
I remain seated on my spot beside the currently unconscious Mystic. Who was still laying on the bed.

I towered over her for a minute, but lean back against the bed stand and sigh. A heavy one.

"she's been unconscious for a day now." I say , worry and concern in my voice as I turn my gaze to the blue floating figure in the room.

Jax, had been more quiet than usual as he inspected Mystic for a while.

"what do you expect, her energy has been drained." he says floating over her.

I turn a wary glance to Mystic, who is still sleeping soundly. At least that's one pleasant way to put things.

"until how long do you think we can stand before they find us?" I ask Jax my voice low and tired.

"uncertain. It's difficult to say due to their rapid increase in numbers." Jax replies softly, as quiet as he could.

I turn back to Mystic and something heavy fills my chest all over again. I felt like hitting my face in the wall for being a jerk.

Why wasn't I there when she needed me the most?

My tongue turns dry and heavy but I ask anyway.

"who do you think killed him?" I ask, voice low barely a whisper. Jax knew who I was talking about, Mystic's grandfather.

For a minute there's uncertainty in the spirit animal's eyes. But soon enough he speaks, even though I could see him, try to clear his head of his uncertainty.

"only she knows." he whispers and once again my heart sinks deeper and more painful than before.



Everything just came back tome again like a painful flood . The memories of how he had died leave me hurting. I knew deep down, someone dearest to had made a sacrifice for me to keep on going.

One which I could never repay, not even in a thousand years.


(A DAY AGO....)

I remained motionless on the floor, as the strange man flew in. He had saved me fro the demon, but now he flew at the demon with such speed I shivered.


A mortal man would have died of such a blow, but a demon... not so sure.

I remain fixed in my position as though someone had tied me up, but no one had. I just really couldn't or didn't want to move at the moment.

"how dare you touch her?" I hear the unknown man growl, I turn in their direction just in time to see him hold a sword to the demons throat.

Suddenly I still, but not at his words but at what I see. It was my grandpa and he was still surrounded by swords. He gives me a weak small smile before turning to the fierce fight. Which would surely leave the house in ruins.

"grandpa" I mouth, but he doesn't pay attention to me as he yells as loud as she can.

"she's never met her dad before, but please don't ruin the good image she has of him." I couldn't understand who he was talking to and why.

But none of that matters, not as I feel the need to crawl and save him. The ground beneath the wheel chair cracks as their swords clash with impact.

"take care of yourself dear." he whispers with a pained smile. I claw faster, desperate to reach him, I won't let him die.

I refuse to... before I can finish my thought, the ground beneath him gives way and he falls in. Just as I was about to reach for the wheel chair. I give out an ear piercing scream.

Everything seems to slowdown for a second and press down on me. But it's all spinning and soon I'm falling and then...

Pitch black.


I awoke with a gasp, the light from the window nearly blinding me. As soon as I get accustomed to it, I look around. I don't recognize where I am. This wasn't my room, and I'm pretty sure a hospital doesn't look like this.

So the question was, "where am I?"