Ok. i'll eat cake at lunch too if that's ok."

"yea that's fine i'll start packing your lunch now." Dad told Raiden going into the kitchen.

Raiden then went upstairs to take a shower and brush his teeth and go to bed since he was tired.

going on his phone to help him go to sleep he went on instagram to see the videos he posted of his 2v2 gets lots of likes, his game winner shot went viral with 1 million likes and 10 million views making more people follow him.

"looks like i'm getting popular." Raiden said lowly going on Youtube to watch videos until he goes to sleep.