01| Regret

"Deep in heart there was always a pain pinning you every moment"



Heart-Wrenching Regret


The girl pleaded desperately, crying out, "No! Please... Stop! Please, stop! Just listen to me once. Don't do this to me. I don't deserve it... Please!" However, the guy ignored her, acting as if he couldn't hear her screams. The strong wind intensified, causing her hair to whip around fiercely as she knelt on the ground. Her gaze remained fixed on the guy who was disregarding her and walking away towards his car.

They were standing at the top of a mountain, with a dark abyss behind her and the guy leaving her alone in front.

She felt utterly alone. In her despair, she cried out, hoping he would listen, begging him to stop. But he remained unmoved, feigning deafness.

She cried uncontrollably, but after a while, she stopped. Her eyes, devoid of hope, reflected a profound emptiness. She sat quietly, her shattered spirit evident.

As soon as she ceased crying, the guy approached her to help her get to the car. But as he took a step forward, he was taken aback by her sudden reaction.

Suddenly, without warning, the girl sprang to her feet. Her sudden reaction froze the guy in his tracks, and she locked eyes with him, studying him intently from within. A sad smile played upon her lips, and just as quickly, she turned and fled.

The guy couldn't comprehend what was happening, but he immediately understood everything and he frantically chased after her, calling out her name, but she appeared deaf to his pleas. With tears streaming down her face, she ran with abandon, her hair billowing behind her. She could still hear the guy's cries, but it was too late for him now.

In a split second, she leaped high into the air, closing her eyes tightly, fully aware of what awaited her. She plummeted rapidly, and within minutes, she lost consciousness.

The guy screamed her name, his voice filled with anguish, but it was too late. He crumbled to the ground, his body trembling uncontrollably. His breath came in erratic bursts as shock gripped him. Initially, his face showed no emotion or reaction; he seemed lifeless. But after a moment, tears welled up in his eyes, and he cried out, consumed by guilt and self-blame.

Yet, there was no one there to witness his anguish, no one to console him or understand his pain. He was left alone on that dark, ominous mountain.

He remained in shock for hours on the mountain, unaware of the passing time. His senses returned when an eagle screeched above his head, flying northward. Only then did he notice that the sun was shining weakly.

Although he was physically present, his whole being felt different. His eyes were bloodshot, his hair disheveled, and his clothes torn. He took a deep breath, struggling to regain his composure after hours of relentless tears. He wiped away his tears with his hand and rose from the ground, the same spot where he had been sitting all night. As he tried to stand, his feet felt numb and unsteady, causing him to stumble and fall. His feet were frozen.

He made another attempt and managed to regain his balance. His gaze remained fixed on the abyss, half-expecting her to return. But it was only wishful thinking-she couldn't come back now; she had reached the point of no return.

With great effort, he forced himself to come back to the present and walked toward his car, which had been left with the door open since the previous night. He sat in the driver's seat, closed the door, and leaned his head back against the seat, tightly shutting his eyes. A solitary tear escaped, trailing down his cheek and neck. He couldn't suppress his regret and sorrow, feeling helpless and incapable of changing anything. He felt like a living corpse, haunted by thoughts of her.

After crying for a while, he tried to regain control of his thoughts. With a heavy heart, he gripped the steering wheel and started the car. The engine, having been idle in the cold, required a push to start, but soon it began running smoothly. He turned the car away from the abyss and onto the road, his heart throbbing with pain. The images from the previous night played relentlessly in his mind.

He drove slowly, struggling to concentrate on the road, until he reached his home. The gatekeeper opened the gate for him, his face reflecting surprise, confusion, and curiosity. He couldn't comprehend why the guy hadn't returned the previous night, and now he was back early in the morning, disheveled and unkempt. However, he didn't dare ask any questions; he silently observing the man's haggard state.

Without properly parking the car, he hastily opened the door and rushed inside, leaving the car door open. He ascended the stairs, skipping every other step, covering the distance in seconds.

Various servants crossed his path, but he paid them no attention. He was focused solely on reaching his room.

The servants were bewildered and shocked by his behavior. He had always been meticulous, desiring everything to be in order and completing tasks without leaving anything unfinished. Now, his actions contradicted his usual behavior.

He arrived at his room, opened the door, stepped inside, and immediately closed it behind him, as if unwilling to waste any more time. He stood at the door with his back to it, his gaze fixed upon the room-a luxurious space filled with all the amenities one could dream of, a haven of comfort. But his eyes appeared vacant, lacking any sign of life. They were directed toward the room but focused on nothing.

He stood motionless for five agonizing minutes before finally straightening his posture, as if a decision had been made. Wasting no more time, he hurriedly made his way to the bathroom, each step a deliberate and resolute action.

The conclusion he had reached played out in his mind. With a heavy heart and a troubled mind, he stepped into the bathroom, closing the door behind him, ready to face what lay ahead.


(Writer's note:

Hi guys!! Welcoming you in my mind-blowing story. I hope you enjoy it and can imagine the pain of the guy.

Hey guys, what do you think about the conclusion the guy made?? What he was gonna do in the bathroom?? Is his thoughts stable or he was taking action in anger??

Let me know about your thoughts..

But don't forget to encourage me with your #like #share #comment #follow and #vote so I can stay motivated to write more.

Waiting for you in the next chapter...

Till then take care)