04| Unexpected visitor

"Unexpected things can also be termed as friends"



Tragic mystery unveiled


The door slowly creaked open, and a figure entered the room, causing Mr. Arthur's eyes to widen in disbelief. It was none other than his long-time friend, Henry. As Henry stepped in, he noticed the shift in Arthur's expression from shock to relief, prompting a soft smile to appear on his own face.

"Thank goodness you're awake! I was starting to think I'd have to set up my entire office here and wait for you to wake up," Henry exclaimed in a friendly tone, playfully expressing his annoyance.

Arthur finally managed a smile, grateful for someone who could bring joy to his life. Henry knew exactly how to make him smile when no one else could.

"You're the mastermind behind all this, aren't you?" Arthur said, no longer feeling any embarrassment or hesitance in front of his friend. He knew that Henry was well aware of his condition.

"Who else would dare enter your room without permission?" Henry replied proudly.

Arthur chuckled and said, "But how did you end up here? Isn't it your work time?"

"Forget work time! Do you know what time it is?" Henry asked, inspecting Arthur's puzzled expression.

Arthur was taken aback. He hadn't even realized the passage of time. He glanced around for a clock and spotted one on the left wall, displaying half-past midnight. A shocked sound escaped his lips as he turned back to Henry, who sat on a nearby chair, his face cupped in his hands.

Raising an eyebrow, Arthur questioned, "Do you think it's an appropriate time to be at work?"

"Oh, sorry. I lost track of time," Arthur apologized, realizing his mistake.

"You better be sorry! I've been waiting for your awakening since morning, and you wake up now. Do you know how many important meetings I had to cancel because of you?" Henry mockingly scolded, his feigned anger unable to hide the genuine concern he held for his friend.

"Oh, come on. I know you're the only one who would be genuinely worried about me in this situation," Arthur said, fully aware that Henry was trying to hide his care and concern behind his playful facade.

"It's not like that," Henry replied, although his words contradicted his expression.

"By the way, what exactly happened? I don't remember anything. How did you end up here? Who informed you?" Arthur inquired, seeking answers to his hazy memories.

Henry began to recount the events leading up to Arthur's current state, shedding light on the unexpected turn their day took.

Note: This scene contains elements of a suicidal attempt.


At time of Arthur's Suicide Attempt


Henry drove his car joyfully, his mind filled with thoughts of spending a fun-filled day with Arthur. He had decided to surprise him and enjoy the entire day together. As he approached Arthur's house, it was almost half-past eight in the morning. Knowing Arthur's punctuality, Henry planned to catch him before he left for work at ten. He was certain that once Arthur left for the office, it would be impossible to convince him to take a break.

With a smile on his face, Henry reached Arthur's house and beeped his car horn, signaling the gatekeeper of his arrival. The gatekeeper recognized Henry's car and hurriedly opened the gate. Henry parked his car in the porch and stepped out, exchanging pleasantries with the gatekeeper.

Everyone in the house was familiar with Henry's friendly nature, and he had a good rapport with the staff.

Curiosity filled Henry as he noticed the gatekeeper's confused expression. Sensing something amiss, he directly asked, "What's wrong? You look worried"

The gatekeeper hesitated for a moment but, encouraged by Henry's assurance, decided to share his concerns. "Sir, something unusual happened yesterday. Sir Arthur didn't return home, and when he came back early this morning, he seemed disturbed. I'm really worried about him. He's never been like this before."

Henry was taken aback by the gatekeeper's words, realizing he couldn't lie. "Don't worry, I'll check on him," he reassured the gatekeeper, though inwardly feeling concerned about the situation. As he entered the house, various thoughts raced through his mind.

Initially, Henry didn't pay attention to his surroundings. However, as he ascended the stairs, he noticed the absence of any servants. In the past, there would always be at least one servant to greet him, but today, the usual presence was conspicuously absent. A sense of unease washed over Henry as he began to suspect that something was wrong.

Driven by worry for Arthur, Henry rushed up the stairs, skipping steps along the way. Upon reaching the top, he discovered all the servants gathered outside Arthur's room, straining to hear any sound from within. Henry hurriedly approached them, his concern evident in his voice, "What's going on? Why are you all standing here?"

"Oh, sir! Thank goodness you're here. We've been worried about Mr. Arthur. As soon as he returned, he locked himself in his room, and we heard the sound of glass shattering and his cries. We were too afraid to enter, and it's been more than fifteen minutes since we heard anything. Now, there's complete silence," one of the servants explained, their worry palpable.

"Why didn't you inform me earlier?" Henry demanded, not waiting for an answer as he swiftly approached the door. He knocked, desperately calling out, "Arthur, can you hear me? Open the door!" Henry pounded on the door, but there was no response, sending his heart racing.

With each unanswered call, Henry's desperation grew. He couldn't bear the uncertainty any longer and started trying to break down the door, his actions driven by sheer determination. He needed to get inside, to see what had transpired and why Arthur wasn't responding.


(Writer's note:

Are you looking forward to the next chapter? Stay tuned for more!)