
I just stood there temporarily paralysed, staring at the approaching demons.

"I've read about these things before." I admit, fear now creeping in.

"well, if you have say it. It would really do more help right now if you do." he says, panic clear in his voice as I hear him swallow a lump in his throat.

"I wish I could, but what I remember isn't really going to help." I whisper back over to him. "just tell me. Anything to stop them." he says, his hands unknowingly reaching for mine. I ignore the contact and try my best to think of something else.

"well, all I know is they won't hurt us as long as..." I pause. "as long as what?" he whispers more desperately.

"they only bow to the legendary queen, which once ruled the seven great seas. But, I don't understand one thing." I pause, staring at the creatures which have now paused in front of us intently.

"they only come out once every century, to welcome the new queen. But..." I hesitate, no it couldn't be.

"but what?" Holden asks, turning to me finally with fear and most importantly concern in his eyes.

"the queen was believed to be dead last century, how..." I say looking at Holden, hoping he would have the answer to my question.

But instead he goes all serious and says " it means the queen is here." he replies scanning the place as though he could see through the very walls of the place.

I nod silently in agreement, I knew he was right.

But when we turn around, the demons had paused in front of us both. Looking at us expectantly.

"stay back..." I warn, still standing In front of Holden.

But they only lower themselves on their hind legs and lower their wings. With their heads bowed.

"Are they... bowing?" I ask, looking at the demons like they had just grown two heads suddenly.

I summon the courage to walk up ahead, in between the linear lines the demons had created.

Holden was trailing me behind me, his hand tugging on mine as they remained interlaced together.

Soon later, we reach the mouth of the cave, from which they had emerged. I peep in only to find a flare of burning blue flame.

"what do you think that is?" I hear Holden ask me.

"I have no idea." I reply, making my way towards it, only for the burning blue flame to duplicate itself.

And this repeats itself several times until the entire cave is completely covered in light.

The burning blue flames creating a straight path on both sides. I walk in between the path with Holden beside me.

"do you think this is a trap or something?" Holden asks me, and for a moment I remain speechless.

"we'll just have to find out." I say, carefully making my way to the end of the path.

"you following?" I ask over a shoulder.

"yeah!" I hear him yell in reply, "good." I mutter under my breath, still making my way deeper.

Until I find myself In front of an ice blue door, which looked more frozen, with snow flakes design on it.

I make my move to push it open but Holden stops me.

"don't." he says, holding my wrist as he scanned the door. "why?" I ask, looking at him and then the door. "we don't know if it's safe." he defends.

"I know what I'm doing." I say to him, yanking my hand out of his grip before turning towards the ice blue door.

"Mystic please don't do this...." he tried to insist, but did so too late.

I had already placed my hand against the wall, pushing it as I did so.

I pull away, as soon as it began to glow and vibrate.

"what have you done?" I heard Holden ask me from behind.

"something right..." I say, watching smoke come out from in-between the doors before they open on their will.

I step into the room, with Holden close behind me, like a body guard.

"would you quit being over protective?" I whisper ask him.

"I would if you'd be careful." he whispers back. I give up with a sigh, finally acknowledging the crystals which covered the walls up to the top of the room.

Creating a beautiful pattern, illuminating different colours.

"How'd you get in?" a calm light voice says from behind us both. I turn around to the direction, just after he does.

"and who are you?" Holden asks, putting me behind him like I was some kind of princess.

"you haven't answered my question yet." she says, from where she is, legs crossed by the corner.

Her eyes lock with his, and after a brief moment they meet mine. On noticing me, she gets up.

"how did you get in?" she asks again, but this time the question was directed to me. She advanced towards us both, towards me with each breath.

"only a royal can open the enchanted ice door." she said, her eyes lighting up as she tries to reach me but Holden doesn't let her.

"how did you get past the demons... the ice door..." she asks, a hand under her chin as she thought.

Then suddenly she paused and looks at me like I was some missing treasure or something.

"what happened when you came down?" she asks us both, not just me this time.

"demons... strange looking demons attacked us." I reply,.my voice nearly gone.

"the ones whom only bow to the great queen of the seven seas.... why did they let you pass?" she asks, looking at me with an arced eyebrow.

"don't know. Guess spending a lot of time underneath the surface scrambled their brain or something." Holden says, with anger.

"and why do you say so?" the unknown lady asked further. With a familiar look I knew too well in her eyes.

"because they bowed to us!" Holden yells, but she just gets an inch closer.

"they weren't bowing to you, they were bowing to the legendary queen of the seven great seas." she says her voice grave.

"what do you mean by that?" Holden asks, and at this point I can very well hear my heart beating in my chest at what she'd say next.

"isn't it obvious? They were bowing to her!" the lady exclaims jerking her chin at me.

At this point there's complete silence in the room and I find myself standing completely still.

Everything was going too slow now, my head was spinning right now. Holden turns to me in slow motion.

"not possible...Mystic? A legend?" He asks, shaking his head.

"Well, sorry to say, but it's true." the lady says calmly.

I finally break down.

"can someone please explain to me what is going on here?" I ask, refusing to believe what I heard was the truth.

But Holden only stares at me like I was something different.

Something dangerous that people would die for.
