Armed with two silver swords, Wentfort went down.
He killed everyone who was in his cells.
"Martensson, B." For some reason, the door is moving away, at least quite a bit, but it's strange...
The cell is empty. But there are no traces of ashes here, so the vampire could not have burned.
A torn curtain from his office hangs from the edge of the hatch.
Wentworth kicks the door crazily.
— And what is it? I can't even entrust security to deer like you anymore! Yes, there is more brain in deer...—
An enraged scream.
The heads of two pumped-up men fall to the floor covered with stone chips and crumbling earth.
The smell of blood permeates the air, but Karsten caught something in it...
Olga swung the blade, turning the corner.
No one.
—Give me the blade, or you'll hurt someone...—Christophe said softly.— You're waving them too fast...—
— No!—something on the ropes almost fell on them.
Olga raised the cleaver and began stabbing nonstop with wild screams.
— Hey, hey, ruined the ballast, hysterical!—Maria jumped off the sandbag.— Come down already, guys!— she called softly.— Without unnecessary sounds only, otherwise someone is not far away...—
Stefan, Bjorn, Friedrich carefully jumped down the rope.
— Eeeeeh... How long have you been sitting here?—Olga asked.
— Well... Do you have a watch? I don't have one, so I don't know...—the vampire said, brushing herself off.— Well, it's time to look for the bastard, then into the light! As long as it's not daytime only...—
The slashing caresses of the sword stop this annoying blinking.
— That's better.—Christophe smiled, glinting in the dark with the luminous eyes of a noctolope, like a cat's.
— I'm shocked every time.—Maria said with admiration.
Thanks to the efforts of the strong hands of Bjorn Vegard and Kristof, everyone now had a weapon, someone even had two, pipes, pieces of metal, a few stones in everyone's pocket, if the situation was really bad. Stones of an incomprehensible rock crumble quite well, at the right moment it can dazzle quite well.
Maria looked around and sniffed.
— Red clay!— she said in a whisper.— We can put it on and then we will become invisible to the werewolves! It will completely hide the smell! —
— No, don't...Olga said.— Let them smell and fear our arrival...—
Waving a pipe in the dark.
Someone else from the bellhops fell down.
Wentworth sensed that someone was very close now. Some of them...
They were hiding on the ballasts, very quickly They noticed this system on which the lighting is attached.
There are a lot of guards, but, as he remembered, Olga's patience in revenge plans can be simply royal. She is very sophisticated.
— Mr. Karsten, what are your orders?—One of the guards asked.
— Shoot at the ceiling! —
Bullets whistled, the ceiling sparkled, a couple of charges ricocheted against the walls.
Olga smiled like a dog, she sensed fear now. At least a little, but he began to creep into this formation of jocks.
The shots were very close for a second.
Olga jumped down from the last bag to the floor. The wolf found the remote control from the door quickly even in the dark.
Creaking, the doors came together and left everyone in the dark.
Maria doubted her sanity for a second.
Somewhere in the back of her mind, a faceless voice ordered her:
— Strike to the left! —
Wentfort heard footsteps behind him. It was like a hallucination.
There was no one behind him, but the sound could be heard.
— Karsten, stop!—it's Christoph Janssen.
Wentforth pulls out the sword he removed earlier.
— Maybe I need to blame the wrong converted puppy, but you? Maybe you led Olga astray?—blades intersect, sparkle in the darkness.
Rust flies into the air, sparks bright as a lantern.
—Wentfort!—a familiar voice called.— You have to fight with me!—
Creaking, the doors to the street slowly open.
Christophe slips and barely manages to parry. The pressure of the swords is pressing very close to his shoulder.
Finn finally removed one hand to the side and reached into his pocket for a stone.
The projectile, fired from such a close distance, blinded, gave the gray-haired man a head start to move away to the side.
— Battle position!—Blindly, Wentworth took out a walkie—talkie and shouted into it.
Olga jumped off the roof.
They found their weapons while Christophe was distracting Wentfort, and they were ready.
Maria threw Christophe a sheathed axe.
— Well, hello, Wentworth... You have a score to settle with me, not with them... Although they are my friends and family, but the duel will be only between us... One on one.—Olga thrust her sword forward.
— Don't... Don't fight... After all, you and I can screw everything up like before... You don't want to leave...—There was pain in Karsten's eyes.
—Do you think I want to go back to hell? I'll send you to hell for all this and there will be no way out, you freak! One on one! Attack!—Olga shouted.
— Go through them first...—Wentworth looked around.
Reinforcements were not long in coming. Everything is here now.
Olga struck a pose.
The moments while she caught her breath seemed to stretch into eternity.
And it was a little lucky that the others didn't have anything firearms.
The company began to embrace this gathering in a ring, it seemed to suffocate everyone.
Olga noticed only now, up close, that her daughter, Stefan and Bjorn were smeared with red clay.
She seems to be good at saving vampires from the sun.
Bjorn got hit in the back and froze for a second. Maria saw this and almost forgot about the fight. She twisted the head of one of Wentworth's henchmen and knocked down several others with the same head.
Hands and whole body were burning with desire, all the cells of body were eager to hurt someone. Pain...
Pain... like a maniac, the vampire essence awakens and takes its toll.
Someone whispers in her head.
Maria continued to swing the sword, but in addition, the fangs began to lengthen.
— Running!— Olga literally began to pierce the crowd with herself, clearing the way, cutting off one head after another.
Blood is everywhere, sometimes puddles make it difficult to run.
Bodies fell like the aftermath of a massacre.
Death, coming through the tubes, followed Wentforth.
Olga ran to the cliff, looked around. Her heart was beating like crazy.
She threw down a couple of wolves, everything inside trembled.
—Wentfort!— she called.— I will haunt you all my life, I will never give up trying to kill you! —
— You liked this life. I know you love pain. That's why I chose you. It's you...— majestically, with his royal article, her ex-husband slowly drove up to her on a huge bear.
— I don't like slavery. My brother has been looking for you for a long time and it is not known which of us was running from whom. Get off the beast, monster, and we'll fight fair.— having passed the sword over the stone, Olga looked at the sky.
Time seemed to stretch out again.
The sword of Wentfort Karsten was three times larger, but Olga's weapon remembers not such blades.
Ducking, the wolf parried the blow, causing sparks from the two touching metals.
It seemed that swords were harder than stone.
A wave, a whistle, that whistle again.
Olga swings, the blow of her ex-husband hits her shoulder hard.
The redhead screams at the top of her voice, the sword scrapes on the shoulder bone. A nasty creak makes her shudder.