Happy Spider

They stop for a break and let Astri and Yuki use their legs a little. Yuki runs, playing with her brothers, until she spots Skalven and runs to him.

"Skalven! Mom said you have really amazing abilities with webs. Can you show me?" Yuki asks, showing an excitement he wasn't expecting. 

"Webs? She said?" 

"Yes. Is it true you can grab things from a distance?" Hopin asks.

"Well… I can." Skalven answers, a little confused by learning that Astri knows his abilities, and the children talking to him without any fear.

"Sweethearts, don't disturb Skalven. He might not want to show his abilities." Astri says, walking to them.

"No.. They're not disturbing.. It's all right. Have you met other spiders before?" Skalven asks her.

"No. I heard about spiders, that's all." She answers. 


"Pweease. Show us how you grab things?" Yuki asks, shaking his hand with puppy eyes.

"Sure.. Don't be scared, please." Skalven answers.