Legendary Admirals

(There are 2 version of narrative in this chapter. The new script format and the traditional one. It is recommended to read the script format.)


Script format (including extra content)


He was a man cloaked in myth, whose stories had been whispered throughout Malacca, elevating him to an almost legendary status. As he stepped forward, the weight of his presence was felt by all. He was a symbol of strength and respect of the region's martial traditions.

Sultan of Malacca: Laksamana, these are the visitors from Kedah.

Laksamana: Salam sejahtera, Your Highness.

Sultan of Malacca: Salam sejahtera. It's good to see you again. This is Hffyl. You might have heard of him before as the sky-born child. He is now a journalist, writing records of different kingdoms. He'd recently just come back from Pattani before arriving here. He would like to learn a thing or two here as well.

Laksamana: Salam sejahtera, Hffyl. How many kingdoms have you've been?

Hffyl: Just two so far, this will be my third.

Sultan of Malacca: We know Hffyl to be a determined and disciplined young man, and we have full confidence that he will be a worthy student of yours. Besides, you are the one who controls the straits and the seas, our biggest symbol of the kingdom.

Laksamana: Very well, I will be your mentor.

Hffyl: Thank you, Laksamana. I am honored to have the opportunity to learn from you. I will do my best to exceed your expectations.

Laksamana: That is all I can ask for. The road ahead will be challenging, but the rewards will be great.

Hffyl: I am eager to learn. Thank you for taking me under your wing.

Laksamana: It is my privilege to pass on the knowledge. I believe it is important to preserve our sovereignty.


Diogo Lopes de Sequeira and his companion, Captain Vasco, stand in a dimly lit chamber decorated with maps, exotic treasures, and weathered parchment. Diogo appears weary from his travels, with his explorer attire.

Diogo: (heavy sigh) Vas, I'm back from the trip, but it didn't go as planned.

Vasco: Aye, what's the word, lad?

Diogo: Tried to establish trade relations in Malacca, but it was a blunder.

Vasco: How so?

Diogo: Our attempts at diplomacy were taken as insults, and we returned without any result.

Vasco: Seems like those far off cultures have some complex customs.

Diogo: Yeah, and what's worse, there are rumors of a mysterious figure, a "Budak Langit."

Vasco: A celestial visitor?

Diogo: Aye, the folks are in awe of this Budak Langit, talking about his supernatural encounters.

Vasco: Could this character help us overcome our diplomatic troubles?

Diogo: Not certain, Vas, but I must report to King Manuel. We've returned with nothing to show.

[INT. - THRONE ROOM - Royal Palace of Évora]

Diogo Lopes de Sequeira and his companions stands before King Manuel I of Portugal, surrounded by a host of courtiers and advisors. The opulent court of the Portuguese king in 1509 is a sight to behold, with ornate adorning the walls.

King Manuel: Diogo, you have returned. What news do you bring from the distant city of Malacca?

Diogo: Your Majesty, my diplomatic mission to Malakka did not go as planned. I sought to establish trade relations with Sultan Mahmud Shah, but our customs were misunderstood, and I left without achieving our goal.

King Manuel: A misunderstanding, you say? That is indeed unfortunate. However, we cannot dwell on the past. We must find a way to rectify this.

Diogo: I am grateful for Your Majesty's understanding.

King Manuel: We shall send another envoy, one who is well-versed in the customs of the east, to establish the relations we seek.

Diogo: Your Majesty, I am here to assist in any way I can.

King Manuel: Good. Rest and prepare for the upcoming mission. The East still holds many mysteries that we must uncover.

Diogo: Thank you, Your Majesty. I will not rest until we have established trade relations with the East.

With a final bow, Diogo exits the royal court, his mind swirling with his failed quest in Malacca.

In the Royal Chamber of Portugal, King Manuel I sat upon his throne. The sound of heavy armor echoed throughout the grand space as a figure making his entrance. His imposing presence captivated the attention of all who were present, from the king to the courtiers lining the walls. King Manuel sat regally atop his throne.

Herald: Presenting, Admiral Afonso de Albuquerque, the Great Lion of the Seas!

The chamber doors swung open, revealing Admiral Afonso. He entered with the commanding presence of a warrior who had faced storms at sea and adversaries on distant shores. His navy blue cloak billowed behind him, and the clank of his armor spoke of countless battles won.

King Manuel: Ah, Admiral Albuquerque! Just the man I sought. Come forth.

Admiral Albuquerque: Your Majesty, I am at your service.

King Manuel: I've summoned you, Afonso, for a mission of great importance. Diogo's venture to Malacca had... unexpected complications. We need a leader with your tact, knowledge, and prowess to mend those ties and forge ahead.

Admiral Albuquerque: Your trust honors me, Your Majesty. Malacca is the key to controlling the eastern seas. With your blessing, I vow to not only mend those ties but to elevate our glorious empire to even greater heights.

King Manuel: I expected nothing less from you, Albuquerque. The spice routes and the promise of Malacca's riches are of immense significance. But beyond wealth, it's a matter of our empire's pride and legacy. The masters of the Eastern Seas is not a privilege to be taken lightly.

Admiral Albuquerque: Your Majesty, I understand the gravity of the situation. The name of Portugal will ring out from the farthest corners of the world, and our empire will be admired and feared by all. I am ready for this journey, and I will not rest until the name of Portugal is synonymous with power and prestige.

King Manuel I: Then it's settled. I task you with this mission, Admiral Afonso, and I have full faith in your ability to achieve our goals. May your journey be guided by the winds of fortune and the power of our proud Empire. To new horizons, Admiral Albuquerque. To glory!

Admiral Albuquerque: To new horizons and a glorious Empire!


Lisbon docks, filled with the bustle of activity as men load provisions onto ships, their eyes fixed on the horizon. Afonso de Albuquerque, Admiral of the Portuguese Empire, stands at the helm of the flagship, a resolute look on his face. His trusted commanders, Diogo Mendes de Vasconcelos, Antonio de Abreu, Rui Nunes da Cunha, and Ferdinand Magellan, gather around him, ready for the journey ahead.

Admiral Albuquerque: Gentlemen, we embark on a journey of profound importance. The East beckons, and with it, the promise of wealth, alliances, and the extension of our great empire.

Diogo Mendes de Vasconcelos: The ships are almost ready, Admiral. Supplies are being loaded, and the men are eager. The might of Portugal will be felt across the seas.

Antonio de Abreu: Our course has been meticulously planned. We will sail past the formidable Cape of Good Hope, then chart a course across the vast expanse of the Indian Ocean before finally reaching Malacca.

Rui Nunes da Cunha: The waters may be treacherous, and the journey long, but with our seasoned crew and the might of our fleet, there's no storm we cannot weather.

Ferdinand Magellan: Every new horizon promises adventure. I've heard tales of Malacca's grandeur. It will be a sight to behold!

Admiral Albuquerque: Indeed, Ferdinand. But let us not forget our mission. We are not just explorers; we are emissaries of King Manuel and Portugal. We must negotiate, build alliances, and, if necessary, show our strength.

Rui Nunes da Cunha: Rest assured, Admiral. We are prepared for every eventuality.

Admiral Albuquerque: I trust each one of you. Together, we will make history. Now, let us ensure our men are ready and our ships are fortified for the journey ahead.

Diogo Mendes de Vasconcelos: By this time tomorrow, Admiral, we'll be on our way, and the horizon will be but a distant memory as we sail towards our destination.

The commanders raise their hands in a show of solidarity, their resolve clear.

Admiral Albuquerque: To the East, to glory, and to the legacy of Portugal!

With a resolute salute, the ships prepare to set sail, marking the beginning of a monumental expedition into Eastern waters once again.


Original version (a bit outdated. recommended to not read)

The was a man cloaked in myth, whose stories had been whispered throughout Malacca, elevating him to an almost legendary status.

As he stepped forward, the weight of his presence was felt by all. He was a symbol of strength and respect, a living embodiment of the region's rich martial traditions.

The Sultan of Malacca, ever the gracious host, gestured toward the young visitor from another time. "Laksamana," he began, his voice brimming with pride, "this is Hffyl, our guest who has expressed a keen desire to delve into the art of Silat."

The Laksamana's eyes, sharp yet filled with wisdom, settled on Hffyl. "Salam sejahtera, young one," he intoned, his voice carrying the echoes of countless battles and the wisdom of age.

"Salam sejahtera, Laksamana," Hffyl replied, his voice barely above a whisper, the weight of the moment pressing upon him.

The Laksamana's acknowledgement was a gentle nod, a silent gesture that spoke volumes. "The path of Silat is one paved with discipline and honor," he began, setting the tone for what was to be a transformation for Hffyl's story.


Lisbon, Portugal - 1509

Diogo Lopes de Sequeira had just returned to Lisbon, the heart of the Portuguese Empire, after his diplomatic mission to the distant city of Malacca. His expedition, intended to establish vital trade relations with the Sultanate of Malacca, had concluded far differently than he had envisioned.

Inside a dimly lit chamber adorned with maps, exotic treasures, and weathered parchments, Diogo stood in deep contemplation. His attire, reminiscent of a Portuguese explorer, bore the marks of a long and arduous journey. The flickering candlelight cast shifting shadows upon his weary visage.

He spoke to his loyal companion, Captain Vasco, his voice a mixture of weariness and confusion.

"I've returned, but not as I'd hoped."

Captain Vasco, leaning forward with concern, inquired, "What news do you bring, Diogo?"

Diogo Lopes de Sequeira exhaled deeply, attempting to put into words the bewildering events of his mission.

"Malacca... it's a city unlike any other. A jewel of the East, they call it. But our diplomatic mission, Vasco, it took an unfortunate turn."

Captain Vasco's curiosity was piqued. "What happened?"

"I tried to extend the hand of diplomacy to Sultan Mahmud Shah, but it was... misunderstood. My refusal to shake his hand, the gift given with my left hand, not bowing – they viewed it all as insults. And I left without establishing the trade relations we sought."

Captain Vasco, ever the voice of understanding, nodded sympathetically. "It seems the customs of these distant lands are complex and unforgiving."

Diogo Lopes de Sequeira shook his head, his face etched with a deep sense of bafflement. "Indeed. I cannot fathom what I did wrong. It's as if I violated some unspoken code, but I have no idea what it was."

Captain Vasco, deeply in thought, ventured a possibility. "A mystery, then."

Diogo Lopes de Sequeira agreed with a sigh. "A profound one. And to make matters worse, there are whispers of a mysterious figure, a 'Budak Langit,' who appeared, claiming to be from the sky."

Captain Vasco's intrigue was evident in his expression. "A celestial visitor?"

"Yes," Diogo affirmed with a nod. "The people are in awe of this Budak Langit, and they speak of his encounters with the supernatural."

Captain Vasco considered the possibility. "Could he be the key to resolving our diplomatic troubles?"

Diogo Lopes de Sequeira, his uncertainty palpable, replied, "I'm not sure, Vasco. But for now, I must report to King Manuel. We've returned with little to show for our journey."

As Diogo Lopes de Sequeira prepared to deliver his report to King Manuel I of Portugal, he couldn't help but ponder the enigmatic figure he had encountered in the distant city of Malacca. The mystery of his diplomatic missteps weighed heavily on his mind, and he remained ignorant of the specific actions that had caused the conflict.

The opulent court of King Manuel I of Portugal in Lisbon was a sight to behold. Intricate tapestries adorned the hall, and a sense of grandeur permeated the air. Diogo Lopes de Sequeira, the recently returned diplomat, stood before the throne, flanked by a retinue of courtiers and advisors. He bore the weariness of his long journey and the burden of unresolved diplomatic troubles.

"Diogo, you have returned," declared King Manuel I, his voice both stern and curious. "Tell me, what news from the far eastern reaches of our empire?"

Diogo, with an air of utmost respect, began to recount the events of his mission to Malacca. He detailed his interactions with Sultan Mahmud Shah and the complexities that had arisen.

"Your Majesty, I regret to report that our mission to Malacca has not gone as planned," Diogo began, his voice clear and measured. "I extended our hand in friendship, but our customs were misunderstood. I left without achieving our goal of establishing trade relations."

The courtiers exchanged furtive glances, their intrigue mounting as they listened to the unexpected turn of events.

King Manuel's expression remained inscrutable as he pondered Diogo's words. "A misunderstanding, you say?" The king's voice held a thoughtful note. "It is unfortunate, but we must not dwell on the past. We shall find a way to rectify this."

Diogo's eyes widened in surprise at the king's response. Relief washed over him, knowing that his sovereign understood the complexities of the situation.

"Your Majesty, your understanding is greatly appreciated," Diogo replied, his gratitude evident.

"We shall send another envoy," King Manuel declared with authority. "One who is well-versed in the customs of the east, to establish the relations we seek."

Diogo Lopes de Sequeira bowed deeply, acknowledging the king's decision with a sense of duty and readiness.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," he expressed his gratitude. "I am ready to assist in any way I can."

With a nod of acknowledgment, King Manuel I bid his diplomat to rest and prepare for the upcoming mission. As Diogo left the royal court, he carried a renewed sense of purpose. The mysteries of Malacca and the enigmatic figure known as Budak Langit still weighed heavily on his mind. Little did he know that his journey was far from over, and the enigmatic East would continue to unfold before him.

In the resplendent Royal Chamber of King Manuel I, where the grandeur of the Portuguese Empire was on full display, a momentous meeting took place. King Manuel, a sovereign known for his ambitious vision, sat regally upon his ornate throne. His countenance was a mixture of concern and determination, a reflection of the empire's ever-expanding ambitions.

A herald, with an eloquent flourish, declared the arrival of a man whose name echoed through the annals of history. "Presenting, Admiral Afonso de Albuquerque, the Great Lion of the Seas!"

With a reverberating thud, the chamber doors swung open, revealing Admiral Afonso. He entered with the commanding presence of a warrior who had faced storms at sea and adversaries on distant shores. His navy blue cloak billowed behind him, and the clank of his armor spoke of countless battles won. The lines etched on his face, like maps of conquests, told tales of unwavering resolve.

"Ah, Admiral Albuquerque! Just the man I sought. Come forth," declared King Manuel I, his voice carrying the weight of a kingdom.

Admiral Albuquerque bowed deeply, a gesture that conveyed both reverence and readiness. "Your Majesty, I am at your service."

The king leaned forward, his eyes fixed on the admiral. "I've summoned you, Afonso, for a mission of great importance. Diogo's venture to Malacca had... unexpected complications. We need a leader with your tact, knowledge, and prowess to mend those ties and forge ahead."

The admiral, ever the embodiment of Portuguese valor and loyalty, straightened with pride. "Your trust honors me, Your Majesty. Malacca is the key to controlling the eastern seas. With your blessing, I vow to not only mend those ties but to elevate our glorious empire to even greater heights."

King Manuel I nodded in approval. "I expected nothing less from you, Albuquerque. The spice routes and the promise of Malacca's riches are of immense significance. But beyond wealth, it's a matter of our empire's pride and legacy."

Admiral Albuquerque's gaze, steely and resolute, met that of his king. "Fear not, Your Majesty. Where diplomacy falters, strength and strategy will prevail. I will ensure the name of Portugal resounds with respect in the far corners of the world."

The two men raised their goblets, a symbolic toast to ambitions that spanned oceans and the indomitable spirit of a great empire.

"To new horizons and the glory of Portugal!" proclaimed King Manuel I.

"To honor, legacy, and the unyielding spirit of our empire!" responded Admiral Albuquerque.

As they toasted to the future, the courtiers joined in, their voices filling the chamber with hope, ambition, and the dreams of a mighty empire. The scene closed with Admiral Albuquerque's determined gaze fixed on a map of the East, foretelling the monumental journey ahead.

Location: Lisbon docks, bathed in the warm mid-day sun. The bustling atmosphere of the docks is palpable. Sailors hustle about, loading provisions onto mighty Portuguese ships adorned with the royal insignia.

At the helm of the flagship, Admiral Afonso de Albuquerque stands, his gaze fixed on a spread-out map. Nearby, his trusted commanders, Diogo Mendes de Vasconcelos, Antonio de Abreu, Rui Nunes da Cunha, and the intrepid Ferdinand Magellan, gather in hushed discussion.

Afonso's voice carries a tone of determination as he addresses his commanders, who are equally resolute about the voyage ahead.

"Gentlemen, we embark on a journey of profound significance. The East beckons, and with it, the promise of wealth, alliances, and the extension of our great empire."

Diogo Mendes de Vasconcelos nods in agreement, his eyes alight with anticipation. "Admiral, the ships are almost ready. Supplies are being loaded, and the men are eager. The might of Portugal will be felt across the seas."

Antonio de Abreu leans over the map, tracing their intended route. "Our course has been meticulously planned. We will sail past the formidable Cape of Good Hope, then chart a course across the vast expanse of the Indian Ocean before finally reaching Malacca."

Rui Nunes da Cunha, known for his unwavering resolve, chimes in. "The waters may be treacherous, and the journey long, but with our seasoned crew and the might of our fleet, there's no storm we cannot weather."

Ferdinand Magellan, the ever-adventurous explorer, adds with a twinkle in his eye, "Every new horizon promises adventure. I've heard tales of Malacca's grandeur. It will be a sight to behold!"

Afonso nods, his eyes fixed on the map, tracing their intended route. "Indeed, Ferdinand. But let us not forget our mission. We are not just explorers; we are emissaries of King Manuel and Portugal. We must negotiate, build alliances, and, if necessary, show our strength."

Rui Nunes da Cunha reassures the admiral, "Rest assured, Admiral. We are prepared for every eventuality."

With conviction in his voice, Afonso declares, "I trust each one of you. Together, we will make history. Now, let us ensure our men are ready and our ships are fortified for the journey ahead."

Diogo Mendes de Vasconcelos adds, "By this time tomorrow, Admiral, we'll be on our way, and the horizon will be but a distant memory as we sail towards our destiny."

With a resolute salute, Afonso acknowledges their unity and purpose. "To the East, to glory, and to the legacy of Portugal!"

The commanders raise their hands in a show of solidarity, echoing Afonso's sentiment. The air is thick with anticipation as the ships prepare to set sail, marking the beginning of a monumental expedition into uncharted waters.

  1. Greetings, Laksamana
  2. The first known Portuguese to arrived at Malacca in 1509