Waiting for Arrival

NOVEMBER 10, 2018

On the MV Sirena, tension had been building among the crew members as days turned into weeks, and there was still no sign of their quad or Hffyl. November 10, 2018, had arrived, and the worry was palpable.

Captain Ajwad was growing increasingly concerned. He called a meeting with the remaining crew members to discuss their next steps.

"I know we've been waiting patiently," he began, "but it's been far too long. We need to consider the possibility that something has gone wrong."

Rizal added, "I agree with the captain. We can't keep waiting indefinitely. We need to take action."

Nurse Murni, usually a calming presence, expressed her concern. "They could be injured, lost, or worse. We have a responsibility to find them."

Mei Ling chimed in, "I've been trying to reach them through all available channels, but there's been no response. It's like they've vanished."

Captain Ajwad nodded, his expression grim. "Here's what we'll do. We'll give it a few more days. If there's no word from them by then, we'll set a course back to Gwadar and launch a search and rescue operation."

The crew members exchanged worried glances but knew that waiting any longer might be too risky. As they continued their voyage through the Arabian Sea, the sense of unease grew with each passing day. They could only hope that their missing comrades would soon rejoin them, safe and sound.


Back in Penang, Officer Husin had been grappling with the perplexing disappearance of Hffyl since that fateful day in October 2021. As days turned into weeks, and now it was already November 10, he had poured every ounce of his energy into finding the missing boy.

His office was filled with stacks of files and photos, a constant reminder of the unresolved case. He had combed through witness testimonies, retraced Hffyl's steps, and followed up on leads that had taken him in every direction but the right one.

On this particular evening, as Officer Husin was once again reviewing the case, his phone rang. The caller ID displayed an unfamiliar number, sparking a glimmer of hope within him. He answered cautiously, "Officer Husin speaking."

The voice on the other end hesitated for a moment before saying, "I think I might have some information about the boy you're searching for. But it's a complicated tale, and it might take a while to explain. Are you willing to hear me out?"

Officer Husin's heart raced, and he leaned in, his interest piqued. "I'm all ears. Please, go ahead. Tell me everything you know."

Officer Husin found himself at Penang Port, wondering how he had ended up in a place so far from his usual precinct. The mysterious disappearance of Hffyl had led him on a convoluted journey, and he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something much larger at play.

Officer Husin found himself at Penang Port, a location far removed from his usual base of operations. He couldn't help but wonder what had brought him here. The mysteries surrounding Hffyl's disappearance had taken him on a convoluted journey, and he was eager for any lead, no matter how improbable it seemed.

As he stood at the port, mulling over the situation, he was approached by a man in a coast guard uniform, Lieutenant Razali. The lieutenant had a weathered look about him, a testament to his years of service on these waters.

"Evenin', Officer Husin," Lieutenant Razali greeted him with a nod. "I heard you've been searchin' for a young lad by the name of Hffyl."

Officer Husin nodded, still puzzled about how he had ended up here. "Yes, that's right. It's been quite a perplexing case."

Lieutenant Razali scratched his chin, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Well, I might have some leads for you, but it's a bit of a twistin' tale, if you catch my drift."

Husin raised an eyebrow, eager to hear more. "Please, go on."

Lieutenant Razali, with a hint of curiosity in his voice, began, "Officer Husin, I've been following this case closely. There's something you need to know. We received information that the boy, Hffyl, might have been on a cargo ship named MV Sirena."

Officer Husin raised an eyebrow, his confusion evident. "But how's that possible? The hospital is kilometers away from here. And how could he have slipped away without anyone noticing?"

Lieutenant Razali nodded, acknowledging the valid concerns. "I understand your skepticism, but there's evidence to support this. MV Sirena made an unexpected detour to Langkawi, where they apparently facilitated the acquisition of a new passport for Hffyl. There's also a mysterious transmission indicating that they needed to make an urgent trip to Indonesia for some undisclosed matter."

Officer Husin leaned in, his interest piqued. "And then what happened?"

Lieutenant Razali's expression grew somber as he continued, "The ship was en route back to Malaysia when the transmission abruptly cut off. Since then, MV Sirena has disappeared without a trace. It's as if they vanished into thin air."

Officer Husin asked Lieutenant Razali, "Do we have any leads on the whereabouts of MV Sirena or the people on board?"

Lieutenant Razali shook his head, his expression grave. "Unfortunately, no. The ship's disappearance has baffled us all. We're coordinating with international agencies and neighboring countries to gather any information we can."

As they discussed their next steps, Officer Husin couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. Time was of the essence, and every passing moment brought Hffyl and the MV Sirena further into the unknown.

Lieutenant Razali suggested, "We need to gather more information about the cargo ship's last known location and any potential witnesses who might have seen something unusual. It's a long shot, but it's our best lead right now."

Officer Husin nodded in agreement. "Agreed. We can't afford to wait any longer. Let's start our investigation from here at Penang Port and work our way backward, retracing the ship's recent movements."


As the sun bathed Zarabad in a golden glow, Hffyl found himself in a makeshift outdoor training area with several PAF members. They were practicing ambush techniques and urban warfare scenarios.

Mustafa Al-Farouq, the founder of the PAF, observed Hffyl's progress with a nod of approval. "You've come a long way, young one. Your dedication and adaptability are impressive."

Hffyl, now accustomed to the Pashtun language and their way of life, responded, "Thank you, Mustafa. I owe it all to your guidance and the support of the PAF."

Mustafa's gaze turned serious as he said, "Remember, Hffyl, we're fighting not just for ourselves but for the freedom of Zarabad and its people. Our struggle is just, but it is not without sacrifice."

Hffyl nodded solemnly, his thoughts drifting to his family back in Malaysia. He couldn't help but long for their embrace and the familiarity of his homeland. He has now undergone plenty of operations with the PAF and had regain a small portion of the city by himself. He had became notorious to the radical group.

As the sun continued its ascent, the PAF members resumed their training for the next day, their determination unwavering. In Zarabad, a city torn by conflict and oppression, Hffyl had found a new purpose and a group of allies who were willing to fight for the freedom they all sought. Tomorrow, a new surprise would be ready for them.