
With Holden as my support, we both make our way deeper into the unknown world of books.

I look around in wonder, feeling myself healing already.

With uncertainty, we move deeper hoping to find the exit. Until we reach a dead end. I look on disappointedly, before his voice cuts me off guard.

"why the hell did you fall?" he asks, irritation clear in his voice.

"excuse me?" I say, assuming I hadn't heard him well.

"I had told you to stay away, and here you are, blaming me?" I say, my anger slowly rising now.

"well, if you had listened just once we wouldn't be in this mess right now." he defends, demonstrating with his hands.

I huff a laugh, "you were the one who lost it and threw a book.... which surprisingly got us here. Now tell me, whose fault is this?" I ask, crossing my hands against my chest.

He remains quiet for a while, his eyes lowered to the floor. While I did a pretty good job of giving him the glares.

"I'm sorry." he finally admits with a sigh, "you better be." I reply sighing, before unfolding my hands and making my way around him. Then going ahead to make myself comfortable leaning against the cold stoned wall.

I'm still lost in thoughts on how we can both get out of here when his voice gets me cold.

"wait, I thought you had hurt your hand?" Holden asks, fear and surprise in his eyes.

"of course I had." I say, my voice miserably low now.

"but.... it doesn't look like it's hurting anymore." he says, even going as far as to attempt to touch me but I prevent him from doing so.

"it's nothing...." I begin, but don't finish when a rumbling sound interrupts me. And the ground beneath my feet is vibrating so much.

That I find myself falling In the opposite direction and against the stone wall. Grunting, I use my palms to support my landing. Which luckily prevents me from getting a fatal head injury.

The vibrations and rumbling sounds soon stops, I realize there's complete silence everywhere. I pant and gasp as I slowly lift my head, my entire body groaning in protest as I do so.

I look around, only to find that the spot on which I and Holden had been standing on had been pulled about a hundred feets below the surface if I was correct.

And now, that same piece of earth is the only thing keeping us from falling into an endless abyss, along with a straight pathway up ahead.

I look around only to find Holden groaning on the other side of earth.

I was about to say something to him, at least to check if he was okay, but I fail to tear my gaze off this terrible yet fascinating site Infront of me.

"I'm fine, thank you very much." he yells over to me sarcastically.

"good to know." I reply to him without looking over my shoulder. I don't even do so when I hear him get up with a grunt.

Soon, I hear his steady near silent steps approaching me until he is right beside me.

"Woah..." I hear him say in awe, as he stares up ahead too.

I turn to him with an arced eyebrow, about to throw him another sarcastic comment, but...

There is a rumbling sound from ahead, coming from within the cave at the dead end of the long path.

"what.... was that?" I ask, tucking my hair behind my ear, while I panted with my hands in the air. Hopelessly with the aim to keep me balanced.

Holden groans, stretching his temporarily stiff legs.

I gasp, as I spot a horribly terrifying sight up ahead; there were dark shadows approaching.

I give out a silent whimper. I wasn't scared of the dark shadows, no. I was afraid of what had just emerged from them.

It was a terrifyingly scaled and teethed demon, winged and walking towards us on four legs. Not just one, but many others with horns.

"Gosh, what are those?" I hear him whisper, fear obviously holding him tight as well.

"demons." I find myself whispering subconsciously without turning around to face him.

But he knew, we both knew... it was true.