02| Suicide

"Sometimes things get worst then our thoughts "



Suicide attempt


(Note: This chapter contain suicidal thoughts and suicidal attempt )

He went straight into the bathroom, knowing exactly what he wanted to do. Opening the door, he stepped inside and saw a big mirror and a sink. There were cupboards in front of him, neatly holding his clothes and shoes. Through another door, there was a shower and toilet area.

He stood in front of the mirror and turned on the tap to fill the sink. While it was filling, he rested his hands on the sink and looked at his reflection in the water. His reflection appeared shaky, just like he felt inside. He looked messy, with messy hair and a dirty face. Even though he looked a mess, he couldn't stop staring at himself in the water. Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice the water overflowing and spilling onto the floor and his feet.

When he realized the water was about to flood the bathroom, he quickly turned off the tap. In those few seconds, he saw his reflection clearly and felt even more miserable. He compared his life to the transparent water, feeling like he was nothing. He stood there, frozen, until he felt the water on his hands. Something made him dip his face into the water, covering his eyes, nose, and mouth. He didn't take his face out and endured the pain, punishing himself for feeling worthless.

Bubbles escaped from his submerged face as he exhaled, and they multiplied rapidly. Sensing his end drawing near, he was ready to face his punishment. He kept his face submerged, reliving the events of the previous night. He witnessed the girl who had pleaded with him, her tears, and her tragic demise. As he remembered her fate, he felt his breath fading away, his entire being approaching its end. With his eyes tightly shut, he braced himself for the consequences. He can't bear the pain anymore and lift his face out of the water.

Gasping for air, he placed a hand on his chest, assuring himself that he was still alive and able to breathe. He took deep breaths for a few minutes, gradually calming down and feeling a bit more like himself again.

Once he regained a sense of normalcy, he absentmindedly caught sight of his reflection in the mirror. In that moment, the whole scene seemed to shift within the mirror. Startled, he let out a cry and impulsively struck the mirror with his right fist, shattering it into pieces. His hand was now bleeding and in pain from the impact, blood droplets falling to the ground. Tears streamed down his face, and he cried out loudly, much like a vulnerable child crying for a lost toy. Slowly, he slid down to the floor.

The sound of his cries reached the ears of the servants outside his room, but none of them dared to approach or console him. He continued to cry for a quarter of an hour, his sobs eventually turning into hiccups. In his mentally unstable state, he was unaware of the servants' presence and didn't consider what they might think. He was overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next.

Still weeping, he noticed a piece of glass from the shattered mirror. Wiping away his tears, he picked it up and made his way back to his room, where he sat on the bed. Raising his left arm, he held the sharp edge of the glass against his wrist with his right hand. He stared intently at his hand, contemplating whether to carry out his self-inflicted punishment. Blaming himself for everything that had transpired, he disregarded the facts and fixated on his guilt. Confused and torn, he made an initial attempt to cut his wrist but quickly withdrew his hand, saving himself from the pain.

Be knownst to him, the servants had been standing outside his door since the moment he started crying, their curiosity piqued by the unusual sounds coming from within.

Remaining seated on his bed, his mind shattered and overwhelmed, he felt a mental explosion. His thoughts were relentless, refusing to leave his consciousness.

He throw the glass shard onto the bed in frustration and began tugging at his hair with both hands, pulling at it violently. If anyone had witnessed him at that moment, they would have concluded him mad or mentally unstable. In a sudden burst, he seized the glass shard and, without further hesitation, sliced his wrist.

Within seconds, his wrist and hand were drenched in blood, which also pooled on the floor, creating a small crimson puddle. Collapsing onto the bed, his hand still bleeding, he could feel the pain but shed no tears. Instead, a small smile formed on his lips as he whispered softly, "I'm sorry for what I've done. Now I've given myself the punishment I deserve, and soon I will join you to seek your forgiveness." He repeated these words, his lips curled in a melancholic smile.

As he finished speaking, his consciousness faded away, and he couldn't recall anything further. He felt himself descending into the darkest depths of death, a place of no return, where everyone must eventually go and where everything comes to an end.

His hand slipped a little further toward the ground, blood still flowing. The servants stood outside his door, unaware of the tragedy that had just unfolded. They were unprepared for the sorrow that had already taken place and the irreversible outcome it entailed.


(Writer's note:

Good to see you guys!!

Hope you like the chapter, please don't forget to encourage and support me with your like, comment and do follow for further updates...

See you guy's in the next chapter, till then don't forget to take care of your self and

meet me soon in the next chapter, bye bye)