Even though Claud and Astri tell everyone that those dinosaurs are not evil, they can't leave their guard completely down.
"No problem. I believe I saw a female in that wooden box." The triceratops says.
The other two can smell a faint scent of females inside the carriage and that is making them curious.
"And for so much protection, it can only be because you have females." The brontosaurus says.
The two brontosaurus look like a duplicated image, they're twins.
"Yes, we have females. Though one is a cub." Lee answers.
"Why are you here? I can see you have two dragons, but the rest are not dinosaurs for walking around here. You even have pests like a snake and a spider." The triceratops says, showing a cold behavior.
Astri raises her eyebrow slightly, not liking their comment.
"We're merchants. We lost our ship. We heard about a place where our females would be safe and we're taking them there." Lee answers.