03| Reborn awake

"Surprise is what of you never thought"



Confusing hospital awakening


Mr. Arthur found himself in a hospital room, surrounded by unfamiliar surroundings. He looked up at the white ceiling, realizing that it was different from his own room. Confusion washed over him as he tried to comprehend how he had ended up here.

Lost in his thoughts, he suddenly heard a soft voice piercing through the air. "Oh! You're finally awake. But why are you sweating so much?" The voice belonged to a nurse in her white uniform, who was approaching his bed. Unconsciously, he tried to retreat, but his weakness prevented him from doing so. He closed his eyes tightly, feeling a childlike fear akin to being scolded by a teacher.

In the next moment, he felt something touching his forehead and quickly opened his eyes. He saw the nurse wiping away his sweat with a tissue. It made him feel a bit awkward, but he chose not to say anything. The nurse continued to clean his face, neck, and hands, causing him some irritation, but he endured it in silence. Once she finished, she stepped back, and he felt a sense of relief.

At that moment, the doctor entered the room, exclaiming, "Oh, great! You're awake!" He approached Mr. Arthur's bed with a smile. Mr. Arthur didn't say anything but responded with a brief smile.

"How are you feeling now, Mr. Arthur?" the doctor inquired, examining him closely.

"Fine," Mr. Arthur replied curtly. He couldn't recall how he had ended up in the hospital or what had happened to him.

"That's good to hear," the doctor said, then turned to the nurse who had been standing behind him, observing their conversation. "Please administer the prescribed injection," the doctor instructed her.

She nodded in agreement and retrieved a prepared injection from the tray. Moving closer, she injected it into Mr. Arthur's arm and pushed the plunger gently. Once she was finished, she stepped back, creating space for the doctor to approach.

Mr. Arthur had decided to clear up his confusion and asked the doctor directly, "Why am I here, doctor? What exactly happened to me? And who brought me here?" He posed all of his questions at once.

The doctor appeared puzzled by his questions, concerned that Mr. Arthur might have lost his memory. Mr. Arthur, now confused by the doctor's response, attempted to sit up, with the doctor's assistance. His gaze fell upon the bandage on his wrist and the thin tube connected to his hand, delivering blood from a glucose bottle through a drip. Seeing these, he remembered everything—the state of his mind, how he had ended up in his room, and the last words he had spoken and heard. He took a deep breath, feeling a mix of emotions, and yet he remained perplexed about who had brought him to the hospital since he had been alone in his room.

While lost in his thoughts, the doctor watched him, hoping that he would regain his memories. The doctor observed Mr. Arthur's deep breath and silence, and unable to wait any longer, he asked "do you remembered anything?"

Mr. Arthur became confused by the doctor's response, realizing that he had forgotten about their presence. It took him a few seconds to process the question, and once he understood, he felt a bit awkward, simply nodding in response.

Relieved by Mr. Arthur's nod, the doctor became reassured that his memory was intact. However, Mr. Arthur couldn't contain his confusion any longer and asked the doctor directly, "Who brought me here?" The question continued to perplex him. Though he felt somewhat uncomfortable in front of the doctor and nurse, he could no longer suppress his curiosity.

"Oh! I apologize. I forgot to inform them of your awakening. Wait, I'll bring them in. They had gone to the pharmacy to collect your prescribed medication. When they return, you'll be able to see for yourself," the doctor replied. Sensing Mr. Arthur's discomfort, he signaled the nurse and led them out of the room, granting Mr. Arthur some space.

As they left, Mr. Arthur let out a sigh of relief, leaning his head back against the wall. He closed his eyes, seeking a moment of relaxation, feeling acutely aware of his weakness.

With his eyes closed, he continued to ponder the identity of the person who had brought him to the hospital. He knew well that none of his servants would dare to enter his room without permission, and there were no visitors who could have come so early in the morning. These thoughts left him perplexed, but he was determined to find answers while awaiting the arrival of his mysterious savior. Lost in his contemplation, he suddenly heard footsteps in the corridor, stopping outside his door. He adjusted himself into a more upright position, as he had slid down a bit. His eyes were fixed on the door, eagerly anticipating the entrance of the person he longed to see.

The door creaked open, and someone entered the room. As soon as Mr. Arthur's eyes met the person's face, he was overcome with shock...


(Writer's note:

Welcome back, everyone!

How did you find this chapter? Was it enjoyable, or did it feel a bit dull? Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts. Your comments play a positive role in helping me correct any mistakes I may have made, and I would be truly grateful for your feedback.

Now, let's move on to the next chapter.)