Runaway Patient

(There are 2 version of narrative in this chapter. The new script format and the traditional one. It is recommended to read the script format.)


Script format (including extra content)


Hffyl winced as he took stock of his injuries. Shards of glass had done a number on him - his left forearm was gashed, and blood was seeping through his hospital gown. He could feel a smaller piece of glass stuck in his cheek, the warm trickle of blood making its way down his chin. His right leg wasn't doing much better; it throbbed from a rough encounter with a tree during his escape, and there was a nasty swelling that hinted at a sprain or worse. The bullet had grazed his shoulder, leaving a painful but non-fatal wound.

He tried to push past the pain and dizziness, knowing he had to keep moving, but every little twitch sent a shockwave of agony through his battered body.

Back in the hospital room, Jose had stashed his silenced pistol away, switching from menacing attacker to an observer in the blink of an eye. Nurses and hospital staff flooded the room, drawn by the commotion of the shattered window. Jose played his part convincingly, adding to the chaos with his cries of alarm

Jose Machado: That patient! He just... jumped out the window! He's fleeing the hospital, we need to find him.

Hospital Staff: Get security on the line. We've got an insane runaway patient!

Amidst the frantic activity, Jose discreetly reached for a pager tucked inside his suit jacket. He pressed the button and spoke in low, urgent tones.

Jose Machado: (whispers) Hey. Get some guys over here dressed as security, pronto. Find that kid before the real deal does. And if you have to... take him out.

Releasing the button, he slipped the pager back into its hiding place.

Hffyl, with the world spinning around him, stumbled out into the hospital grounds. His vision was flickering, but he spotted security personnel up ahead. Blood was streaming down his face, and each breath felt like an effort. He staggered towards them.

Hffyl: (exhausted) Help... Someone tried to... I need help!

The two security guys exchanged glances, their expressions inscrutable. Something was off.

One of them shifted subtly, inching his hand towards his belt, where Hffyl glimpsed a taser. A chilling intuition gripped him, a feeling that something was about to go very wrong.

???: Run.

Without wasting a moment, Hffyl turned and bolted. Behind him, the unmistakable crackle of a taser firing echoed through the air.

The voice inside Hffyl's head persisted, guiding him through the maze-like streets around the hospital.

???: Left.

Hffyl swerved around a corner.

???: Right.

And he obeyed.


Amidst his escape, beams of light pierced through the buildings, briefly illuminating his path. It felt like the city itself was trying to lead him to safety.

But hope was short-lived. As he distanced himself from the hospital, the rumble of an approaching engine reached his ears. Out of nowhere, a black van roared onto the road, and armed men spilled out of it.

???: Duck.

And Hffyl sprinted for cover. A pickup truck was approaching, its bed empty. Without a second thought, he vaulted onto the back, despite his battered body protesting the sudden movement. The driver, engrossed in the mayhem unfolding behind him, remained blissfully unaware of his unexpected passenger.

With every passing second, Hffyl put more distance between himself and the people who had been chasing him. His eyes stayed locked on that strange beam of light in the night sky, like a North Star guiding him to safety. Inside the speeding pickup truck, he could hear the distant wail of sirens, and he spotted vehicles gaining on him in the rearview mirror.

His mind raced, weighing the risks of his situation. The pursuers were too close, and the police were right behind them. Hffyl knew he had to make a difficult choice. Bracing for pain, he made the decision to jump from the moving vehicle.

As he hit the ground, pain erupted throughout his battered body. The asphalt scraped against his skin, adding fresh gashes and bruises to his collection. But he pushed through it, staggering to his feet to reach that beacon in the sky.


Limping and wincing with every step, he made his way to Penang Port, a labyrinth of containers, machinery, and enormous ships. The towering cranes cast shadows, making the place even more daunting. He slipped through narrow gaps and hid behind containers, venturing deeper into the port, well aware of the security measures meant to keep intruders out, especially a young boy like him.

With every step closer to the ship, Hffyl felt a connection, like a bond forming between him and the vessel. Carefully maneuvering between the stacks of containers, Hffyl reached the ship's deck undetected. The hum of the ship's engines and the distant sounds of water became a comforting backdrop to the chaos he had just escaped. Inside, he found a cluster of crates that provided perfect concealment. Inside, he hid among crates, succumbing to exhaustion.

Reluctantly, he inspected his wounds, turning away from the gruesome reality. Overwhelmed by pain, the idea of escape and the ship's gentle rocking offered solace.

As the vessel left Penang Port, night's chaos faded. The guiding beacon, the mysterious force, led him to this escape. With the departing ship revealing the horizon, Hffyl succumbed to restless sleep, hoping to wake far from danger.


Faiz, a crew member, goes about his routine check, his boots echoing softly in the cavernous space. As he navigates the maze of crates, his instincts alert him to something amiss.

Faiz: (Warily) Blood? What's going on here?

He approaches a particularly inconspicuous crate, his senses on high alert. With caution, he pries it open and is met with the sight of Hffyl, battered and gasping for breath.

Faiz: (Exclaiming) "Boss, we got ourselves a stowaway!"

His exclamation rouses the curiosity of Rizal, the ship's first mate, and a group of crew members nearby. They rush over to see what's happening.

Rizal: (Raised eyebrow) A stowaway? On this ship?

Faiz: (Nodding) Aye, boss. Found this lad hiding in one of the crates.

Hffyl, disheveled and clearly injured, meets the gaze of the crew with a fear.

Hffyl: (Pleading) Please, I mean no harm. I had to escape.

Rizal: (Skeptically) Escape? From who?

Hffyl: I don't know! Some gangs or something. They were after me.

The crew members exchange uncertain glances, grappling with the unexpected turn of events.

"That seems like a gunshot wound, could he be a criminal?"

Rizal: (Sighing) Alright, let's not jump to conclusions. We'll take him to the medical bay and figure this out.

The crew nods reluctantly, assisting Hffyl to his feet as they prepare to address this mysterious intruder. 


Original version (a bit outdated. recommended to not read)

Hffyl winced as he took stock of his injuries. Shards of glass had done a number on him - his left forearm was gashed, and blood was seeping through his hospital gown. He could feel a smaller piece of glass stuck in his cheek, the warm trickle of blood making its way down his chin. His right leg wasn't doing much better; it throbbed from a rough encounter with a tree during his escape, and there was a nasty swelling that hinted at a sprain or worse. The bullet had grazed his shoulder, leaving a painful but non-fatal wound.

He tried to push past the pain and dizziness, knowing he had to keep moving, but every little twitch sent a shockwave of agony through his battered body.

Back in the hospital room, Jose had stashed his silenced pistol away, switching from menacing attacker to concerned observer in the blink of an eye. Nurses and hospital staff flooded the room, drawn by the commotion of the shattered window. Jose played his part convincingly, adding to the chaos with his cries of alarm.

"That patient!" he exclaimed, his voice dripping with faux shock, "He attacked the nurse and then just... jumped out the window! We need to find him!"

The hospital staff exchanged anxious glances, Jose's narrative ratcheting up the urgency of the situation. "Get security on the line," one nurse shouted, "We've got a runaway patient!"

Amidst the frantic activity, Jose discreetly reached for a pager tucked inside his suit jacket. He pressed the button and spoke in low, urgent tones.

"Hey," he whispered, making sure no one was close enough to overhear, "Get some guys over here dressed as security, pronto. Find that kid before the real deal does. And if you have to... take care of him."

Releasing the button, he slipped the pager back into its hiding place, resuming his facade as a concerned bystander amidst the hospital bedlam.

Hffyl, with the world spinning around him, stumbled out into the hospital grounds. His vision was flickering, but he spotted security personnel up ahead. Blood was streaming down his face, and each breath felt like a laborious effort. He staggered towards them, desperate for help.

"Help," he gasped, clutching his side where a shard of glass was embedded. "Someone tried to... I need help."

The two security guys exchanged glances, their expressions inscrutable, but there was a palpable tension in the air. Something was off.

One of them shifted subtly, inching his hand towards his belt where Hffyl glimpsed a taser. A chilling intuition gripped him, a feeling that something was about to go very wrong.

Without wasting a moment, Hffyl turned and bolted. Behind him, the unmistakable crackle of a taser firing echoed through the air.

The voice inside Hffyl's head persisted, guiding him through the maze-like streets around the hospital. It felt like a silent compass, every instinct trusting its directions. "Left," it urged, and Hffyl swerved around a corner. "Right," it whispered again, and he obeyed.

Amidst his frantic escape, beams of light periodically pierced through the buildings, briefly illuminating his path. It felt like the city itself was trying to lead him to safety.

But hope was short-lived. As he distanced himself from the hospital, the rumble of an approaching engine reached his ears. Out of nowhere, a black van roared onto the road, and armed men spilled out of it.

Pure instinct took over, and Hffyl sprinted for cover. A pickup truck was approaching, its bed empty. Without a second thought, he vaulted onto the back, despite his battered body protesting the sudden movement. The driver, engrossed in the mayhem unfolding behind him, remained blissfully unaware of his unexpected passenger.

With every passing second, Hffyl put more distance between himself and the people who had been chasing him. His eyes stayed locked on that strange beam of light in the night sky, like a North Star guiding him to safety. Inside the speeding pickup truck, he could hear the distant wail of sirens, and he spotted vehicles gaining on him in the rearview mirror.

His mind raced, weighing the risks of his situation. The pursuers were too close, and the police were right behind them. Hffyl knew he had to make a difficult choice. Bracing for pain, he made the gut-wrenching decision to jump from the moving vehicle.

As he hit the ground, pain erupted throughout his battered body. The asphalt scraped against his skin, adding fresh gashes and bruises to his collection. But he pushed through it, staggering to his feet, driven by a determination to reach that enigmatic beacon in the sky.

Limping and wincing with every step, he made his way to Penang Port, a labyrinth of containers, machinery, and enormous ships. The towering cranes cast eerie shadows, making the place even more daunting. He slipped through narrow gaps and hid behind containers, venturing deeper into the port, well aware of the security measures meant to keep intruders out, especially a young boy like him.

With every step closer to the ship, Hffyl felt an inexplicable connection, like a bond forming between him and the vessel. Despite its weathered appearance, the ship promised safety, a refuge from the relentless pursuit that had haunted him.

Carefully maneuvering between the stacks of containers, Hffyl reached the ship's deck undetected. The hum of the ship's engines and the distant sounds of water became a comforting backdrop to the chaos he had just escaped. Inside, he found a cluster of crates that provided perfect concealment. Nestled inside one, exhaustion threatened to overcome him.

Reluctantly, he finally allowed himself to inspect his wounds. The sight was gruesome, and he turned away, not wanting to face the reality of his battered and bloodied state. There was no time for self-pity, though. With every ounce of determination he could muster, he focused on the promise of safety that this ship seemed to offer. The pain was overwhelming, but the thought of escape and the gentle rocking of the ship as it started to move provided some solace.

As the vessel slowly departed from Penang Port, the chaos of the night seemed to fade away. The beacon that had guided him, the mysterious force that had brought him here—it had all led him to this escape. With the horizon stretching out before the departing ship, Hffyl's eyelids grew heavy, and he surrendered to a restless sleep, hoping that when he woke up, he would be far from danger.

In the dimly lit cargo hold of the ship, a single shaft of sunlight pierced through the gloom, revealing dancing specks of dust suspended in the air. Faiz, a seasoned crew member, navigated the maze of crates with a confident stride, his footsteps echoing softly.

"What's this now?" Faiz muttered to himself, pausing as he felt a strange presence emanating from a nondescript crate.

To his surprise, when he pried open the crate, he discovered a young man inside, bearing the marks of injuries and exhaustion.

"Boss, we've got ourselves an unexpected guest!" Faiz called out, his voice carrying a sense of urgency that drew other crew members over.

Rizal, the ship's first mate and an authoritative figure, approached with a mixture of curiosity and caution. "A stowaway? On our ship?"

Faiz nodded, confirming, "Yes, boss. Found this lad hiding inside one of the crates."

The young man, battered and weary, looked up at the crew with pleading eyes. "Please," he rasped, his voice strained, "I'm not here to cause trouble. I had to escape."

Rizal's skeptical gaze didn't waver. "Escape? Escape from who?"

With misty eyes, Hffyl responded, "They were after me. They wanted me dead."

Whispers and exchanged glances rippled through the crew as one of them voiced their concerns, "That looks like a gunshot wound. Could he be a criminal?"

Rizal intervened decisively, "Hold on, let's not jump to conclusions. We'll take him to the medical bay and sort this out."

The crew members agreed, carefully lifting Hffyl, determined to unravel the mystery that had unexpectedly appeared on their ship.