Uncertain Suprise

(There are 2 version of narrative in this chapter. The new script format and the traditional one. It is recommended to read the script format.)


Script format (including extra content)


The room is bathed in soft, sterile light, with medical equipment surrounding a single bed. Hffyl lies on the bed, his eyes slowly opening, adjusting to the brightness. The steady beep of a heart monitor fills the otherwise quiet room.

Hffyl: (Confused) "Where... where?"

From outside the door, muffled voices can be heard.

Doctor: The patient woke up from a coma. Notify his family immediately.

Nurse: Right away, Doctor. I'll call his parents and his other family members.

Hffyl tries to sit up, still disoriented, piecing together fragments of memories, trying to understand how he got here.

The door to the hospital room swings open and Hffyl's family pours in. Relief and concern etched on their faces. His grandfather, Abah, is the first to approach, his eyes twinkling with tears of joy, followed closely by Umi, clutching her handbag tightly. His younger brother stands back a little, trying to maintain a cool facade but his worry is evident.

Hffyl's hospital room was filled with warmth and a sense of homecoming as his family gathered around his bed. Their faces, a mixture of relief, were a sight for sore eyes.

Abah: (Smiling warmly) Hffyl, my boy, you had us all worried.

Hffyl managed a weak smile, his admiration for his grandfather shining through even in his weakened state.

UMI: (Tearfully) We're just glad you're awake, dear. You scared us half to death.

Mama, Papa, his little brother, and little sister echoed their agreement. Hffyl felt a surge of emotion, a profound gratitude for the family that surrounded him.

Abah: (Voice breaking) It's good to see those eyes open

Hffyl: (Weakly) I don't even remember what happened.

Mama: "You've been in a coma for almost three weeks, dear. We found you on the kitchen floor. We were so scared, we rushed you here immediately.

Papa: The doctors couldn't figure out why you collapsed. MRI scans, X-RAYs, they found nothing.

Brother: You better explain why you collapsed before we put you in a coma again.

Hffyl: (Taking a moment to process) I... I can't remember anything.

Mama: (Stroking Hffyl's forehead) It's okay. You're awake now. That's what matters.

Umi: And when you're feeling up to it, I'll make you your favorite Laksa.

Hffyl: That would be... great. I'm happy to see all of you again.


Hffyl lay in his hospital bed, the room bathed in the soft glow of dimmed lights. The visiting hours is over and his family left him. The beeping of medical monitors filled the silence when, suddenly, the door swung open.

An unfamiliar figure entered the room. He was dressed in a sleek suit, an affable smile gracing his face.

Well-suited Man: (With a charming smile, speaking English) Hey there. Hope I didn't startle you. Hf... hff... How do you pronounce your name?

Hffyl: (Cautious) Who are you? I though the visiting hours are over.

Jose Machado: (Extending a hand) Sorry for barging in like this. Heard you've had a wild time.

Hffyl eyed him warily but eventually shook the offered hand.

Hffyl: So, you're a doctor?

Jose Machado: (takes a seat) Mr. Hffyl, I'm not here to cause you any trouble. I'm here because I've heard rumors. Rumors that you might possess something... significant.

Hffyl's expression remained guarded, but curiosity flickered in his eyes.

Hffyl: (Slightly intrigued) What are you talking about?

Jose Machado leaned back, his smile widening as he continued their conversation.

Jose Machado: Let's just say, Mr. Hffyl, that what you have could change the course of certain... affairs. I'm here to make you an offer, one that could be quite beneficial for both of us.

Hffyl: No, no. I don't have any money currently.

Jose Machado: I'm not here to sell you anything.

The room is dimly lit, with Hffyl on the bed and Jose Machado standing nearby.

Jose Machado: (Eagerly) Do you have a letter with you?

Hffyl: (Puzzled) A letter? I don't think I have any...

As Hffyl speaks, he absentmindedly searches his pockets. To his surprise, his fingers brush against a piece of paper. Confused, he subtly feels the paper, wondering how it got there.

Jose Machado: (Growing impatient) Well? Is that it?

Hffyl's gaze locks onto a symbol on Jose's attire, a mark strikingly similar to the coin left by The Governor. Alarm bells ring in his head.

Hffyl: (Hesitating, hiding his discovery) No... I have nothing of that sort. Just some receipts.

Jose narrows his eyes, trying to gauge if Hffyl is being truthful.

Jose Machado: Why would a kid keep a receipt?

Hffyl, laying on the bed, and Jose Machado, standing nearby, exchange glances. Something seems amiss.

Jose Machado: (Calmly, looking around) Interesting environment you have here.

As he speaks, the door swings open to reveal a nurse, holding a tray with medications and a syringe. The interruption is timely, and Jose, seizing the opportunity, takes a seat in the chair beside the bed, maintaining his poised facade.

Nurse: (Attempting a professional tone) Time for your medication, sir.

But as she approaches, Hffyl's sharp gaze picks up on several anomalies: her slightly unsteady hands, the odd spot of blood on her uniform. He recognized her voice before. The one during his first fight.

Hffyl: (Suddenly, pulling the IV from his arm) What's in that syringe?

The nurse hesitates, her facade crumbling, revealing a hint of panic in her eyes.

Jose Machado: (Rising from the chair, watching intently) Looks like we have a bit of a drama here.

Hffyl: (Covering his bleeding hand.) I recognized both of your voices before. What do you want?

The situation turned from tense to downright scary when, out of nowhere, Jose pulled out a pistol, aiming it right at him.

Hffyl: (shocked) Wha-? How'd you sneak that in here?

Jose just smirked, not offering any explanations.

As the standoff intensified, Hffyl's mind raced. Spotting a window, he didn't think twice. He dove through it, glass shattering around him.


*window shattered*

The wind roared in his ears as the ground seemed to rush up at him. Panic, adrenaline, and a dash of hope fueled his last-ditch escape.


Original version (a bit outdated. recommended to not read)

In a room filled with gentle, clinical light, Hffyl slowly opened his eyes. The unfamiliar surroundings, with beeping machines and sterile equipment, left him utterly bewildered. He tried to piece together how he had ended up in this hospital bed, but his thoughts were a jumbled mess.

"Where... where am I?" His voice was barely more than a whisper, tinged with confusion.

From beyond the closed door, he could hear muffled voices.

"The patient has woken up from a coma," a man's voice, likely a doctor, said with a mix of relief and astonishment.

"Right away, Doctor. I'll call his parents and other family members," a woman, probably a nurse, replied promptly.

Struggling to sit up, Hffyl felt the weight of disorientation bearing down on him as he attempted to make sense of his fragmented memories.

The door to his hospital room creaked open, revealing a flood of familiar faces. Their expressions held a mix of relief and deep concern. Abah, Hffyl's revered grandfather, led the way, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. Umi followed closely, clutching her handbag as if it were an anchor to the present. Hffyl's younger brother stood near the doorway, trying to appear composed, but his worried gaze gave him away.

"Hffyl, my boy, you had us so worried," Abah said, his voice trembling with emotion, but his smile warm and comforting.

Still grappling with his unfamiliar surroundings, Hffyl managed to offer a weak smile in response. "Abah..."

"We're just so glad you're awake, dear," Umi said, her voice trembling with tears. "You frightened us half to death."

Agreement murmured through the room as Mama, Papa, and his younger siblings expressed their shared relief. It felt like a collective embrace, a soothing balm for Hffyl's bewildered state.

"It's wonderful to see those eyes open," Abah added, the emotion in his voice palpable.

Struggling to piece together his fragmented memories, Hffyl croaked, "What... What happened?"

"You've been in a coma for almost three weeks," Mama gently revealed, her fingers lightly brushing his forehead. "We found you on the kitchen floor. We were terrified, and we rushed you here immediately."

Papa chimed in, the weight of those anxious days evident in his tone, "The doctors couldn't figure out why you collapsed."

His younger brother, attempting to lighten the mood, teased, "You'd better explain why you collapsed before we put you in a coma again."

"I... I can't remember anything," Hffyl confessed, his voice trailing off.

But Mama, always a soothing presence, reassured him, "It's okay. You're awake now. That's what matters."

Umi added, a playful glimmer in her eyes, "And when you're feeling up to it, I'll make you your favorite Laksa."

Laughter, both light and healing, filled the room as the family drew comfort from Hffyl's return, savoring this shared moment of reprieve.


The light in Hffyl's hospital room was soft and calming. But that peace was quickly disrupted when the door burst open, and in walked a guy in a slick suit. 

"Hey there. Hope I didn't startle you. Hf... hff... How do you say your name?" The guy smirked, his tone dripping with charm.

Hffyl squinted at him suspiciously. "Who are you?"

Chuckling, the man extended his hand. "Jose Machado. Sorry for barging in like this. Heard you've had a wild time."

Not entirely convinced, Hffyl shook his hand. "What do you want?"

Jose leaned in closer, a sneaky grin on his face. "I've heard a rumor, Hffyl. They say you've got something special. I think we can make a deal."

Hffyl raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"

Jose's grin widened. "Heard you might have a letter?"

Scratching his head, Hffyl was about to shrug when he felt something in his pocket. He pulled out a folded piece of paper, eyes widening in confusion. "How'd this get here?"

But before he could think further, Jose jumped in eagerly, "Well, is that it?"

Suspicion clouded Hffyl's mind. He remembered a symbol on a coin tied to The Governor that looked eerily similar to a design on Jose's attire. Opting for caution, he decided to play it cool. "No, man. It's just a receipt."

Jose squinted at him, trying to gauge if he was lying. Before either of them could say more, the door opened again. A nurse walked in, holding a tray with meds and a suspicious-looking syringe.

"Time for your meds," she said with a strained smile.

Something felt off. Hffyl's gut churned with unease. "What's that for?" he asked, nodding towards the syringe.

She hesitated, and that moment of doubt was all Hffyl needed.

Jose chimed in with mock innocence, "Looks like we have a bit of drama here."

Hffyl's eyes darted between them, his heart racing. "What's going on here?"

The situation turned from tense to downright scary when, out of nowhere, Jose pulled out a pistol, aiming it right at Hffyl. "Wha-? How'd you sneak that in here?"

Jose just smirked, not offering any explanations.

In the midst of the tense situation in the hospital room, Hffyl noticed the bothersome IV line in his hand. He couldn't afford any hindrance right now. With a determined grimace, he yanked the IV out, wincing at the sharp pain. But the relief of being free from that tether outweighed the momentary discomfort. Now unburdened, he prepared to leap out of the window, making his daring escape.

As the standoff intensified, Hffyl's mind raced. Spotting a window, he didn't think twice. He dove through it, glass shattering around him. The wind roared in his ears as the ground seemed to rush up at him. Panic, adrenaline, and a dash of hope fueled his last-ditch escape.