Chapter 32: Conditions

"Papa, wake up! Morning." Zaine felt his cheeks being rubbed by something.

Opening his eyes, he looks at the ceiling of his room, grasping the situation as he notices both of Albus's hands holding his cheeks while sitting on him.

"Another unfamiliar ceiling but a familiar feeling," Zaine mumbles.

Albus has been constantly hearing people speaking and learning how to speak. So naturally, her ability to talk has improved quite a bit.

'It seems like you have treated me like your father. Well, I guess it's true?' Zaine thought.

"Zaine, have you woken up yet? I made you breakfast. Hurry up! It's going to be cold." Amy knocked from the living room while calling out to Zaine, carrying plates of food and laying them on the dining table.

Zaine opens his bedroom door and sees Amy preparing food for them. Food of all kinds is ready there, with different colors.

"Food!" Albus cheered excitedly.

They all sit down and enjoy their meal together.

"You would make a great housewife, Amy." Zaine abruptly said to Amy while enjoying the food together.

"Wha-" Amy's face turned bright red as he realized what Zaine had said.

"Mama, the food is good!" Albus said to Amy, complementing the food.

"Mama?!" Shouted Amy.

"Hahaha..." Zaine laughed while enjoying the pleasant mood on the table.

"Are you okay, Amy? Your face is beet red. Do you have a cold?" Said Zaine while putting his hand on Amy's forehead and checking her temperature

"Uhm, no... It's fine." She goes to the kitchen to cool down before returning to her seat.

Zaine realizes what he said and gets a bit red before pretending as if nothing had happened.

They enjoy the meals with cheerful and pleasant conversation about what they will do after.

"Should we take a break today? Maybe we could explore Avalon a bit more." Zaine proposed an idea to Albus and Amy.

"Really?! I have some potential place that I have always wanted to go to." Yelled Amy while taking out a book that seemed to be her diary.

'Amy and Albus looked very excited. Has it been that long since we lay back like this?' Zaine thought to himself.

After breakfast, they left the house and explored the vast Avalon City.

They explored all over the place, on the inner layer of Avalon. They enjoyed the scenery from the top of a mountain, visiting the cathedral, sightseeing around the castle, and walking across green fields.

On the middle layer of Avalon, where most activities happen, they walk through markets filled with people enjoying street food, buying potions, and other endeavors.

Zaine decided to look for new clothing for Albus and Amy.

They enjoyed the middle layer very much, the contrast of traditional and modern technologies of both worlds colliding, creating beautiful harmony. The traditional architecture combined with electricity poles resulted in a never-to-be-seen view.

They also enjoyed modern things like visiting the cinema and eating lunch at a nearly opened restaurant providing different types of cuisine from all over the place.

On their journey, they also met with people from all over with all skin colors and cultures.

'Nowadays, the number of guards has been increasing a lot. It must have something to do with the tower's appearance and the place not being protected by a safe zone anymore.' Zaine thinks to himself.

After enjoying themselves thoroughly on the middle layer, they explored the outer layer, where a very soothing view and smell of the sea are all over the place.

They come across a fisherman and a fish market there. Amy and Zaine appreciate the scenery of the ocean, while Albus enjoys eating the various fish dishes available there.

They had so much fun until they forgot about the time. Just as they finished exploring the vast city, the sky started turning dark. They realized that they had spent the entire day walking and just now felt the fatigue of their journey.

They ate dinner at one of the seaside diners, enjoying the delectable sea fishes and creatures.

After dinner, Zaine saw that Albus's eyes had started getting drowsy.

"Did you have fun today, Albus?" Zaine looked at the already half-asleep Albus.

"Yes, papa, I had fun!" Said Albus while asking Zaine to carry him back as she slept.

The exhausted Albus fell asleep in Zaine's arms, sleeping soundly after they had fun the whole day.

"Let's go back, Amy."

Amy looked at Zaine and smiled. "Okay!"

After exploring the city, they return home, waiting for the next day to arrive.

On the way back, Zaine gazes at the tower, admiring it, and swears to conquer it together with Amy and Albus.

They returned to their home safely and ended the day as Zaine slowly went to sleep.

"It's dark here... is anyone there?"

'Help me, please... Anyone..."

"Please, -----!"

Zaine woke up in a cold sweat, remembering the dream he had.

'What just happened? Who was that.." Zaine thought to himself

Albus, who was sleeping next to him, notices the distress felt by Zaine and wakes up.

"What happened, Papa?" Albus said while rubbing her sleepy eyes.

Zaine doesn't want to make Albus worry, so he comes up with an excuse.

"It's okay, Albus. I just wanted to get some fresh air."

Zaine went outside while taking in the fresh night air in the mountains.

He sits down at the green field, and Albus joins him soon after.

Zaine notices Albus's presence.

"Albus? Can't sleep?" Ask Zaine.

"Mmm," Albus nodded.

"Papa, I'm different from the others, right... I'm a dragon just like the one we see before."

Zaine notices the worry Albus has.

"Yes... You may be different from others, but that doesn't mean it's bad. Anyone has their advantages and disadvantages. You may be a dragon, but in return, you have more strength and potential than anyone else."

"Everything in this world has a cause. That is what I believed up until now. And your existence right here is also not without cause. I'm sure you will realize this one day."

"Don't worry about what other people say, and if anyone dares to mock and bother you, just give him a punch or two."

Albus let a small laugh at his father's joke.

"And if any problems come up. I will always support you in any way possible. As your guardian. No, as your parent."

"Now go back to sleep. I will join you shortly." Said Zaine after kissing Albus's forehead.

Albus giggled while she hurried back into the house.

Zaine had a lot of things he needed to uncover. Why did the world become like this? What is Avalon? Who is the person in his dreams, and what will he do for now and in the future?

{Duration until digestion: 2 days}