Anglo-American Special Operations Command (AASOC)

NOVEMBER 11 2018

The hum of the military transport's engines was the only sound breaking the tense silence inside. Men and women, in the distinct camouflage patterns of AASOC, sat secured in their seats, eyes forward, gear prepped. Screens lit up with satellite imagery, giving a bird's-eye view of the rugged terrains of Afghanistan.

"You sure about this, Liv?" a soldier from Bravo Squad asked, glancing over at the leader of Juliet Squad. His voice was hushed, barely audible over the engine's drone.

Liv Hamilton, or "Liv" as most called her, looked up. Her hazel eyes held determination, but the faintest hint of apprehension too. "Zarabad is the lead we've got. We follow it."

Another voice piped up from the back, tinged with a thick American accent. "You Brits sure have a thing for venturing into the unknown."

Liv smirked, tying her chestnut hair into a tighter bun. "Just keeping things interesting for you, Yank."

A laugh spread around, easing some of the tension. Liv's leadership wasn't just based on competence—it was also her ability to keep spirits high even in daunting situations.

Echoing through the comms, a voice announced, "T-minus 20 minutes to Zarabad. All squads, gear up."

"Ever been to this place before?" a member of Delta Squad whispered to his neighbor.

"Nope. Zarabad's new to me. You?"

"First time hearing about it," the other admitted. "Sounds exotic though."

Liv pulled up a briefing on her tablet. "Alright, folks, listen up! Recon says the city's been a hotspot recently, but we've got little intel on what's actually happening down there."

A young sniper from India Squad chimed in, "Why the sudden interest in this place?"

Liv looked at him squarely. "Rumblings are that someone's making big moves there. We're to find out who and why. Keep your eyes sharp, and ears open."

A voice, gruff and experienced, spoke up from the side. It was the leader of Alpha Squad, with years of reconnaissance experience under his belt. "Liv's right. Unknown means unpredictable. Stay vigilant."

Liv nodded her thanks to him, taking a deep breath. She leaned over to the pilot's cabin, peeking in. "How's our entry looking?"

The pilot, gripping the controls, shot her a thumbs-up. "Clear skies. No activity on radar."

"Good," she replied, settling back into her seat. She closed her eyes for a moment, thinking about the unknown city below and the challenges it held. For her and her team, Zarabad wasn't just another mission—it was a puzzle waiting to be solved.

As the transport began its descent, the anticipation was palpable. Everyone knew they were stepping into the heart of mystery. Whatever awaited them in Zarabad, the AASOC was ready.

The sun had just risen, casting a golden hue over the Afghan landscape, as Juliet Squad made their way through a rough, unpaved path. The heat was still bearable, but by midday, they all knew it would be scorching.

Liv led the way, her movements agile, a model of calculated precision. "Stay sharp, team. We're not sure what's waiting for us in Zarabad," she said, her voice firm yet reassuring. 

Dan, with his scoped rifle slung across his back, nodded. "Still can't believe a city like this exists," he muttered in his American drawl, squinting as he surveyed the horizon. 

"Places like Zarabad are everywhere, mate," Em chimed in, a smirk on her face, her British accent evident. "Hidden gems that turn out to be not-so-friendly."

Charlie, her blue eyes scanning the surroundings, added, "Let's just hope we're not walking into a deathtrap."

Mike, adjusting the weight of his backpack, chuckled. "Always the optimist, huh, Charlie?"

She shot him a teasing glance. "Just keeping it real."

As they continued, Lee's voice broke the rhythm of their boots against the ground. "You think they're ready for us?" 

"That's the thing about the unknown," Liv replied, "it's unpredictable. But whatever they've got, we'll handle it. We always do."

Emmy, who had been silent, finally spoke up. "Just make sure we don't blow up the place before we get to see it, okay?"

Liv smiled. "No promises."

Suddenly, they heard a rustling sound from the bushes nearby. All of them immediately took defensive positions, weapons aimed at the source.

From the shrubs emerged a goat, harmlessly nibbling on some foliage. The team exchanged glances, then burst into collective laughter.

"Looks like Zarabad's welcoming committee," Dan quipped, shaking his head.

Liv sighed in relief. "Stay vigilant, team. Let's keep moving."

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting longer shadows and raising the temperature, Juliet Squad pressed on, each member alert and ready for the unexpected. The city of Zarabad awaited, and with it, the challenges and mysteries it held.

Flashback to how they got into the situation, the day had started like any other at the AASOC base. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm glow over the desert landscape. The members of Juliet Squad had been going about their usual routine, cleaning weapons, checking equipment, and running through drills.

But that morning, as they gathered in their common area, there was a palpable tension in the air. Something was different, and they all knew it. Their superior, Colonel Adams, was standing at the front of the room, a grim expression on his face.

"Listen up, Juliet Squad," he began, his tone serious. "I've just received orders from higher up, and it's not your typical mission."

Dan exchanged a puzzled glance with Liv and the others. "What's going on, sir?" he asked.

Colonel Adams hesitated for a moment before continuing, "We've been tasked with a mission in a place called Zarabad. That's all I can tell you for now."

Em raised an eyebrow. "Zarabad? Never heard of it, sir."

Colonel Adams nodded. "Exactly. It's a city in eastern Afghanistan, near the foothills of the Hindu Kush mountains. Beyond that, I don't have much information. But we're to secure the place and await further instructions."

Charlie crossed her arms, a hint of frustration in her voice. "Sir, with all due respect, we need more details. Who or what are we securing Zarabad from?"

Colonel Adams sighed, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. "I wish I could tell you more, but I've been ordered to keep this operation highly classified. It's as if someone higher up is pulling the strings. Our mission is to secure the city and await further instructions. That's all I can say."

Mike chimed in, his tone skeptical. "So, we're just supposed to blindly follow orders and hope for the best?"

Liv stepped forward, her voice steady. "We're professionals, Colonel. We'll do our duty. But we need to know what we're walking into."

Colonel Adams nodded in understanding. "I appreciate your dedication, Juliet Squad. I truly do. But for now, we follow orders. Prepare your gear and be ready to move out in two hours. We'll get more information en route."

With that, Colonel Adams left the room, leaving Juliet Squad with a sense of unease and uncertainty.