OPERATION LIBERTY DAWN - Zarabad Invasion Brief




Department of Defense, United States

File No.: TS-223-587A


Anglo-American Special Operation Command (AASOC)




DATE: NOVEMBER 11th 2018

1. Objective: The primary objective of OPERATION LIBERTY DAWN is to secure the powerful classified mineral, codename "ELEMENT X", located within the vicinity of Zarabad. Intelligence reports indicate that this mineral holds the potential to revolutionize energy production, weapon systems, and various other critical military applications.

2. Deployment: 

 - The AASOC will lead the invasion under the command of Colonel James Adams.

 - Initial forces will consist of multiple squads, including Olivia "Liv" Hamilton, AASOC experimental agent.

 - Backup and support units, including Echo and Foxtrot Squad, are privy to deeper mission parameters.

3. FOB Location: The Forward Operating Base for the AASOC is already established at Helmand within Afghanistan. After the capture of Zarabad, AASOC may set up fortifications inside the city.

4. Mission Parameters:

Alpha Squad, Bravo Squad, Charlie Squad, Delta Squad, Echo Squad, Foxtrot Squad, Golf Squad, India Squad, Juliet Squad and full-time AASOC forces.

5. Secondary Objective: Any local insurgent groups are to be neutralized if they pose a threat to the mission. Current intelligence suggests that their presence and resistance are significant.

6. Classified Directives (FOR RICO'S SQUAD EYES ONLY):

 - Once ELEMENT X is secured, any squad who are deemed expendable must prevent any leaks of the information. Neutralize if necessary to prevent any leaks regarding the true nature of the operation.

 - Rico's Alpha Squad will handle any necessary "clean-up" operations post-invasion to ensure no loose ends.

7. Exit Strategy: Once ELEMENT X is secured and all secondary objectives met, squads will retreat to FOB for debriefing and further instruction.

8. Note: Absolute discretion is crucial. The global implications of the mineral must remain classified. No leaks will be tolerated.



"Iron Tempest" of [REDACTED]




The war room was scattered with maps, papers, and hushed conversations. Hffyl, Liv, Captain Walker, Captain Samuel, and the rest of the squad huddled around a table, looking through the classified document.

Liv raised an eyebrow, her skepticism evident. "Element X? What the hell is that?"

Tank scratched his head while adding his own dose of incredulity. "Sounds like some sci-fi stuff. Did they pull that out of a comic book?"

Captain Ajwad interjected, "Maybe just the name, but the mineral, however..."

Jeremy, adjusting his glasses, interjected, "It's highly classified, obviously. But the way it's described here, it's a game-changer. Energy, weapons, you name it."

Hffyl however was staring at the document, "And they invaded a whole city for it? This isn't just about taking down insurgents."

Emily, glancing at the document, added, "Rico's squad had orders to clean up after securing Element X. That sounds ominous."

Mike questioned, "So, they wanted to keep this mineral a secret. What's the big deal?"

Charlie, folding her arms, clarified, "The big deal is how far they're willing to go to keep it under wraps. 'Neutralize if necessary' doesn't sound like a friendly chat."

Liv squinted at the paper, noting, "And look at this 'Iron Tempest' nickname for Colonel Adams. They're not playing games."

Dan exhaled as he expressed the weight of their discovery, "We stumbled onto something huge. But what now?"

Captain Walker, rubbing his temples, asserted, "First things first, we find the mineral. Then, Colonel Adams. He's the key to all of this."

Jeremy nodded, "Agreed. But we need to be cautious. This Element X has global implications. We're dealing with more than just a military operation."

Hffyl kept staring into the desk while his mind wonder elsewhere, "So, we're not just terrorists anymore. We're uncovering secrets that could change the world. We need to find this mineral before it becomes a weapon."

Tank then injected with a bit of humor, "Guess we signed up for more than we bargained for."

Meanwhile, inside the engineering lab, the air buzzed with the hum of machines and the occasional clatter of tools. Karim, Asif, and a group of engineers and scientists from Zarabad gathered around a table strewn with blueprints and schematics.

Karim, eyeing the blueprints, set the tone. "Alright, folks, we need to make sure this ballistic missile doesn't turn Afghanistan into a fireworks show. Done any calculation on how to balance out the uranium?"

One of the engineers, studying the blueprints, chimed in, "Maybe we can tweak the fuel mixture to control the reaction. Too much uranium enrichment, and boom, right?"

Asif nodded in agreement, adding his thoughts. "Yeah, we can't have the whole region glowing in the dark. Let's focus on a controlled blast radius."

A scientist, consulting notes, suggested a possible solution. "We could integrate a fail-safe system that shuts down the reaction if it exceeds safe levels. It's risky, but it might work."

Karim, rubbing his chin in contemplation, acknowledged the risks. "Risk is our middle name at this point. Let's do it. We don't want to end up as a cautionary tale in history books. And at the same time, we might need to upgrade our defenses in the city. I guess there's really no rest for us, wont we?"

The team, understanding the urgency, dove into their work, adjusting calculations and fine-tuning the missile design. The atmosphere in the room was charged with determination; they knew the stakes were high.

Inside the buzzing JZAI headquarters, Mei Ling and her team worked tirelessly on computers and communication devices.

Mei Ling, typing furiously, rallied the crew. "Alright, folks, let's get the lines buzzing again. We need the people of Zarabad to know what's happening."

An engineer, checking a satellite connection, reported, "Signal's getting stronger. We should have basic internet up and running soon."

Mei Ling nodded in approval. "Good. People need to know we're not just a bunch of random insurgents. We're here to stabilize, not terrorize."

Cut to Mustafa and Jalalauddin in a makeshift office, surrounded by local leaders and former AASOC members who joined the JZAI.

Mustafa, squinting at a map, emphasized, "We need to show the people we're not just filling AASOC's shoes. We're rebuilding Zarabad for Zarabadis."

Jalalauddin raised an eyebrow. "And maybe we should partner up with the local Taliban. A bizarre collaboration for the greater good."

A skeptical local leader chimed in, "Taliban? Seriously?"

Mustafa grinned. "Even odd couples can dance together. If it helps us stabilize things, why not?"

Cut to the Zarabad market, where locals discussed recent changes. Hffyl, tired and worn out, sat on a crate, overhearing conversations.

A whispering local wondered, "You hear about the AASOC folks joining the JZAI? Can we trust them?"

Another sighed, "I don't know, but it's better than being under AASOC's thumb. At least these guys are locals."

Hffyl muttered to himself, "Trust issues, the universal language."

Cut to the JZAI headquarters at night, where the crew from MV SIRENA gathered for a moment of respite.

Mei Ling sighed, "Stabilizing a city is harder than fixing a ship, I tell you."

An engineer nodded, "A ship doesn't question your motives or doubt your intentions."

Mei Ling raised an eyebrow. "Are you calling the people of Zarabad more complicated than a malfunctioning engine?"

The engineer chuckled. "Well, they don't come with a manual."

They shared a tired but genuine laugh, recognizing the challenges they faced in this unfamiliar territory.

Cut to the Zarabad missile site, where Karim and Asif inspected the ballistic missile, deep in thought.

Karim muttered, "We're playing with fire here, Asif."

Asif smiled wryly. "Fire, uranium, and geopolitics. Just another day in Zarabad."

As the city grappled with its newfound autonomy, the crew members, leaders, and locals navigated the complexities of trust, collaboration, and rebuilding.

Inside the JZAI headquarters, Hffyl slumped into a mattress in the sleeping area, his eyes heavy with fatigue.

"Honestly, if I don't get a decent nap soon, I'm going to start seeing AASOC soldiers in my dreams," he grumbled.

Karim, noticing Hffyl's state, approached with a bottle of water and a weary smile.

"You look like you've been through a blender, my friend. Need some water?" Karim tossed the water.

Hffyl nodded. "Water would be great. The sand out there turns your throat into a desert."

Hffyl took a long sip, the cool water providing a momentary relief.

"You know, you're not a machine. Even machines need a break," Karim said, sitting down.

"Machines don't dream of taking down AC-130s, Karim," Hffyl replied, rubbing his temples. "I just want to sleep without hearing gunfire in the background for once."

"We'll get there, buddy. One step at a time," Karim grinned, glancing around.

"So, any dreams of chasing Mujahedeen or fighting off Soviets tonight?" he asked.

Hffyl looked a bit surprised. "Wait? You know?"

"Know what?" Karim replied, confused.

"Nevermind, no more dreams of grandeur. Just dreams of my bed," Hffyl said with relief.

Karim nudged Hffyl again. "Fair enough. You did your part today."

"Yeah, but Adams is still out there, and we got a whole mess to clean up," Hffyl yawned.

"Tomorrow, my friend. For now, embrace your sleep," Karim reassured.

Hffyl nodded off. "Embracing it like it's the last helicopter out of here."