Chapter Three

Blair's POV

I honestly had no idea why Lora would feel good about attending any class. For all I knew, she would rather be flirting with Rex. I should have known she was up to no good. As soon as she started reading her report, I knew I was in one hot mess. Although, I didn't know what she wrote. I knew it would be up to no good. At least, for me.

As she read the first sentence out. I knew I was doomed. That's the day Henry kissed me. But we talked about this. I knew she saw us. At least I remembered that. And I asked her not to tell anyone. I told her that I'll tell others when I'm ready. But no, no, no. She just had to say it.

Luckily, I was prepared. I know my preparation would only go so far. My report was also about the same event. But my surname started with 'D'. And I'm so damn sure that I won't be able to say my report until the next class. But I'll survive. Until then we could say I'm doomed, and that Henry has just been added to the list of people I hate.

Right after my dad's wife.

The whole class stared at me. They were all gawking at me. Well, all except Henry, who held his oh-so-cool demeanor, and Lora who was grinning from ear to ear. Stupid social prefect, hiding under her stupid social prefect post to torment me. I honestly feel like stuffing lots of papers down her throat and smacking her in the face. But I had to keep up with my reputation and played it cool.

"Mrs. Dili, care to explain that to the entire class?", Mrs. Marie asked me.

"I'd love to. But, no.", I replied calmly.

I could feel Lora burning holes into the side of my head with her eyes.

"Why? This is a stab at your reputation. Are you not aware of this?", She asked.

"This is a report, Ma'am. Myself or anybody else isn't allowed to comment openly on others' work. In another case, it could cause one's charisma to depreciate."

"And whose charisma would that be?", She asked

"The writers"

"You do realize what is at stake, don't you"

"And what would that be?"

"Your reputation!?", She replied.

I wasn't even sure if it was a question or a statement. But I'm sure that if someone wrote it down, it would have a question mark at the end.

"My reputation is perfectly fine, Mrs. Marie. Thanks for your concern.", I said, still in my seat.

"In that case, let's move on to the next person.", She said, realizing she couldn't get the words out of me.

Badmus Lana stood up and started her presentation. It was about her crush who happened to be in the class! I mean, who does that!? Apparently, she does. I admire her courage. Let's just hope that the guy doesn't reject her. She's one of my friends even though we are really different. But that's what keeps us bonded. Or maybe it's because her mom owns a restaurant where we always grab free lunches on Fridays. Either way, we are still friends and that's what matters.

The class was over soon and everyone moved to the next one. Next class, I'll be speaking first. I made my way to physics. Students were already giving me weird looks in the hallway, including those that weren't in the class with me and it wasn't even recess yet. Just how fast does news spread?

Physics went alright. We performed individual experiments and were given an assignment on electricity. This man gets more wicked each passing class. I mean, who gives their students 50 questions on a difficult topic, fully aware that they are offering ten subjects!?

When the bell went for a break, I made my way to the library after texting the girls, Arian, Anita, and Lana. Turns out everyone had plans for break already. Lana and Arian had detention and Anita had to go home. Her mom fell sick and her dad wasn't in town, so she was the next option.

I could only hope for the day to end which was weird. Normally, I never wanted school to end. It was my little safe sanctuary. I hate going back home. But today just happened to be weird for me, so...

Physics can be so annoying. How on earth in I supposed to cram more than ten formulae just to successfully understand a topic? At least I know the one for electric force and field intensity. But that still leaves about eight. Let's not forget KIL and KVL. Kirchoff just had to make two laws, didn't he?

I go through all the formulae again. I was already reading that of resistance before I felt a presence in front of me.

Oh... I'm so dead.

"Hey A", I began.

"Don't hey A me"

"I Know you are angry..." She cut off in the middle of the sentence

"Really girl? Making out with Henry? Now that's beneath you. I want an explanation."

"And you'll get one. Just, not now. But soon. I promise."


"Now back to physics, shall we? These questions won't solve themselves."

"Nerd", she taunts

"Whatever, who cares?"

"Why do you make it so hard to bring you down?"

"Maybe you are just not trying hard enough", I replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"How did you get out of detention?"

" Yh, I um... what the heck is he doing here?"

" Nice try A, you ain't getting outta this one", I replied.

" Look up you idiot,"

" What the fuck is he doing here?"

" Yeah, that's what I just said"

" No. You said what the heck is he doing here"

" It's the same thing"

" No, it's not. Heck and fvck are two different things"

" Arggggggg, you're hopeless. Whatever. Just look anywhere, but him"

We get back to studying before we get rudely interrupted. I looked up and swear between my teeth.

Henry's POV

(During English class)

As soon as Lora dropped the bombshell, I knew I was doomed. I never meant for that to go viral.

I made out with Blair.

That much was true.

Blair is a bitch.

Now that's a total lie.

I tuned into the conversation in class. Why doesn't she want to explain what happened? Maybe she doesn't really know what happened. Or maybe she didn't care. But how could she not care? She loves her reputation so much that I get jealous of it and I'm not even her boyfriend. I had more questions than answers so I decided to talk to her during break.

Break finally came. I had a lot more on my mind than Blair right now. And Physics assignment was one of them.

'Maybe I should talk to Blair later'

Try that, and she'll hate you forever

'But she already hates me'

She doesn't hate you. Don't be so dramatic

'Then why is she avoiding me'

She isn't avoiding you, you idiot

'I pretty sure she was'

I know it is weird, but my inner self and I talk a lot more than normal.


I started towards the cafeteria expecting to see Blair and her buddies. They weren't there. All of them. It was unusual. But considering her darkest secrets just got out, it's expected. At least I think it's her darkest secret. Blair is really transparent.

I think...

Whatever. I head for the library. Hopefully, she'll be there.

I started towards the library and notice Arian moving in that direction. I call out to her and hope with everything thing in me that she'll answer.

"Hey, Arian. Hold up", shout loud enough for her to hear me.

She turns back and I Know I'm in for it. The thing is, she wears her emotions on her sleeve. So she's easy to read.

"You are a monster, you know that?!", She screams.

Well, she's angry. There goes asking her for assistance with Blair.

"And you think I don't know that?", I reply without a second thought.

"Pathetic", she breathes out. "What the fuck do you want?"

"I need your help", I say pleadingly.

"You've got the wrong candidate for that", she spits angrily and walks off into the library. At least, now I'm sure Blair is in the library. I'll just give her some time to cool off with Arian before I go in.

"Hey baby", I heard from behind me. The voice is enough to make me puke.

"What do you want Lora?", I ask through gritted teeth.

"I didn't see you in the cafeteria, so I figured I'd look for you."

"We both know that's not why you're here. Spit it, or fuck off", I replied with anger lacing my every word.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm here to propose a deal.", She says as she crosses her arms across her chest.

"And why would I be interested?" I try to keep my voice calm. I just might need her help if things didn't play out well with Blair.

"Don't be so naive. The only reason you are standing here is to apologize to Blair. And the only way she'll forgive you is if I get to take it back. But I won't. Not without something in return.", She says like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"How do you intend to do that?"

"Leave that to me"

"What I'm I giving you in return?"

"I haven't decided yet"

"What's the assurance that you'll live up to the deal", I asked, feeling a little defeated.

"There's none. Are you in or out?", She asks knowing I'm almost desperate.

"Go fuck yourself"

With that, she walks off and I head for the library. I just hope Blair isn't in a really foul mood.

As soon as I entered the library, I spot Arian and Blair. I head over to their table and just as Blair looks up I could have sworn I heard her cuss.

There goes her good mood...