Let go!

"You're a legend, that's what is going on." The lady says, folding her arms across her chest.

I huff a laugh, scoffing at her ridiculous nature.

"you mean, you brought us about a hundred feet below the surface. We nearly get killed by demons and burned by fire, and all you have to say is 'I'm a legend'? Seriously?" I ask, my breathing quickening and my anger rising.

"it's important for you to understand who you really are?" she says, looking some what hurt.

"but I already know who I am!" I yell, pulling at my hair.

"I am Mystic, a fourteen year old whose parents are dead. And is trying her best to live a normal life!" I add, nearly choking on the word dead.

"your parents are... I'm really sorry." Holden says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"don't be." I say in a whisper, my voice low tone now.

Holden tries to reach for me, but before he can; the unknown lady sends a strong wind his direction. Slamming him against the stone wall, strong enough to knock him out.

A scream erupts from me subconsciously, "have you lost it?" I yell, rushing towards Holden, who was laying motionless on the floor.

"he'll be fine." she said, carefree turning around, her arms folded across her chest.

I look at her with disdain, "how could you be so cruel?" I ask, disbelief and anger in my voice.

"It was the only way for me to get you to listen. By the way, he was being too clingy." she adds.

"And what is so important that you had to knock out my friend?" I ask, getting to my feet, as I challenged her. "It concerns your family history." she begins again.

"again with the family histories, can you just get to the point?" I yell at her, feeling my eyes beginning to glow.

She sighs, "have you ever wandered what your dad was searching for on that beach?" She asked me, like she expected me to know every single mystery concerning his disappearance.

I send her a glare her direction, but I still answer her question.

"no, all I know is, he was searching for some creatures which had to do with the sea." I say, rolling my eyes.

"but why the sea?" she asked me carefully.

"will you quit with the questions?" I say, nearly frustrated.

"I will once you answer my question." She argues.

"fine, its because, they're not just sea creatures but bluebloods. The rulers of the sea." I say rolling my eyes.

"and what happened to him after that?" she asks, looking me in the eye.

"he got trapped by one of those..." but then I suddenly pause.

"wait, where are you heading with this?" I ask her, eyes scanning her suspiciously.

A smile appears on her face.

"Isn't it obvious? You're the last heir to the throne." she said. And I blink at her, shaking my head violently.

"first, I'm not royalty okay. You know what? Just free Holden and I'll be on my way." I say, turning around towards Holden.

"no, you won't be leaving anywhere." she said, "didn't you hear me? I said let us go!" I yelled, with authority as I felt my eyes glow.

She gasped. "you... you're... a blueblood." she said in awe.

I lower myself beside Holden, holding him in my arms as I prepare to teleport us out but not without a final statement.

"Should have figured that a long time ago." I say, and with that we both vanish into endless silence.
