Another Ancient Library

The unique landscape of Cappadocia, with its surreal fairy chimneys and sprawling rock formations, greeted Hffyl, Rizal, and Mei Ling as they stepped out of the sedan. The sky was painted in a myriad of orange and pink hues as the sun began its descent, casting the land in a soft, ethereal glow.

Ahmet pulled over by the side of the road, pointing towards a pathway that led to a more populated area. "That way will take you to the town of Göreme. It's a good starting point for your exploration. And if you need a place to stay, there are many cave hotels there."

Rizal thanked Ahmet, offering a handshake, "Teşekkür ederim, Ahmet. You've been a great help."

"No problem. I wish you luck in your search. Stay safe," Ahmet replied with a smile, waving them off as he drove away.

Göreme, with its rocky hills and unique fairy chimneys, looked like a town plucked straight out of a fairy tale. The trio began to explore, hoping to find any clue or lead that might guide them towards the mysterious men they were pursuing.

Rizal pulled out his phone, trying to get a signal. "I think we should get a local guide. They might have more insight into the area and could help us track down these men."

Hffyl nodded. "Good idea. Besides, it's not like we know our way around."

The trio ventured into the town center and soon found a local tour agency. They booked a guide, a friendly local named Emir, who promised to help them get a better understanding of the region.

Over a traditional Turkish meal, they shared their story with an unnamed local, explaining the events leading up to their arrival in Cappadocia. The local listened intently, furrowing his brows. "Strange men, you say? There have been murmurs in the town about outsiders asking peculiar questions about the old tunnels and pathways in the underground cities."

Rizal looked puzzled. "But those have been tourist attractions for years. What could they be looking for?"

The local nodded, taking a sip of his tea. "That's true. While these cities are no secret, and treasures aren't what they house, there are still numerous tunnels and chambers that are closed off to the public — either because they're unsafe or simply because they haven't been fully explored. These men might be interested in something specific, something hidden deep within."

Mei Ling mused, "Or perhaps they believe there's some knowledge or information hidden away."


Seated in a café in Cappadocia the next morning, Kadir sipped on his coffee while scanning the town square. He kept the picture of Hffyl, provided by the mysterious man, close. The atmosphere in Cappadocia was vastly different from the bustling streets of Istanbul. The stone formations and "fairy chimneys" made the landscape look otherworldly, and tourists could often be seen gazing in awe or taking hot air balloon rides.

Kadir's phone buzzed. It was a message from his contact, the mysterious man. "Have you located the boy?"

Kadir typed back, "Not yet. This place is more crowded than I expected. Tourists everywhere."

He continued observing, hoping to catch a glimpse of Hffyl. Despite the job's inherent danger, the thrill of the hunt kept him engaged. It was the kind of excitement he'd longed for during his days watching screens in Istanbul.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, Kadir spotted the unmistakable silhouette of Hffyl. He quickly paid for his coffee, ensuring he kept a safe distance while tracking the boy.

As he followed, Kadir couldn't help but wonder what was so special about Hffyl. Why had this boy caught the attention of the mysterious man, and what secrets did he hold?

Kadir trailed Hffyl, Mei Ling, and Rizal as they ventured deeper into the ancient caves of Cappadocia. The eerie silence of the underground world enveloped them, broken only by the faint echoes of their footsteps.

The caves themselves seemed like a labyrinth, with narrow passages leading in various directions. The walls bore intricate carvings, evidence of centuries of human habitation in these natural rock formations.

Hffyl, Mei Ling, and Rizal, unaware of being followed, pressed on with determination. They appeared to be following a trail, possibly left by the mysterious men they were pursuing.

Kadir kept a careful distance, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and anxiety. The deeper they ventured into the subterranean maze, the more he questioned the motives of the mysterious man who had sent him on this pursuit.

As the trio of adventurers disappeared around a corner, Kadir decided to take a risk. He quickened his pace, hoping to catch up to them and finally learn the truth about the boy, Hffyl, and the secrets that had led them to this underground world.

The trio's journey through the labyrinthine caves of Cappadocia led them to an unexpected discovery—a hidden and ancient library, concealed deep within the heart of the rock formations. The path to this secret repository had not been easy, marked by treacherous twists and turns, as if the very rock was determined to keep its secrets.

When they entered the library, they found themselves surrounded by an astonishing sight. Dimly lit by the soft glow of torches, the chamber was lined with rows of dusty scrolls, manuscripts, and ancient tomes, all meticulously organized on stone shelves. The air was thick with the scent of parchment and antiquity.

Rizal's eyes widened in amazement as he whispered, "This must be where they hid the knowledge of the ages. But why keep it hidden here?"

Hffyl, equally captivated, ventured forward and began examining the manuscripts. Each scroll seemed to hold a piece of the puzzle they had been chasing—an account of the past, a glimpse into the organization that had eluded them for so long.

Mei Ling couldn't help but marvel at the historical treasures around them. "These texts could hold answers, not just about our current situation but also about history."

Hidden in the shadows, Kadir quietly pulled out his compact device, its screen dimly illuminating his face. A message blinked into existence: "We're on our way. Stay low."

Kadir's heart raced. It was the first solid piece of communication he'd received since trailing Hffyl, Mei Ling, and Rizal. He'd kept a safe distance, not wanting to alert them to his presence, but this new development was concerning. Whoever was coming knew about the secret library, which meant they probably had knowledge about its contents, and possibly, its defenses.

Hffyl's eyes fixated on the intricate compass rose, etched with shadowy figures and cryptic symbols, his gaze drawn to its beguiling design. The compass rose was not just an emblem; it seemed to contain a hidden message of great significance.

As he examined the symbol more closely, Hffyl noticed a small note in Portuguese, neatly placed beside it. The words read, "T.A.F, Trançadores das Almas Falsas (Weavers of False Souls)."