
1 month later

Raiden, Jason, Jordan, and Tay became really good friends over the weeks. they trained together which helped raiden a ton allowing him to go even harder. his stats got better and so did he.

The four boys were sitting at the park finishing their workouts and doing their own basketball practice for an hour, they were eating food talking amongst themselves.

"so how's it like at Teigen Academy?" Raiden asked

"mm it's really hard, the academics are hard, the basketball practices are hard, and we're not even on varsity we were regulars on the freshman and jv team though." Tay responded

This surprise Raiden because they were really good at basketball and for them not to be on varsity made him think

'the varsity team are probably monsters'

"oh ok." Raiden said eating some chips.

"Aye aye aye..!" Jordan yelled out jumping from his seat

"what..?" Jason asked

"there's a tournament and it's here in florida..!"

"what's that gotta do with us..?" Tay asked

"it's 15U and anybody can join meaning we just need one more dude and we can be in it."

"oh your right we could. but who's gonna be our fifth? we only have one big which is tay, we need another one." Jason said

"Oh we can get Cam.?"

"oh yeaa, alright when is this tournament.?" Jason asked jordan

"It's next week on Saturday at 8 o'clock"

"ok bet, sign us up." Tay told Jordan making Jordan nod typing on his phone

"what numbers y'all want..? i'm getting 4" Jordan said

"i want 1" Jason said

"I'll get 2." Tay told

"I've always loved the number 3" Raiden said. wanting 3 to be his permanent number.

"alright i texted Cam he said yea ima give him number 5" Jordan said making the group nod.

"i'm leaving." Raiden said to the group getting up. Everybody said bye and he went on his way home. taking his ball out his basketball he started dribbling it all the way home.


"I'm home." Raiden told his dad walking in the living room.

"your foods in the microwave heat it up." He told Raiden

"Ok." Raiden said hungry since he decided to only eat snacks at the park with his friends and eat dinner at home.

Raiden finished heating up his food in the microwave, he took it out seeing his food steaming hot on his plate it was a steak, mash potatoes, and sweet peas.

Raiden ate all his food throwing his plate in the trash can he the walked over to where his dad was saying thank you for the food heading up stairs to do his hygiene. once he got out the bathroom he went to sit in the chair of his desk to finish his homework he had to do then he went to go on his phone

watching tiktok for a while he went on instagram to see how his account is doing, he got 10,000 more followers and a lot of likes on his newest posts once he looked on instagram for a bit he decided to go on his bed and watch youtube until he fell asleep


One Week Later (Saturday)

"Ugh..!" Raiden voiced out falling off his bed waking up to seeing Jason, Jordan, Tay, and an unfamiliar face

"how did you guys get in here" Raiden said with a straight face rubbing his eyes.

"oh your dad let us in he said we can come anytime." Jordan said smiling.

The four left out of Raiden's room to let him get ready. Once Raiden left out his room he asked His dad to take the five to the tournament. as they were in the car jordan introduced Cam and Raiden to each other they said hi and everybody started talking amongst themselves

"ok we're here..!" His dad told the group making everybody get out including his dad

"hm? are you going to watch?" Raiden asked

"yea well i'm quote on quote coaching since Jordan said you guys needed one but i won't really be coaching" He told Raiden making him nod

as they got in the building they saw lots of people walking and running around, they heard lots of screeching from people's shoes and many basketballs bouncing up and down on the floor

"woah." Raiden said

"Wait this is your first game..?" Cam asked Raiden

"Yea why..?" He responded

"oh nothing… are you sure he's even good and he's going to be our point guard." Cam said but whispered the last part to Jason.

"Yea i'm sure." Jason said laughing.

"Alright let's get our jersey and head to our first game we can't be late." Tay told the group making them agree.

They all went to where they needed to go to get their jersey and went to court F.

"Ok so this is how the tournament works." Jordan started to say

"it's a three day tournament and everybody starts off as Team F if you win you get up a letter so Team E all the way until Team A and whoever win the Team A game is the championship if we lose one game we're out permanently, so we gotta be on our best game all three days." Jordan told the group making them all nod

a couple minutes passed and it was time for their first game seeing a crowd of people waiting for their game to start they stepped on the court.

the ref started to speak a little before blowing his whistle and throwing the ball up indicating the start of the game

Cam tipped the ball over to Raiden, he caught it and ran straight to the basket jumping up to do a lay up he see's two defenders jumping up to block him in mid air he saw Jordan in the corner open throwing it to him

Jordan made the three putting his hand out showing the number three with his fingers Raiden ran over to him high-fiving each other running down the court to get on defense
