I Don't Like You

Grandma Pei led Bei Sangyun to one of the guest rooms that was transformed into a children's playroom. They were many toys and children's books here.

Grandma Pei put the pastries and cookies on the table.

"I'll call the young master. You can eat and take a look around."

Bei Sangyun eyed the cookies. It was the same cookies she did not get to take a bite last time.

When Grandma Pei left, Bei Sangyun seat on the chair behavedly. But her eyes wandered around the colorful toys and the books. She wanted to check the toys and practice reading, but she remained in her seat.

Her eyes then traveled to the cookies on the table.

Grandma Pei said that she can eat them, right?

Bei Sangyun resisted the temptation for two minutes. But being left alone with the cookies she was allowed to eat was really hard to resist. In the end, Bei Sangyun reached out for the cookies and took one big bite.

But the moment she chew the cookies, her face scrunched up with disgust.

It was like she was chewing a block of clay!

The expectation of tasting something delicious turned into a massive disappointment.

Bei Sangyun could not help but spit it out. She had never tasted baked cookies so she did not know what cookies supposedly tasted like. However, based on the smell it should be delicious and sweet. So why it tasted so bad?

Bei Sangyun could not help but complain, "It doesn't taste good at all...."

"What doesn't taste good?" A clear voice sounded behind her.

Bei Sangyun turned stiff. She turned her head and saw the gloomy face of the young master.

The young master glanced at the residue that she spit out on her hand. His small face turned ugly. He looked at Bei Sangyun disgustedly.

"No one is forcing you to eat. You don't have to insult Grandma Pei's cookies." There was a hint of anger in his childish voice.

Bei Sangyun hid her hand and stood up. She felt ashamed seeing the disgusted look in the young master's eyes. Being looked at that way by a beautiful boy made Bei Sangyun think she had done something shameful and dirty.

"I am sorry..." Bei Sangyun felt that by only apologizing she could lessen the anger of this young master.

The young master turned silent. But the annoyed look on his face did not diminish at all.

"I apologize for last time too. Grandma Pei explained the whole matter to me. It's my fault for quickly arriving at a conclusion without knowing the clear story." The young master spoke like a little adult.

Bei Sangyun's nervous little heart calmed down a little. But before the impression of the young master turns for the good, his next words caused her impression of him to turn in negative sides again.

"But, I can not be friends with you. I don't think we can get along at all. So don't try getting all friendly with me. I don't like you." The young master then left after saying such harsh words.

Bei Sangyun looked at his back blankly. Feeling ashamed and at the same time, a bit angry.

She also doesn't want to be his friend, ah! She doesn't like him as well!

The anticipation of the possibility of becoming friends with the young master had totally disappeared in Bei Sangyun's mind at this moment.

As the young master, they would never get along.


However, despite the two children not liking each other, the adults thought that they suited each other well.

Grandma Pei invited Bei Sangyun to the villa many times. Bei Sangyun liked this old woman who was generous to her. She had an affinity with people who were at the same age as her grandma. So it was hard to decline her invitation.

At first, she rejected the invitations because the young master clearly told her that he did not want to become friends with her. So why would she go to his house to play with him?

However, Grandma Pei was very skillful in poaching children. Using food, toys, and different kinds of temptations, Bei Sangyun gave in many times.

Fortunately, she was not the only kid who was invited to the villa. Many kids who were three or five years older than her were invited as well.

They often played in the yard and sometimes played indoors.

Today, the children gathered in the playroom because the young master doesn't want to play outside.

Several children surrounded the young master and the thirteen-year-old boy who was currently playing chess. Every time, the young master took down a piece of his opponent's chess, the children exclaimed in surprise and admiration.

A twelve-year-old boy who had a slick mouth commented loudly, "Young master, you beat Cheng Li in a few moves again! Cheng Li is the chess champion at our school and at the top of our grade yet you bet him so easily. How smart are you really!"

The others also praised the young master for being so young yet so formidable.

Cheng Li was the oldest here and the smartest among these children. Because the young master did not like to play with the other children who were his age, Grandma Pei invited older children this time who were five years older than the young master.

This group of young teenagers was considered the smartest in the village. Because their parents constantly told them to create a good connection with the young master, they stick to the young master while trying their best to get on his good side.

Fortunately, these teenagers were smart enough for the young master to agree to play with them. But even still, Cheng Li who was considered the smartest in his grade could not beat the young master in the best game he played.

Cheng Li smiled dejectedly. "I lost again this time. When will I defeat you?"

Cheng Li was more mature and smarter than the others. However, he was also in awe of the young master's intelligence.

The young master had an indifferent face, "You can't beat me. As I grow older, my skills and intellect will grow as well."

Cheng Li and the others praised him again.

One of the boys glanced at the corner and his eyes glinted, "Compared to Young Master who is unbeatable in chess, Bei Sangyun who is the same age as him, can't do anything at all. I don't really understand why she is here."

Bei Sangyun who was busy reading a book, paused. Her hold on the book tightened. But she did not raise her head or comment. She pretended that she did not hear anything at all.