Chapter Two

Blair's POV

I A's on my tests. My Geography was a walk over and I'm pretty sure my Physics went above average. 

I, like every other student, hate physics. The teacher is simply a bag of moving monotonous being, who speaks words that can't be understood. 

I have to wonder how Henry passes his Physics. Although I'm a straight-A student, my grade in physics is usually 71%. Henry usually gets about 83% and above. 

Not that I'm jealous...

Maybe a bit jealous...

Fineeee, I really am jealous

'see that didn't hurt'


Tests aside. My life was a miserable hell today. 

Lora and her bitches won't let me be. I don't know why they keep calling me the most popular girl in school. Not that I'm complaining or anything. But I'm gonna be honest. She's the most popular. Everyone knows me for my academic performance. Everyone knows her for who she really is. She may be the school slut and all, but she's still the most popular. I'm just the head girl and Henry is the head boy. And hence, the reason why Lora hates me. 

She thinks I'm a competition with Henry. 

I don't even like him completely as a friend yet. 

'Really? You could tell him that?'

Duh! Yes, I could.

'So, you don't like him?'

Of course not

'Then explain the mental break a few days ago'

FINE!!! I may or may not like him

'May or may not?! Seriously?! You are hopeless'.

And... I'm arguing with myself again.

Stupid conscience.

Yes, he's handsome, tall, well built, and a bunch of other stuff I never thought I'll acknowledge in a guy. He is still a guy and for that, I'll forever be allergic to him in a way or till I get over it. Plus, I can never forget what he did to me.

Brushing all my thoughts aside I try to sleep. Tomorrow is gonna be the beginning of a long weekend. Dad is gonna be back later tonight and I don't want to be awake. Mom already came by today. If I make any mistake around dad he is gonna make me realize how much my mom is controlling my life from her village. Something I'd rather not think about.

I feel myself begin to drift asleep. I'm really scared. The physical nightmares are going and the mind is about to begin. Although I'm sleeping, I'm very much conscious of my environment. It's like being unconscious. It's the same repeat as yesterday and as always.

I suddenly jolt awake lying on the floor.

Honestly, sometimes I feel someone pushes down

Dad is saying his ridiculous prayers and I fall asleep to the sound of the crickets.

Tomorrow is gonna come soon with all the terror a weekend can bring...

Henry's POV

I wake up to the blaring sound of my alarm. Damn, I should change that thing. Well, I changed it last month and the month before, but it still has an annoying sound. Alarms are supposed to sound nice, like a lullaby. Though a lullaby makes people sleep more, still...

As make my way to the bathroom to get prepared for school, I hit my head on the door frame and mutter curses at who-knows-what.

I grumpily had my bath and went downstairs for breakfast.

Mom made my favorite. Baked eggs and soup-style noodles. Considering it's an easy meal to make, it's what I eat most mornings. Mom's always busy with work, so I have to cook my meals most of the time. Even when she's around, she still cooks the same thing I would have cooked when she wasn't, so for dinner, we usually order our meals.

Dad always travels for business out of the country. I wonder why he still leaves mom and me here. He practically only comes home once a year and that's for Christmas. He doesn't even come home for my birthday.

Whenever I ask him if I can come with him, he looks uncomfortable and I eventually drop the topic.

Once, when I was in my second year of senior school, I asked mom to take me to see dad. She looked scared. She knelt and made me promise never to ask her that again. 

I'm sure dad forgot to name me Alex. Like the dude from the movie "home alone".

After I finished my meal, I drove to school. Being a Nigerian, you have to be eighteen before you can drive. So dad took me out of the country when I was 13 to learn how to drive and I got my driver's license.

I don't know how he did it and I don't care. Although, I didn't exactly start driving until I clocked 18. Now I'm in my final year of high school. 

Hopefully, I'll get a scholarship to go to college abroad, because left to my dad, I'll gain admission into UI

Don't get me wrong. It's an awesome school, but I just want my parents completely out of my hair and don't seem to understand why they want me to study in Nigeria. I'm pretty sure that if they had their way, they will chain me down in this country till I die.

Once I park in the school's parking lot, girls and guys turn their heads to look in my direction. The girls are drooling and the guys are glaring daggers at me. All the girls in this school love me. 

Well, that's all minus Blair. Even her bestie, Arian, loves me. 

Blair's like the most popular girl in school. She is really beautiful and has long hair. She's well known for her intelligence and a lot of people are jealous of her. She's a scholarship student, but somehow, she maintains her GPA without turning into a complete nerd, and trust me when I tell you that there are a lot of nerds in Williston High; all of which are scholarship students.

She has a no-boyfriend history that practically all the senior guys are trying hard to change; all senior guys including. I've never made any real attempt though. I prefer to keep things light between us... except for that one time.

She's the senior girl and I'm the senior boy. So if I mess things up between us, it's gonna be really awkward... which is why I'm such an idiot.

Today, English is my first period. Blair and I are having the class together since we are in the same department, although sometimes she has history during this period. I have no idea why she picked history as her stray subject. And when I asked her she said it was the best option when food and nutrition, fishery, and animal husbandry were the other options. I went with animal husbandry since it was related to agricultural science. But she is a geography student unlike me.

Just as I walked into the class, Mrs. Marie, our English teacher entered. She gave us a ridiculous topic to work on. She asked us to pick a random date from our diary and elaborate on it since diaries were always summaries. She said that was going to be what we discussed today and it covers half of our C.A. scores.

Honestly, I was looking forward to it. A chance to see what goes on inside people's heads.

"Good morning class", Mrs. Marie began.

"We are going to begin with your assignment. If we can't complete them today, we'll continue tomorrow".

"Now come out according to your register number and read out what you have for us"

The first person was Abby Lora. Great now let the revelations begin

Lora's POV

Finally, a chance to give people a piece of my mind without getting detention for it.

"18 May 2021.", I began reading, well there's no turning back now

"The day I realized that Blair is a bitch. On that faithful Friday, she had a competition to attend with the senior boy of Williston High. I followed as the social prefect and I saw what I never believed our dear ole senior girl would do.", I paused for a dramatic flair.

"Making out with our dear senior boy, Henry. This goes against the school's students handbook."

"I knew that eventually, the news would come out. And as the social prefect, I wanted to be able to prove it to be either wrong or right. So I took a picture."

Everyone watched in utter silence as I connected my phone to the class television and displayed the picture. The one thing I knew for sure would ruin Blair's reputation since she has a stupid profile she's trying to maintain.

She cares about her reputation so much that she wouldn't sneeze into the air. 


Now let's see what's left of her reputation now.

I made my way to my seat. Now I'll definitely put her in her place. I flip my hair over my shoulders as I make my way back to my seat.