Chapter 31: Hidden Village

Entering the small tunnel at the end of the room, light can be seen at the end of it.

An endless view of green grass, lush trees, and fertile soil makes it feel like the place isn't part of the tower.

A village of kids and elderly can be seen living there.

Zaine and the others drag their tired feet onto the village, hoping to meet friendly people.

"Hello there, young ones. What brings you here?" A granny notices them and decides to come up to them.

"Are you okay?" Ask Guin while checking out her body for any problems with them.

"I'm alright. It has been a long time since we saw people like you guys. I think it was more than a month already." The woman paused for a bit before continuing her story.

"Well, it has been a month since we got here. We have been trying our best to survive."

"We made a farmland with the  available land and raised farm animals that were already here when we came."

"And the kids are all very nice. We told them all that it would be okay and carry on day after day here."

The elder realized she had been talking all this time, not allowing the others to speak.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just can't stop speaking whenever I'm excited. Please don't mind me."

A group of kids can be seen peeking through the other side of the house.

"Come out, kids. It's fine."

The kids are bashful, but some are excited as they go out and look at Zaine and the others.

It was their first seeing other people aside from the elderly and other kids after a month of isolation.

Soon, the whole village comes together to a place that looks like the village center and announces the arrival of Zaine and the others.

Lancelot stood at a podium, looking at everyone while preparing himself.

"My name is Lancelot, one of the knights for the Knights Order guild." He shouted to get everyone's attention.

Lancelot explains their situation, with them being on a tower, and can now be freed from the place they are in now. However, he also informs them about the dangers lurking in the world.

They all have gotten used to living there, and as they discuss things further, they decide to continue living there.

"Don't you all miss your parents or your sons and daughter?" Ask Lancelot.

Weirdly, the civilians don't remember any of their relatives, so they insisted on staying there.

'Most people from the old earth seemed to have died, leaving only a small percentage. Maybe their forgetting is for the best?' Zaine thinks.

All except the old lady from before would like to go to where she belonged. It seemed only she realized they had been teleported there in the first place.

They knew they had to care for the kids and provide them with necessary provisions by doing formwork.

While the kids only knew that they were their caretakers and they needed to do the chores once in a while.

They even have a village leader, an elderly with a long mustache, who's in charge of the village's needs, such as planning the plotland and farmland.

"It seems that all of them have been brainwashed. On the other hand, Most of the people that may be their relatives may already have died. So I think it's better this way." Zaine discusses with others while keeping his voice low so others can't hear him.

"Alright then, we only have one request to make. Can this area be a safe zone for other adventurers like us?" Lancelot comes up to the villagers and proposes an idea.

"You guys will also benefit. We will bring various goods. Like foods and other items." He explained.

Thinking about the future of the secluded village, the leader agrees to the idea, and they make a deal with Lancelot.

After the deal has been made, Zaine and the others decide to go back and report to the Guild Hall about their findings.

With their body condition getting better and stamina recharging, they say their goodbyes and head back toward the bottom of the tower.

With Zaine summons escorting the way back, they can safely traverse the path and exit the castle.

Leaving the tower, the night sky welcomes them back to Avalon. It reveals the long period they spent exploring. The once-bustling city of Avalon has become very quiet at night.

They go to the Adventurer's Guild Hall, an empty place with bulletin boards all over, with one of the receptionists pinning the quest for the next day.

"Oh! An Adventurer," She notices Zaine and the others, their body exuding fatigue with cuts and bruises.

They discussed their journey with the receptionist. She realizes the seriousness of the news and calls the adventurers guild master to come.

With the Adventurers guild master arriving, Zaine and the others share their findings about the tower.

What lies after the 15th floor, the hidden village, forgotten memories about their families, except for one of them, how they're living, and what they had been through after the world suddenly changed.

They also explain and discuss their idea to make the place a safe stop for the adventurers to relieve their fatigue and prepare for the coming floor.

"The place will surely be useful for the adventurers. Alright, we'll announce this tomorrow, and start making our way there and construct another teleporter there." Explains the Adventurer Guild master.

They finished up their conversation and headed back towards their own homes.

"Wait up, here are your rewards for today. The information provided today is valuable. We will be waiting for future news from you guys."

{Received 300 Gold Coins}

{Party Rank Up: Rank B}

Both parties are tired and need to rest, so Zaine and his party decide to head back first.

"Zaine, I, Lancelot, have approved your strength and abilities to be in the Knights Order Guild." Declared Lancelot before he averted his gaze elsewhere.

"Hahaha, I knew you would say that!" Guin laughed at the slightly embarrassed Lancelot.

Zaine Albus and Amy walk toward his new house on the hill, feeling tired but satisfied on today's journey.

They cleaned up after themselves, and Zaine lays on his bed while looking at the Echidna Tears he acquired today.

{Would you like to use (Echidna Tears)?}

{YES / NO}

"Yes!" Zaine gently presses the button and drifts to sleep.

{Duration until digestion: 3 Days}