It was a brilliant and radiant Monday morning, and every one of the kids in the orphanage was in their different classes. Then, at that point, the school bell sounded, and every one of the kids was told to move to the hall for tending to by Mr. Johnson (the games advisor). The youngsters speedily hurried to the auditorium due to the prospect that something fun was going to occur.

At the point when everybody was currently in the hall, Mr. Johnson chose to continue out and out to his unique announcement.

The assembly room was totally quiet and the grin on everybody's face was overwhelming. Mr Johnson approached the stage and everybody began to applaud. With an extraordinary grin right in front of him, he waved and said "Silence!, silence! Silence! ". The hall became quiet again and Mr. Johnson said, "Today I carry uplifting news to every one of the extremely exceptional and skilled spirits in this corridor, beginning from today we would begin planning and preparing explicit individuals who are keen on contending in an extremely serious basketball competition ". At the notice of the name "basketball ".The entire corridor went wild shouting one name. "Rio!, Rio!, Rio!". Rio in his seat was feeling very great about himself and continued to grin.

Yet again Mr Johnson yelled "Silence! ". The corridor came to quietness once more and Mr Johnson proceeded .''From today positions will be open for anyone who wants to be part of our exclusive group. Any very interested one ought to reach out to me. "Thank you". Mr Johnson left the assembly room and immediately the entire corridor went wild.

Mich went to Rio to inquire as to whether he planned to participate in the competition. But before he could even say a word Rio said yes.

It was entirely extraordinary. They would do the very thing they loved together. This set off Rio's feelings. He began having an extraordinary sensation of comfort, his mind moved away from the thoughts about his parents in his head. He began seeing the future as should have been obvious. He felt an extraordinary sensation of progress in his life and he concluded that nothing will stop that inclination.

Mich and Rio hastily went to see Mr. Johnson. They told him how much they cherished basketball and why they needed to be an essential part of the team. They were acknowledged into the group in the record that the team and contest were begun as a result of them. They were given the authority Jersey for the group. Others were likewise added to the team including Jake who used to menace Rio.

After every individual who needed to be in the group was given Jerseys, Mr. Johnson began giving every player various positions to play. A sum of fifteen individuals was acknowledged as a component of the group. This made the position shearing all the more simple since three individuals would be given one position to prepare on and effectively get better on.

On account of Rio's extraordinary capacity to play basketball seriously, he was made the top of his group of three individuals. The names of the two others in Rio's group were. " Jimmy" and "Richard ".

They were additionally great at playing. Rio, Jimmy, and Richard were given the place of the "point guard ", their capabilities were key and complex. This was so because the point monitor was viewed as a "floor general," their functions were to typically dribble the ball up the court after the rival group scores and play around the edge except if they drive to the circle to score.

they additionally have the function of controlling the tempo of the game.

On the other hand, Mich was responsible for his group.

where two exceptionally skilled players were part of, "Raymond " and "Patrick ". They were offered the chance to play the "shooting guard" position, they had explicit jobs and necessities like; they were to be amazing free throw shooters, they were to be strong and quick, and they were to be able to head to the basket notwithstanding making significant distance efforts. These capabilities and activities expected of a shooting guard were things Mich was great at.

The third group was headed by a kid named Tony.

also, two other young men called Martines and Charles. They were talented with the ball and they assumed the liability of playing the place of the "power forward ", basically their occupation was simply to focus on bouncing back and guarding, putting a high spotlight on bouncing back the ball, and utilizing cautious expertise and size to set screens that permit their teammates to have an open chance. This was a simple assignment for them because the position they were to play was one they knew all about and was additionally simple because of their extraordinary speed and athleticism.

The fourth group was led by a kid named Oliver. He and two other great players were named. "Lucas" and "Noah". The young men were given the place of the "small forward" to play, and all it required was to be a great ball controller, three-point shooter, and passer, and have the strength and speed to head to the basket and score from down low. Lucas, Noah, and Oliver at that point, were amazing when it came to every one of these.

The fifth and last group was led by Jake. The names of the other young men who were in the group with him were "Bryan "and "William". They were given the place of the "center", to play. Their job was to remain near the basket of their opponents and score the majority of their offensive rebounds. This position was given to them because of their extraordinary strength and height.

After all the position sharing, Rio was confused so he posed Mr Johnson an important question saying,

Rio: wouldn't we simply be five on the court?

Mr Johnson: yes you would

Rio: So what's the need of all the sharing sir?

Mr. Johnson: (cheerfully) It is to help conceivable and simple substitution

Every one of the players: ohhhhhhhhhhh!

After Mr. Johnson was finished sharing all the Jersey and positions with the players, he requested that they go return to their dorms for rest and come to the court as soon as conceivable the following day. This was because they would begin rehearsing and preparing for the competition.