Trip to Cappadocia

After earning some stacks of Turkish Lira from the Grand Bazaar, Hffyl felt a pull to visit the secluded location he remembered from his foray into the past. The memories were vivid, and he hoped that being in the actual location might provide some clues.

The city had transformed over the centuries, with modern buildings juxtaposing ancient architecture. Still, he trusted his instincts, winding through the alleyways and lesser-trodden paths, guided by his memory.

As he moved through Istanbul, the vibrant cacophony of the city began to fade. He reached an area that felt both familiar and different. The layout of the streets still held traces of what he remembered, but many of the old structures had given way to new constructions.

Finding the exact spot he remembered, the place was different, no longer the secluded of his memories. It was now part of a bustling neighborhood with children playing and vendors selling their wares. Still, there were remnants — a dilapidated archway, an old well now covered and used as a bench, and faint outlines on the cobblestones, suggesting where walls might have once stood.

Hffyl scratched his head, trying to recall the bits and pieces of the conversation he'd overheard. "Ah, that's right!" he mumbled to himself. "They mentioned something about taking an artefact to Cappadocia." He paused, thinking. "Man, that's quite a hike from here."

Walking briskly back to the dock where the crew was gathered, Hffyl shared his lead. "Hey, I think I have a clue. Something about Cappadocia and an artefact."

Captain Ajwad raised an eyebrow, "Cappadocia? That's quite a distance, lad."

Faiz added, "You can't possibly be thinking of going there alone?"

Hffyl hesitated, looking down. "I feel like it's important. Something I need to check out."

Rizal chimed in, shaking his head, "It's one thing to explore Istanbul, but heading to Cappadocia on your own?"

Suresh thoughtfully, "But if he feels this is something he needs to do, we can't hold him back. Maybe one of us could accompany him?"

Before the crew could discuss further, Nurse Murni spoke up, "Look, we can't just let him wander off alone to some far-off place. It's just not right."

Mei Ling nodded in agreement, "We might be in a unique situation here, but he's still a kid."

Hffyl rolled his eyes, "I'm still here, you know?"

Captain Ajwad sighed, weighing their responsibilities and the peculiar circumstances they found themselves in. "Alright, let's figure this out. We can't all go, but we can't let him go alone either."

Hffyl looked between the crew members, the weight of their collective concern evident in their expressions. 

Dollah suggested, "We could try and find some local transport. Like, buses or trains?"

Priya, who had been quietly listening, pulled out her smartphone. "There's this rideshare service called BiTaksi. Heard about it when we were docking. Might be worth a shot."

Rizal looked puzzled, "Bi-what now?"

"It's like a taxi, but you book it on your phone. Kind of like Uber or Grab," Mei Ling explained.

Faiz, ever the skeptic, questioned, "How do we know it's safe? Especially with a kid with us?"

Captain Ajwad, looking at his phone, considered their options, "It's a well-rated service, and I've seen locals use it. Plus, it might be our best bet if we want to get to Cappadocia quickly."

Aini added, "We can also keep a track of our route on our phones. This way, we'll always know where we are."

Hffyl spoke up, his voice determined but still soft, "I really think this is important. I'll be careful."

Captain Ajwad nodded, "Alright. We book a ride with this BiTaksi. But I want at least two of us to go with Hffyl."

Rizal volunteered, "I'll go. Someone has to keep an eye on the lad."

Mei Ling added, "I'll join too. My Turkish isn't perfect, but it's decent. Might help."

With a plan in place, the trio prepared for their journey to Cappadocia, armed with modern tech and the determination to unravel the mysteries that surrounded them.

The sun was beginning its descent, casting a soft orange glow on Istanbul's skyline, as the BiTaksi arrived. The car, a well-maintained silver sedan, gleamed as it pulled up next to them. The driver, a middle-aged man with salt-and-pepper hair and a welcoming smile, stepped out.

"Merhaba," he greeted, nodding his head.

Rizal, using the few Turkish words he knew, replied, "Merhaba! Cappadocia?"

The driver's eyes lit up in recognition. "Ah, Cappadocia! Uzun yolculuk." He motioned for them to hop in. "Let's go."

As the MV Sirena crew, Hffyl, and their Turkish driver set off on their journey to Cappadocia, the bustling streets of Istanbul soon gave way to open roads flanked by rolling hills and fields of golden wheat. The driver, a middle-aged man with a warm smile, had arrived in a comfortable sedan to pick them up.

Rizal, seated in the front beside the driver, tried to strike up a conversation. "Merhaba! That means hello in Turkish, right?"

The driver chuckled, nodding in approval, "Evet, yes! You know some Turkish?"

Rizal grinned, "Only a few words, like 'merhaba' and 'teşekkür ederim'."

Hffyl, sitting in the back, observed the Turkish countryside with fascination. He couldn't help but marvel at how different everything looked from his time. Fields of sunflowers stretched endlessly, their bright yellow heads turning toward the sun.

Mei Ling joined the conversation, "You know, Hffyl, these sunflowers remind me of home. Malaysia has its own beautiful landscapes."

Hffyl smiled and nodded, "Yes, we have paddy fields and jungles in Malaysia."

The driver chimed in, switching between Turkish and English, "Malaysia is a beautiful country, rich in culture. I've always wanted to visit."

Gone were the bustling streets, replaced by rolling hills dotted with olive trees. Occasionally, they would pass by a quaint town, its minarets piercing the sky.

The driver, catching onto their fascination with the sights, began offering tidbits in broken English. "Here, many olive tree. Good for oil," he said, pointing out the window.

Mei Ling, leaning forward, asked, "Is there any special place we should visit in Cappadocia?"

Driver nodded enthusiastically, "Yes, yes! Göreme. Very beautiful. You see balloon in morning."

The conversation flowed a bit easier now, with both parties using a mix of English, Turkish, hand gestures, and even a translation app on Mei Ling's phone. They learned the driver's name was Kemal and that he had family in Cappadocia.

Rizal asked, "What's your name, by the way?"

The driver responded, "I'm Ahmet. I've been driving with BiTaksi for a while now. Meeting people from different places is the best part of my job."

As they continued their journey, Ahmet pointed out various landmarks along the way, from quaint villages to historical ruins nestled in the countryside. The crew marveled at the stunning landscapes of Cappadocia, with its unique rock formations and fairy chimneys.

The journey itself felt like a voyage through time. As they approached Cappadocia, the terrain became more rugged, with unique rock formations and fairy chimneys that the region is famous for.

Rizal, looking out at the landscape, remarked, "Never seen anything quite like this. It's like another world."

Hffyl, gazing out too, whispered, "It's beautiful."

Ahmed beamed, clearly proud of his country's beauty. "Wait till morning. When balloons rise, it magic."

Hffyl couldn't help but feel grateful for the warmth of their Turkish driver and the his shipmates. Despite the mysteries and uncertainties that had brought them to this foreign land, he knew they were on this with all seriousness.

The road stretched ahead, winding through the captivating Turkish countryside as they drew closer to Cappadocia, each moment filled with the anticipation of discovery.

  1. thank you
  2. long journey