Diplomatic Visit

(There are 2 version of narrative in this chapter. The new script format and the traditional one. It is recommended to read the script format.)


Script format (including extra content)


Hffyl: We've finally made it to the palace, Syafiq. It's bigger that the one I've seen in Pattani.

Syafiq: Indeed. This is a place of power and importance. We must be on our best behavior.

Hffyl: We're still emissaries from Kedah though, right? How can we show our respect and gratitude for this invitation?

Syafiq: Let me guide you. Remember, every gesture and word we say here matters.

As they approached the palace gates, two guards approached them and demanded to know their business.

Guard: State your business at the palace.

Syafiq: We are emissaries from Kedah, invited by Sultan Mahmud Shah II. We seek an audience with Sultan Mahmud Shah of Malacca.

Guard: Emissaries, you claim? Show us evidence.

Syafiq: Of course. Here is our letter of invitation.

Syafiq presents the letter to the guards, who examine it carefully.

Guard: Very well. You may enter. However, surrender your weapons before setting foot within the palace.

Hffyl: Our weapons?

Guard: As safety measures.

Hffyl hands over his golok to the guards, and they step forward to enter the palace.

Syafiq: Remember, Hffyl, we must tread with reverence and humility. Every gesture and word we say here matters.

Hffyl: You don't have to say it twice.

Syafiq: Just for reminder.

As they entered the palace, Hffyl felt a mix of emotions. He was in awe of the palace's beauty, but also nervous about his responsibilities as an emissary. He looked up to Syafiq, hoping that his mentor would guide him through this important meeting. They made their way deeper into the palace.


A grand hall within the palace of the Sultan of Malacca. Rich tapestries drape the walls, and a large ornate table stands at the center, with both Sultans seated at its head.

Sultan of Kedah (Mahmud Shah II): ...I believe our discussions have been most fruitful, Your Highness. Before we conclude, I would like to introduce someone special.

Sultan of Malacca (Mahmud Shah): Oh? And who might that be?

With a graceful step, Hffyl and Syafiq moves forward

Syafiq: Your Majesty, as emissaries of Sultan Mahmud Shah II of Kedah, we come bearing gifts.

Sultan of Malacca: We welcome you with open arms, emissaries. We are delighted to host you in our palace.

Hffyl: Thank you, your Majesty. It is an honor to meet you.

Mahmud Shah: We have heard much about you, Budak Langit. Your story has traveled far and wide, and we are pleased to make your acquaintance.

Hffyl: I am grateful for your kind words, your Highness. It is an honor to be here.

Syafiq: Your Majesty, may I present you with this gift from Sultan Mahmud Shah II?

Mahmud Shah: We are honored to receive this gift, and we thank your Sultan for his kindness.

Mahmud Shah II: Hffyl has been quite the explorer during his time in Kedah.

Mahmud Shah: I would be delighted to hear more. Perhaps over a meal?

Hffyl: I'd be honored, Your Highness.


Hffyl: Verily, verily, this is the most magnificent of feasts that mine eyes have ever seen!

Syafiq: Truly, my friend, and what exotic dishes are contained in this grand spread as beautiful to behold as they are delicious to consume! The fine silks and intricately carved woods around us create a setting of such refinement and splendor.

Sultan of Malacca: Welcome, good sirs, to my dining hall. Let this feast symbolize our desire for unity and reconciliation. Our dishes bring together flavors from all around the world, and we hope they bring satisfaction to our tastebuds as well.

Hffyl: I am honored at being welcomed here, my liege.

Sultan of Malacca: Before we begin our meal, I would like to share with you an unfortunate encounter that has left a bitter taste in my court's mouth.

Syafiq: If it pleases Your Highness, we would like to hear about it.

Sultan of Malacca: Several weeks past, a Portuguese envoy, led by a man named Diogo Lopes de Sequeira, approached our shores with hopes of forging a relationship, but their presence brought nothing but disrespect.

Hffyl: What transpired, Your Highness?

Sultan of Malacca: It was during this meeting that he declined to shake my hand, which is viewed as an insult in our culture.

Hffyl: But such thing shouldn't led to conflict, wasn't it?

Syafiq: Indeed, but it still viewed as an insult.

Bendahara: In addition to this breach of etiquette, his entourage entered my home wearing their shoes, another violation of our customs, and handed me their gift using their left hand. I believe that missteps such as these can lead to misunderstandings between nations.

Hffyl: Now THAT's a threat. It certainly seems that this could have been avoided, Your Highness.

Bendahara: And, to further the affront, upon his departure from the palace, Sequeira refused to bow to our Sultan, a gesture of respect we expect from all visitors.

Syafiq: Such a sequence of diplomatic blunders is surely not intentional?

Sultan of Malacca: We can only hope. But the dignity of our court and our customs must be upheld. It's essential for foreign visitors to understand and respect our ways.

Syafiq: I cannot agree with you more, sire. It is important for all cultures to strive to learn and respect each other.

Sultan of Malacca: Indeed, young Hffyl. Let this moment serve as a reminder that diplomacy requires more than just words. It requires understanding and respect.

Hffyl's eyes widened in amazement at the gastronomic spectacle before him. Vivid curries, steam wafting from heaps of fragrant rice, skewers of succulent meats, and vibrant vegetables all laid out in front of the table.

Remember, in a place like this, it's the unspoken customs that speak the loudest.

Hffyl: (nods) I'll take your lead.

The Sultan of Malacca started the feast, elegantly piling rice onto his plate and topping it with the delicious chicken rendang, whose spices and coconut milk created a harmonious blend of aroma. Everyone at the table followed the host's lead, including Hffyl and Syafiq, in respecting the traditions.

Sultan of Malacca: Please, savor the heart of Malaccan cuisine. We have always cherished evident in every morsel and aroma.

Sultan of Kedah: Thank you. I got plenty of work to do after this visit back in Kedah.

Sultan of Malacca: I see. How about you Hffyl? perhaps you'd consider extending your stay.

Sultan of Kedah: About Hffyl, perhaps your journey towards finding your way back might find its answer in this land. And in the interim, you could pen down the wondrous tales of Malacca.

Hffyl: Sure thing, Your Highness. I'll be glad to stay for a while.

Sultan of Malacca: Very well. Then, I will introduce you to the people of the palace and our system of governance. The Bendahara, our state's lynchpin, stands second only to the throne. His counsel is invaluable, steering our governance with astuteness and overseeing the kingdom's treasury."

Bendahara: (stands up) My name is Sri Maharaja Tun Mutahir, Bendahara of Malacca.

Sultan of Malacca: Next, guarding our realm, ensuring peace and security, is the Temenggung, Tun Hasan.

Tun Hasan Temenggung: A pleasure to meet you. I had just finish my patrol.

Syafiq: A father and son, both pillars of Malacca's might. Truly commendable.

Sultan of Malacca: Then we have our Penghulu Bendahari, the guardian of our treasury. His absence today and left for his dedicated work. And the last one, our mighty naval force remains ever vigilant under the Laksamana's guidance. He stands sentinel over our maritime interests, even now fulfilling his duties at sea.

Hffyl: Such a well-structured system.

Sultan of Malacca: Indeed. Our empire strength stems from the unwavering dedication of these pillars.

Hffyl: Your Highness, if I may inquire further. You mentioned the Laksamana, could you share more about his background and his role here in Malacca?

Sultan of Malacca: Of course, the story of the Laksamana is one of valor. In a time not too long ago, they were brave warriors who became the adopted sons of the Sultan of Kedah. Their bravery and loyalty were unparalleled."

Sultan of Kedah: Indeed. They risked their lives to protect our seas from external threats. Recognizing their valor, they were later sent here to Malacca. It was a time when the coasts were plagued by ruthless pirates who held dominion over these waters.

Hffyl: So, they came here to help drive out the pirates?

Sultan of Malacca: Precisely. Their bravery and martial skill were instrumental in reclaiming our coastal territories.

Hffyl: So, they're Hulubalang...?

Bendahara Tun Mutahir: Yes, an honorary title given to esteemed warriors and protectors of the realm.

Hffyl: If so, Your Highness, if it pleases you, I would be honored to learn Silat from these Hulubalang.

Sultan of Kedah: An excellent idea, Hffyl. Learning Silat will not only enrich your experiences but also equip you with valuable skills.

Bendahara Tun Mutahir: And I, too, can share some of our own martial arts with you. Your enthusiasm is admirable. We shall arrange for your lessons.

As their decision settled, a guard entered the hall with a reverent announcement.

Palace Guard: Your Highness, the Laksamana has arrived.


Original version (a bit outdated. recommended to not read)

The majestic entrance of the Sultan of Malacca's palace rose before Hffyl and Syafiq, a vision of splendor and grandeur. Towering gates, embossed with ornate carvings, reflected the sun's rays, hinting at the prowess and artistry of the Malaccan Empire. A formation of imposing guards, resplendent in their ceremonial uniforms, held the post at the palace threshold, their spears gleaming as an emblem of their unwavering duty.

Hffyl, with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, walked beside Syafiq, who exuded a seasoned calm. Their footsteps resonated with anticipation. Yet, as they neared the palace gates, a guard's assertive voice halted them in their tracks.

"Halt! State your business at the palace," the guard demanded, his eyes piercing through them.

With the grace and respect of a diplomat, Syafiq bowed slightly, addressing the guard. "We are emissaries from the esteemed realm of Kedah, invited by Sultan Mahmud Shah II. Our intention is to have an audience with Sultan Mahmud Shah of Malacca."

A second guard, eyeing them both with a measure of skepticism, interjected, "Emissaries, you claim? So be it. However, surrender your weapons before setting foot within the palace."

Hffyl's grip on his golok tightened involuntarily. "Our weapons?" he echoed, the notion of parting with it causing unease.

The first guard, firm in his stance, responded, "Precisely. It's a protocol for security. Fear not; they shall be returned upon your departure."

With a reluctant sigh, Hffyl followed Syafiq's lead, relinquishing his golok to the custody of the guards. The weight of their responsibility became evident as the formidable palace gates began their slow ascent, revealing the inner sanctum of the palace.

Syafiq, leaning closer to Hffyl, whispered words of counsel, "In this place, Hffyl, we tread with reverence and humility. Every gesture, every word, is a reflection of our homeland."

Nodding, a mixture of awe and anticipation churning within him, Hffyl walked side by side with Syafiq. They left the imposing guards behind, venturing deeper into the very heart of the Sultan's domain, where destiny awaited in the form of Sultan Mahmud Shah of Malacca.

A grand hall within the palace of the Sultan of Malacca. Rich tapestries drape the walls, and a large ornate table stands at the center, with both Sultans seated at its head. The aroma of incense permeates the room, signifying the end of a formal discussion.

The Sultan of Kedah smiles warmly, his eyes crinkling with satisfaction. "I believe our discussions have been most fruitful, Your Highness," he remarks, his tone carrying a note of contentment. "Before we conclude, I would like to introduce someone special."

The Sultan of Malacca leans forward, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. "Oh? And who might that be?" he inquires.

With a graceful step, Hffyl moves forward, a mix of nervousness and curiosity evident on his face as he respectfully bows. His heart beats a bit faster as he stands before these two influential figures.

The Sultan of Malacca widens his eyes in recognition. "Ah, the sky-born child! Word of your extraordinary tale has reached even the palace walls here," he exclaims, a spark of fascination dancing in his gaze.

Hffyl, humbled by the attention, offers a gracious response. "It's an honor to meet you, Your Highness," he says, his words laced with respect.

The Sultan of Malacca smiles warmly in return. "The pleasure is mine. I'm curious, young one. How are you finding Malacca?" he inquires, his interest genuine.

Hffyl, his youthful enthusiasm shining through, replies with a hint of wonder in his voice, "It's an incredible place, Your Highness. So full of life, culture, and trade. I've never seen anything like it."

The Sultan of Kedah interjects with a fond chuckle, "Hffyl has been quite the explorer during his time in Kedah. His tales are fascinating."

The Sultan of Malacca, now intrigued, extends an invitation with a warm smile. "I would be delighted to hear more. Perhaps over a meal?"

Hffyl's grin widens, and he replies with gratitude, "I'd be honored, Your Highness."

The scene had shifted to a grand dining room with an extravagant feast spread out on the table.

The Sultan, seated at the head of the table, invited Hffyl and Syafiq, emissaries from Kedah, to join him for a meal that would symbolize unity. It was a crucial moment of reconciliation. The food was a mix of exotic dishes from faraway lands, infused with spices and flavors. Fine silk fabrics and intricately carved woodwork decorated the surroundings.

The Sultan of Malacca, his gaze grave, addressed the assembly. "Gentlemen, I wish to share with you a recent encounter that has left a... sour taste in our mouths."

Syafiq, well-versed in the art of diplomacy, inclined his head respectfully. "Your Highness, please enlighten us."

With a measured tone, the Sultan continued, "A Portuguese envoy, led by a man named Diogo Lopes de Sequeira, approached our shores with hopes of forging diplomatic ties. But the encounter was... less than pleasant."

Hffyl, curious and eager to learn, spoke up. "What transpired, Your Highness?"

"Upon our meeting," the Sultan began, his gaze thoughtful, "I extended my hand to Sequeira as a sign of friendliness and diplomacy. But he declined to shake it."

Syafiq, seasoned in the nuances of international relations, murmured, "Such actions can lead to misunderstandings."

The Sultan nodded. "Indeed, it was viewed as an insult by my court and myself. But that was not the only slight."

The Bendahara, a trusted figure in the Sultan's court, stepped forward. "Before his visit to the palace, Sequeira and his entourage visited my abode. They entered wearing their shoes, a clear breach of our customs. Moreover, Sequeira handed me a gift using his left hand. Such actions are viewed as disrespectful in our culture."

Hffyl's brows furrowed in genuine surprise. "I can understand your frustrations, Sir."

The Bendahara continued, "And, to further the affront, upon his departure from the palace, Sequeira refused to bow to our Sultan, a gesture of respect we expect from all visitors."

Syafiq's frown deepened. "Such a sequence of diplomatic blunders is surely not intentional?"

The Sultan let out a weary sigh. "We can only hope. But the dignity of our court and our customs must be upheld. It's essential for foreign visitors to understand and respect our ways."

Hffyl, his youthful wisdom shining through, nodded in agreement. "Your concerns are valid, Your Highness. Different cultures must strive to understand and respect each other's practices."

The Sultan of Malacca leaned back in his throne, acknowledging Hffyl's wisdom with a hint of a smile. "Well said, young Hffyl. Let this serve as a reminder that diplomacy requires more than just words. It requires understanding and respect."

Hffyl's eyes widened in amazement at the gastronomic spectacle before him. Vivid curries, steam wafting from heaps of fragrant rice, skewers of succulent meats, and vibrant vegetables called out in silent temptation. Beside him, Syafiq, a seasoned traveler familiar with the subtleties of dining etiquettes, leaned in, imparting wisdom in hushed tones.

"Remember, Hffyl," Syafiq whispered, a playful glint in his eyes, "it's the unspoken customs that speak the loudest."

Hffyl, with a nod of comprehension, replied, "I'll take your lead."

The Sultan of Malacca, the embodiment of grace and authority, initiated the feast. His fingers delicately scooped rice onto his plate, after which he garnished it with the renowned chicken rendang, its aroma signaling the harmonious blend of spices and coconut milk. Observing this, the rest of the court, including Hffyl and Syafiq, emulated his actions, honoring the traditions of the host.

"Please," the Sultan gestured with a welcoming smile, "savor the heart of Malaccan cuisine. Our lands have always cherished diversity, evident in every morsel and aroma."

As dishes were passed and shared, an underlying rhythm of camaraderie set in. The food, rich in flavor, was rivaled only by the richness of the conversation. Stories, both local and foreign, crisscrossed the table, sewing a tapestry of shared experiences and aspirations.

Syafiq, a bite of dessert pausing midway to his mouth, complimented, "Your Highness, the tales did not do justice to the splendor of Malacca's culinary artistry."

With pride evident in his eyes, the Sultan of Kedah concurred, "The reputation of your dishes is far-reaching, yet experiencing them firsthand has been an entirely elevated delight."

In the warm afterglow of the meal, Hffyl, always curious and ever the observer, shared his newfound admiration. "The harmonious blend of cultures, the marketplaces pulsating with life, and the rich tapestry of traditions have enchanted me. Malacca is a world within itself."

The Sultan of Malacca, visibly pleased, offered a sentiment that hinted at a longer stay, "Malacca has forever been a sanctuary for diverse cultures, where horizons merge. Perhaps you'd consider extending your stay?"

The Sultan of Kedah, ever the gracious counterpart, mused thoughtfully, "Hffyl, perhaps your journey towards finding your way back might find its answer in this land. And in the interim, you could pen down the wondrous tales of Malacca."

Within the ornate walls of the Sultan of Malacca's palace, Hffyl and Syafiq found themselves ensconced in the grandeur of the dining hall. As the remnants of the feast were cleared, the ambiance shifted from casual camaraderie to one of solemnity and reverence.

The Sultan of Malacca, embodying the pride and dignity of his lineage, rose gracefully. His voice, imbued with authority, resonated through the hall, capturing the rapt attention of all present. "In the heart of our beloved Malacca," he began, "lies an intricate system of governance—the bedrock upon which our sultanate's prosperity stands."

Syafiq, ever the diplomat, inclined his head in acknowledgment. "Your Highness, we await with bated breath to understand this esteemed framework."

With a sweep of his hand, the Sultan continued, "The Bendahara, our state's lynchpin, stands second only to the throne. His counsel is invaluable, steering our governance with astuteness and overseeing the kingdom's treasury." As Sri Maharaja Tun Mutahir rose from his seat, the weight of his responsibility was evident in his demeanor. Hffyl's gaze lingered on him, recognizing the gravity of the role.

Yet the introductions didn't cease there. The Sultan's voice rose again, "Guarding our realm, ensuring peace and security, is the Temenggung." As Tun Hasan, an impressive figure, acknowledged his introduction, Syafiq remarked, "A father and son, both pillars of Malacca's might. Truly commendable."

The Sultan, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, gestured towards an empty chair, "Then we have our Penghulu Bendahari, the guardian of our treasury. His absence today speaks volumes of his dedication."

Finally, the Sultan spoke of the Laksamana, his voice tinged with regret at the commander's absence. "Our mighty naval force remains ever vigilant under the Laksamana's guidance. He stands sentinel over our maritime interests, even now fulfilling his duties at sea."

A hushed reverence enveloped the room. Hffyl, captivated, whispered in awe, "Such a well-structured system surely underpins Malacca's resplendent glory."

The Sultan, nodding gracefully, concluded, "Indeed. Our sultanate's strength stems from the unwavering dedication of these pillars."

Respectfully, Hffyl addressed the Sultan, "Your Highness, if I may inquire further. You mentioned the Laksamana, and I've heard tales of his legendary prowess. Could you share more about his background and his role here in Malacca?"

The Sultan, a figure of regal bearing, considered Hffyl's request with a thoughtful expression. After a measured pause, he granted a nod of acquiescence.

"Of course, young Hffyl," he began, his voice resonating with authority. "The story of the Laksamana is one of valor and brotherhood."

As the Sultan delved into the narrative, the grandeur of the dining hall faded into the background. Hffyl, Syafiq, and Bendahara Tun Mutahir became enthralled listeners, drawn into a tale that bridged history and heroism.

"In a time not too long ago," the Sultan continued, "they were brave warriors who became the adopted sons of the Sultan of Kedah, my esteemed counterpart. Their bravery and loyalty were unparalleled."

Sultan of Kedah, his demeanor one of sagely agreement, interjected, "Indeed. They risked their lives to protect our realm from external threats."

The Sultan of Malacca, his narrative tone measured and engaging, took the story forward, "Recognizing their valor, they were later sent here to Malacca. It was a time when our coasts were plagued by ruthless pirates who held dominion over these waters."

Hffyl, his eyes filled with wonder, pieced together the narrative, his voice filled with realization, "So, they came here to help drive out the pirates?"

With a knowing smile, the Sultan nodded, affirming the accuracy of Hffyl's deduction. "Precisely. Their bravery and martial skill were instrumental in reclaiming our coastal territories."

The revelation was a spark that ignited Hffyl's curiosity, and he posed another question, "Hulubalang...?"

With a warm smile, Bendahara Tun Mutahir provided the answer, "It's an honorary title given to esteemed warriors and protectors of the realm."

As the tale unfolded, Hffyl felt a growing sense of purpose, in line with the mysterious Japanese girl's enigmatic advice. He voiced his determination, "Your Highness, if it pleases you, I would be honored to learn Silat from the Laksamana. I wish to contribute to the security of Malacca and uphold its prosperity."

Sultan of Kedah, offering his support, chimed in, "An excellent idea, Hffyl. Learning Silat will not only enrich your experiences but also equip you with valuable skills."

Bendahara Tun Mutahir, equally encouraging, added, "And I, too, can share some of our own martial arts with you."

The Sultan of Malacca, impressed by Hffyl's enthusiasm, nodded approvingly, "Your enthusiasm is admirable, Hffyl. We shall arrange for your lessons."

As their decision settled into certainty, a guard, bearing the aura of solemnity, entered the hall with a reverent announcement.

"Your Highness," he intoned with respect, "the Laksamana has arrived."

  1. First Portuguese to reach Malacca.